《Axis:Legacy》Chapter 19: The Date
Thomas waited at the Train Station near Axis Academy itself nervously tapping his foot on the floor. While it isn’t his first time on a date, he’s had his fair share of dates with other women before his enrolment into the Academy, but he was very much anxious given the fact that he was very much interested in Lissa so he had some concerns about it.
He looked at his reflection on a glass pane one more time to ease his tension at his reflection, which is one of the very few days where he can go on a date (and the fact it was Lissa that asked him out) he made sure to look his best. He sported a dark purple long-sleeved shirt worn underneath a black sweater to match with his dark blue jeans and shoes. It was a simple and casual outfit fit for the weather especially since they’re now in the middle of autumn.
For a moment he smiled at himself reassuringly as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, only to frown as in he recalled Lissa’s words.
You are a Rival someone I wish to surpass.
“Come to think of it, the only reason she’s probably doing this is out of pity or just to make sure I stay in good condition. Like hell, she’d actually consider helping me now, if I give up that would piss her off since I barely gave her a challenge.” Thomas muttered to himself as he rubbed his face for a moment and then gave himself a sardonic laugh as he looked at his reflection once more taking notice of the dark circles around his eyes even more.
Of course, it all makes sense now. She’s just making sure that her rival wouldn’t lose the challenge. Thomas thought giving himself a sardonic smile, but it immediately faded as he spotted Lissa’s reflection nearby.
“Oh hey, I just got…here.” Thomas trailed burying his hands on his pockets as he looked at Lissa’s choice of outfit. She wore a light gold long-sleeved dress shirt worn underneath a light beige cardigan that matched her white skirt and shoes, it was also worth noticing that she put her hair down and instead wore her Axian braided cord in a form of a ribbon.
Even if it was just to make sure he was fine, Lissa went all out on her outfit which amazed Thomas that he almost forgot the idea that she only sees him as a rival for a brief moment.
“You don’t have to stare,” Lissa said avoiding his gaze as her face turned red.
“Sorry, it’s the first time I get to see you in a casual outfit that I can’t help but find you beautiful.” Thomas pointed out with a shrug and then looked at her and offered his hand. “Right so where to?”
Meanwhile, Stalker Duo 1, nicknamed ‘Ghillies’ for their preference for Ghillie Suits, also known as Louis and Ester hunched nearby with binoculars, ignoring the fact that both of them are attracting stares from other people.
“Oh my, holding hands already? Kinky.” Ester muttered under her breath as she pulled out a large camera and began taking shots.
“At least one of them is being aggressive instead of just blue balling us,” Louis said as he peered through a set of large binoculars. Their first stop, to the Cinema. Lissa wanted to watch a romance movie something that she can’t ever admit watching.
“I never pegged you the type to watch Romance Movies.” Thomas crossed his arms and gave her a teasing smile. “Hey, I watch Drama series as well in the common room.” Lissa said with a small pout as the two looked at the Movie which was a Live-Action Adaptation of ‘Lady Immaculate and Lord Scholar’ and it was obvious from the look in Lissa’s eyes she was very much excited to watch the movie. Thomas shook his head in mild amusement and went to the ticket booth.
“Two Front Row Tickets for Lady Immaculate and Lord Scholar please,” Thomas said with an amused smile while Lissa gave her a surprised look.
“Acknowledge—” The Cashier by the Ticket Booth, who appeared too short to be a worker paused as her eyes widened in surprise for a brief moment and then cleared her throat and face them “—yes, that will be Ten Thrones please.”
For a moment, Thomas and Lissa exchanged suspicious looks at one another. Did she just try and add a Preface just like Nina? Unfortunately, the idea went past their heads as they took the front row tickets and moved on with a shrug. As soon as they were gone, the Cashier let out a sigh of relief and pulled out a radio and contacted the others as she ran out of the Cashier Booth.
“Announcement: Both subjects have bought tickets for Lady Immaculate and Lord Scholar for two,” Nina said through the Radio.
“On my way, get changed already,” Oscar replied as he walked past her in his casual outfit which was just a plain green shirt and jeans. “Also you do know you almost blew your cover right?”
Both Oscar and Nina were reluctantly dragged by the others as Stalker Duo 2, nicknamed the Bugs for their utilization for their surveillance equipment courtesy of Oscar. As such, they snuck into the staff to observe them after being informed by The Ghillies to follow them inside.
“Go fuck yourself.” Nina glared at him.
“Do it yourself coward.” Oscar simply shrugged.
“So there’s a sequel for that huh,” Lissa said in mild disappointment as she and Thomas made their way out of the Cinema. “I haven’t seen the Drama Series yet, I take it was to be ended later on?” Thomas asked her in a confused look.
“Yes!” Lissa said with an angry look on her face. “It was supposed to end when Lady Valentine and Lord Knight have finally accepted their feelings and share a sweet dance at the Winter Ball!”
“Huh, that’s definitely far from the Film in that case,” Thomas muttered, as the movie itself ended with Lord Night coming to the realization that Lady Valentia will never accept his feelings and moves on…literally on the moment she realizes her feelings for him.
