《Axis:Legacy》Chapter 2: Thomas Orphen


One Month Ago.

Thomas Orphen, a young man with reddish brown haired and maroon eyes, looked over the Training Facility where the tests for Axis Academy are being taken place with a yawn. He had woken early for the tests despite sleeping late that day, to keep himself from falling asleep he decided to watch a sparring session.

While people these days forge their weapons with a combination of both firearms and melee resulting into a unique plethora combinations for many to use but at a high price, however the rules of the Test state that they must use official equipment used by the Academy. As such the woman armed herself with nothing more than a basic lightweight training sword, in contrast to the instructor, who is armed with a pair of lightning tipped Batons that link together with into a staff.

Thomas and the rest of the crowd watched as the young woman with pale blond hair and beautiful blue eyes was called upon the training room.

“Lissa Ikross are you ready for the Combat training assessment?” The Instructor asked her.

“Yes sir,” She said gripping her sword and assumed a combat stance.

“Your objective is to disarm me within a minute,” The Instructor said linking the two batons together with a loud click forming a large Bo staff. “Failure of doing so will cause you to fail the test.”

“I understand.” She said as she waited for the signal to begin.


She took a deep breath and lunged at him with the use of Ki, a form of energy within the body that allows people to perform feats of strength and also allows them to reinforce their body to protect them from attacks, through this she is able to increase her mobility causing her to dance around the instructor as carefully doing precise attacks trying to analyse her target first. For a brief moment, Thomas can’t help but find himself amazed by the skill she carried.

Eventually she finally went straight to the target with an upwards thrust reinforced with Ki, the impact was strong enough that the impact caused the Staff to snap in half and attempted to land a blow on her but she quickly swung her sword in a horizontal arc swatting the two swords away.

Within a span of fifteen seconds? Thomas wondered in surprise, he couldn't resist but begin clapping from the skills that she was able to pull off. Eventually this caused many others to applaud her for such a skill.

"Results will be posted a week after the exams." The instructor nodded as Lissa walked away. Thomas can't help but be curious about the young woman as she walked away. Later on he would learn that with the Entrance Exam that has an overall score of 1,000 points he would learn that she would ace the score of over 992 Points and currently one of two examinees that holds the title of top notchers since the founding of the Academy.

Thomas would end up being the other person to hold the title.

A month later, Thomas Orphen passed the exams being able to quickly pass the Combat Training under the same time as Lissa did and also gained 992 points on the exams. As a result he was able to enter the Academy as part of the Top Ten students.


Despite being a Top student with high marks, Thomas didn't really care much about everything being the son of a Noble Family within Exavis he was satisfied with just handling the lands and live off his days at his home. The only reason he enrolled to Axis Academy was that his Adopted Family, as he was told that he was a War Orphan during the Axis Conflict, insisted that it would be a waste of his skills to remain just a lesser Lord.

And one thing led to another he was voted as Class Representative alongside a fellow Top Ten Student, Yvonne Sigris, a young woman wearing the Neutral Colors of Axis Academy with jet black hair tied in a bun and a pair of reading glasses behind a pair of hazel eyes, as his Vice Class Representative.

"I have a name you know," Lissa Ikross told him with a cold glare, beside him Yvonne slightly shivered but Thomas simply grinned.

"I'm not well versed in memorizing names you see," He answered with a lazy smile as he leaned on his hand. "So it would be nice for to actually know your name personally."

"If you're that bad at remembering names," She frowned. "Then I wonder how you even gained the overall average of 100 in the Exams."

"Ah so you do know who I am," Thomas smiled in rebuttal, this caused Lissa's eyes to widen for a bit as she realized he had outsmarted her in that rebuttal.

"Fine, Thomas Orphen," She said in mild exasperation. "My name is Lissa Ikross. Make sure you remember it this time."

"Duly noted Lis," He smiled earning an eyeroll at him.

“Don’t call me that,” She pointed out earning a chuckle from him. Eventually the doors opened revealing a young man with light brown hair and pale brown eyes and wore the Exavis Uniforms of Axis Academy.

“Apologies,” He said with an apologetic smile. “Am I late?”

“Not quite,” Prince Arthur pointed out. “I just arrived myself to be honest.”

“Well then,” He smiled at the rest. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Shin Young, I am the Student Council President of Axis Academy. Now then shall we begin the orientation for the Class Representatives?”


"I can't believe I lost to you of all people as within the Class Representative Elections," Yvonne said in mild irritation towards Thomas as they made their way towards the Training Hall for their first Combat training. They switched from their Standard Uniforms to the Combat Uniforms and much like the Standard Uniforms, the combat uniforms are also split into three color Schemes, the Grey Axis aligned ones, the White and Blue Exavis aligned, and the Black and Red Jorouse aligned ones.

Naturally Thomas wore the Exavis Uniform and Yvonne wore the Axis Uniform.

"Relax the Vote gap was pretty narrow," Thomas said with a relaxed shrug. "I think it was close."