“So where to now?” Thomas asked as they wandered around the Park, it was a fairly spacious and calm place with many families wandering around happily. “I just want to go for a little walk here for the time being,” Lissa smiled as she watched Thomas follow after her.
For the most part, they just walked around the park in silence, with the two casually talking about the things the two never got around to discuss when they’re not bantering about the most minor things or not actively beating each other up in the Training Room.
All the while they are keenly unaware of that they were both being stalked by Stalker Duo 3, nicknamed the Elders as they are their Seniors which consists of a surprisingly enthusiastic Petra and Kyle as the two also enjoyed a peaceful walk as well as they were under an illusion spell courtesy of Petra. It was also noted, that the two were originally called the Illusions but the two insisted to be called otherwise much to the other’s confusion save for Nina.
Among the things Thomas and Lissa did was go and have a stone skipping contest by the lake with Lissa winning much to Thomas’ own amusement, they would stop on a bridge on a nearby as the two began talking about their usual stuff and what they do in their spare time with their classmates.
For Lissa, it was helping Nina understand that she can’t just randomly point out that some of their classmates have feelings for one another something that both of them were very much involved in. Another was Jun occasionally eavesdropping and listening to conversations of their classmates despite her insistence it’s ‘for research’ when she’s just looking for Gossip. She also had to deal with Louis who constantly asked her to be a model for his painting sessions as well as her daily banter with Uther, who despite their initial shaky relationship was surprisingly cooperative.
For Thomas, it was helping Oscar test out new technology that they are allowed to use in future missions, even if it resulted in a burning table or two. Another was discussing with Ren in any potential upgrades for his Sword-Mace, among which was a Fusion Sword which consists of seven swords combining into a larger sword. While at the same time helping Ester in taking care of Axel and her coping with the insults and harassment sent by Sen Felwind. Lissa made sure not to bring up Yvonne as she learned earlier from Ester that she and Thomas had a very shaky relationship in the aftermath of the death of the Sakura Sisters.
“Say can I ask a question?” Thomas said as they left the bridge.
“Ask away.” Lissa smiled.
“I couldn’t bring myself to ask this earlier but how come you never once wore your braid until today?” Thomas asked making a pointing gesture on the back of his head, referring to the Axian braided cord that she turned into a ribbon.
(Image Song: Butterfly Knot – Aimer Feat. Radwimps)
“Oh, this?” she asked pulling the cord away as her hair tumbled down beautifully and showed in front of him. Much like his which was a two-toned cord made of Red and Magenta threads, hers was a mixture of Blue and Green threads.
“It was a gift from my father,” Lissa explained with a sad smile as she looked at the cord and the once more at Thomas. “Real father mind you, I never once wore it because it reminded me of the fact that I’m nothing more than an illegitimate daughter.”
“Do you hate your father?” Thomas asked causing her to look at him with a confused look.
“Do hate him?” He repeated, Lissa remained silent.
She never once stopped and considered the notion on whether or not she resented him, sure she hated the fact that everyone in her Town viewed her as nothing more than an illegitimate daughter and in general ignored her unless they considered courting her for Political favor but would stop the moment they would find out she would have little to inherit from her family.
But hate him…she never once considered it, after all, she was thankful that she was born into this world with a fairly loving family that loved her despite everything. Pondering on this idea slowly made Lissa realize that it was her own insecurity and her peers are what made her view herself like this, her family had nothing to do with it.
“I don’t.” She said slowly clutching the braided cord, eventually, she felt Thomas’ hands wrap around hers as well which made her look at him in surprise. “It is said that an Axian Braided Cord is also a symbol of pride for a child born in Axis, to refuse on wearing it was a sign of denying their birth Parents,” Thomas explained as he showed her his own cord, though she noticed the names of the Sakura Sisters tattooed underneath it as well she chose not to bring it up.
“Ever since I learned of my true parents and gave me this, I wore this with pride knowing that even if they are no longer around they are with me in spirit,” Thomas said with a wistful smile. “So please, wear yours with pride.”
“Alright I will,” She smiled back at him with a nod. “Can you help me tie it back? It was Jun who helped me with this.”
Thomas smiled and didn’t hesitate as he tied a ribbon no different from the same one she did earlier.
“Want to know something great about it as well? Letting your hair down like this suits you better.” Thomas said Lissa couldn’t help but resist a laugh confusing Thomas for a brief moment.
“What’s Funny?” Thomas raising a confused look from her as he faced her.
“I’m just glad you’re back to the same old Thomas with his compliments,” Lissa smiled at him. “I liked the Thomas that was constantly simping around me instead of the Gloomy one.”
Thomas gave her a surprised look which made her laugh once more, eventually, he felt his cheeks turn red and simply gave her a small smile.
“Well Played Ikross,” Thomas said in amusement.
Meanwhile, both Kyle and Petra watched the scene unfold from afar much to their amusement as the two exchanged hi-fives with one another.
“Do you think she knows that letting a man tie her family cord on her hair is the equivalent of vowing to marry her in the future?” Petra asked looking at Kyle who was quietly chuckling to himself.
“No idea, but if she does.” He gave her a sly smile. “Then my little sister is a lot slier than I thought.”
The two finally made their way to their last stop which was Dinner at a nearby restaurant by the Park, it was a very furnished Restaurant that was a popular Dating spot for many Axis Students.
“I heard about this place a while back,” Lissa said as the two looked around. “Glad I suggested it then,” Thomas said with an amused smile. As the two continued to talk with Thomas and Lissa each discussing their preference in foods with both of them finding a similar taste in Pasta, Stalker Duo 4, otherwise known as the Disguises which consists of both Jun and Ren wearing extremely convincing disguises as they went and enjoyed their own meal while they listened to their conversation via a Bug that Oscar made (read: a spare bug that isn’t used by him or the Academy).
“It’s somewhat refreshing to know that the two aren’t actively trying to punch each other like this,” Ren commented as he took a picture of their meal while Jun photobombed on the background.
“I know right! If only those two just admit that they have the hots for one another and it will be awesome.” She gave him a cheeky smile. “Oh hang on they’re talking,” Ren said as the two began talking again after they ate.
This actually went better than I thought, and to think I was scared hours ago on messing it up. Lissa thought awkwardly as she smiled sweetly at him. One of the main problems that she had at the start was that she was afraid that it might end up into an awkward and dead air filled date with Petra reassuring her that everything is going to be fine.
Well, this is probably as far as I can be with Lissa. Thomas thought bitterly as he faked a smile and enjoyed the dinner with Lissa, while he still believes that Lissa is only doing this out of pity and to ensure that he maintains sufficient morale to keep up with her. He decided to make the most of it by simply just enjoying the time he spends with her.
“This was a pretty great day to be honest,” Thomas said changing the subject.
“Yeah, it really was.” Lissa smiled sweetly.
“But you didn’t have to go out of your way just to boost my morale for that, after all, it must have been grueling for you to force yourself to go on a date with me.” Thomas continued, Lissa simply stared at him in disbelief (all the while Ren tried his best to keep Jun in her seat as she was very much tempted to yell at Thomas).
“What…” Lissa simply said.
“Was it not you who told me that you only see me as a Rival and as an Obstacle?” Thomas pointed out with an innocently confused look on his face.
(Image Song: Date – Radwimps)
“You mean…this whole time you thought I was just bullshitting you?” Lissa said for a brief moment she felt something painful in her chest and was very much tempted to press her hand on it.
“You said it yourself right? ‘I have no intention of being your friend nor do I want to be your friend, you being a rival is quite possibly the only reason I tolerate your presence.’ Those were your words, right? I mean even after all of the time we spent together all of this was just you being considerate or just being nice.” Thomas said avoiding her gaze, she wanted to shout at him and even tell him that those weren’t true. And yet he was right, she did say it and all she can do was just look down and find the right words to say to him.
Thomas noticed this and instead took a deep breath and spoke once more and looked at Lissa.
“Alright then answer my question? What really is our relationship?” Thomas asked her. “We spend so much time together, even when we’re not sparring. Sometimes you’d give me these responses that make me wonder if things are changing between us or am I just getting my hopes up.”
Lissa looked at him for a moment, the usual cockiness that he had from the start was gone was instead replaced with strange loneliness and weariness in his eyes. She wanted to answer the question and yet, even she doesn’t know what their relationship is. Were they really just friends? Or perhaps the time they spent together gave way to something more than that? She wasn’t even sure if she still viewed him as a rival or not.
After what felt like an eternity of her being silent, Thomas spoke.
“It’s alright,” Thomas said with a pained smile, from that smile she felt the same pain in her chest as before as she watched him pick up the bill. “Thank you for the date, I’ll go and pay for the bill.”
Lissa just sat there as Thomas left, the pain in her chest grew all the more painful as the seconds passed. It hurts so much that she was on the verge of tears as she pondered the question. What was their relationship?
And so Lissa found herself staring at the ceiling of her room, her mind was full of thoughts and her chest felt like it was in more pain than before. She didn’t bother changing her clothed and just lay down on the bed as she thought about today’s events.
“Why couldn’t I answer him?” She said out loud, she was immediately interrupted with the sound of her phone ringing, she looked at the Caller which revealed to be her step-father. She found it strange for her step-father to call her but she answered it nonetheless.
“Father?” Lissa asked.
“Uh yes hello Lissa,” She heard her father spoke, he was somewhat tense which was a common thing given their distant relationship. Knowing her father, he was most likely finding the right words to tell her what he wanted to say.
“Father it’s alright,” Lissa quietly smiled, she found comfort knowing that her father was at the very least trying his best to maintain a stable conversation with her. “Just be blunt with me.”
“Alright then…” Her father answered she can sense him taking a deep breath and composing himself. “You are now engaged with the Son of House Arhys through an agreement.”
She immediately regretted telling her father to be blunt.
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