"That being said you need to consider your position," She reminded him with a glare. "Remember you are not only representing one of the five sections of the First Year of a Noble and Prestigious Academy but also the one of the Top Notchers of the entire Academy."


Thomas just scoffed, he knows the risks and the weight of what he has on his shoulders. His family strictly reminded him that when they sent him off to Axis Academy to study.

"You know I'm not the only one," Thomas reminded her. "There's also this nice girl who also scored a 100 in the test."

Thomas smiled as he spotted the Class 1-A Representatives and ignored the Yvonne who was lecturing him as well.

"Hey!" Yvonne said following after him. "I'm not done..."

She immediately trailed off as she found Thomas smiling at a mildly irked Lissa while an amused Uther looked on.

"Miss Lissa Ikross of Class 1-A," Thomas gave her a polite nod. "Mister Thomas Orphen of Class 1-E," Lissa nodded back but everyone can clearly see that she is just being extremely polite.

"I see you're heading off to Combat Training," Lissa pointed out.

"That I am." He smiled widely. "One of the very few classes I'm quite interested to be frank."

"I see," Lissa said walking past him with Uther behind her. "Good luck."

"Perhaps at a later date we can go for a spar!" Thomas called out to her causing Lissa to stop in her tracks while Uther gave him a confused look while Yvonne gave him a look of disbelief.

"Excuse me?" Lissa turned around and glared at him. "I saw you during the Entrance Exams," Thomas explained burying his hands in his pockets. "I was hoping we can spar in the future as well to see which of us is stronger."

For a brief moment, Lissa just stared at him. Her blue eyes had a glint of curiosity in it as it met his maroon ones. "No." She said as she and Uther walked away. Leaving Thomas with a small chuckle.

"Fair enough." He said as they watched the two walk away. "Are you just that eager to pick a fight with her?" Yvonne pointed out. "Not really," Thomas commented as they entered the Training Room. "Call it...curiosity if you will.” “Is that we people call it these days?” Yvonne said, Thomas noticed a hint of sympathy in her tone.

“Well we should get going we’re going to be late for training,” Yvonne changed the subject as the two of them made their way to the training room. There they were greeted by Altasia Skye, the youngest of the Professors being only 22 Years old, with choppy blond hair and light grey eyes.

“Alright everyone is here,” Professor Skye said as she looked at her tablet which showed the list of students that were present. “Let’s now begin the class, and since Mr. Orphen and Ms. Sigris are late, these two will carry the honor of sparring partners for our first Lesson, the use and application of Ki. Now what does anyone know about Ki and what makes it different to Mana?”

One student raised their hand. Professor Skye took note of it as all heads turned to a young woman with long black hair and light green eyes and wore an Axis Aligned Uniform.

“Yes Ms. Seacole?”

"The difference between Ki and Mana is that the former is a byproduct of a person's body and mind which is often used for defensive purposes." Ester Seacole explained. "Meanwhile the latter is a byproduct of the air around us and is even said to be the very essence of the world. And in contrast to the former, Mana is used for Offensive purposes."

"Excellent answer," Professor Skye answered with an approving smile, her eyes glinted with amusement. "But that would be the tip of the iceberg as there are more about it later on."

She then turned to Thomas and Yvonne with a expected look.

"For our first lesson I would request that you two to attack me." She said calmly. "Pardon?/I'm sorry?" Both Thomas and Yvonne asked in confusion. Both of them immediately wondered if they heard it correctly.

"You heard me," She said calmly. "Attack me in hand to hand combat."

Yvonne still wondered but Thomas surged ahead as he used Ki to boost his movements and threw a punch at Skye who effortlessly blocked and punched him in the abdomen causing him to briefly stumble.

"As you can see Students that Ki is used to boost movements and reinforce the body and prevent it from grievous harm." She explained as she casually blocked Yvonne's kicks at high speeds. "But did you know you can also do this?"

She quickly stopped Thomas's arm and began to lightly tap at certain points and then Thomas' arm fell limp. And then grabbed Yvonne's arm and repeated the process as her arm went limp as well.

"That is called Ki paralysis it temporarily renders a certain key points unusable," She continued as Thomas slammed his arm with his knee allowing him to gain control and lunged at her.

"Unless of course you can force it back to work through blunt trauma." She said causing the class to share a laugh, Thomas smiled as well as she kept dodging his blows.

"But of course with the right movements you can also do this," Professor Skye said as she slammed her palm at Yvonne's chest causing her to briefly stop and crumple into the ground with a confused look as Thomas stared with a shocked looked.

"I think I'm going to walk away on this one thank you very much," Thomas commented backing away earning and amused laugh from the rest of the class. And an irked sigh from Yvonne.

"Right I suppose that's enough demonstration for today." Skye said as Thomas and another student grabbed Yvonne and helped her sit properly until she can properly move again.

"Now then let's first begin with our first lessons in combat."

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