《Multiversal Abrupt Explorer》Built to Explore


‘Ack it hurts to hold in my breath, but I gotta survive,’ as I slowly suffocate, staying determined

While Jed is starting to die, and suffocating to death, time stops and a transparent screen pops up in front of him stating to Accept or Decline.

‘I don’t really have much of a choice, I'll accept it,” as I think of accepting it, a voice called out inside my mind and the screen closes.

“Hello there Jed, or should I say the main character of this universe,” as the voice goes through my body and mind, feeling like it’s about to be crushed but at the same time feel calm and lively

“Who are you?” as I Shakely reply

“I am the StoryMaker, I make stories and main characters if you couldn’t tell by my name,” as she calmly says it

“Are you a god or like a powerful being?” as I try to calm down realizing that I can breath

“Not a god, but you could say that I am a powerful being” as she replying back

“Am I dead? Because I can breathe just fine and everything seems to stopped moving,” as I look around

“No you aren’t dead, you weren’t supposed to die yet even, somehow the plot or your timeline of your universe was changed to where the boss of that company made the portal device a bit earlier than expected causing you to be involved and well die, also stopping the universe” the StoryMaker explained.

“Oh… So what now, do I get to return back to my life, I made a promise to my pet axolotl that I would be back,” as I try to not sound sad.

“Sorry Jed, but you aren’t really allowed to go back to your universe,” as she says it in a worrying tone.

“What why?”

“Well you just met me, one of the most powerful beings in the ({Redacted}), which you don’t need to know for now.” as the StoryMaker answering his question.

“Oh what the hell was that? I’ll ignore that. So what now? Do I get transferred into another universe with my memories erased?” as I am ready to accept my fate.

“Actually no I have a different plan in mind,” as she gives an image of a offer into my mind

“This looks like a contract? I can’t really read it, it’s just a bunch of symbols that keep changing shape,” as I try to attempt to read it but look away as my head started to hurt

“Well to summarize, you will be under my protection and are now working under me. You can’t return back to your universe after you leave so you better get everything you have before actually leaving, but in return you will be upgraded and modified to where you can explore the multiverse and other creations.” the StoryMaker says it in a tone that I can’t even describe

“What do you mean by upgraded? It also seems as if I am returning to my job, but on a bigger scale? ,”


“Good catch there Jed, it is almost similar to your job back in your universe, but amplified. What I mean by upgraded is that the things you are currently wearing and your body will be upgrade to be more fit for traveling and exploring,”

“Oh, you mean the prototypes? They are just a bunch of broken or not useful gadgets that the company wanted me to experiment on, and as you can see, lead me here.” as I reply back a bit saddened and a bit angry

“Well those ‘prototypes’ are going to be upgraded by me, to make them more powerful, actually usable and controllable, not those that are completely useless and weak machines.” as she makes a picture of the prototypes in my mind

“So, what are you gonna do first?” I ask curiously

“Well first, since you have survived and adapted to most environments, objects, and creatures you have met in your universe, I will make it so your body and mind can actually adapt to any environment, scenario, or even your actions, it’s not instant and you can force yourself to evolve.” as she makes a sound similar to snapping

“Oh what the, that felt weird and also a bit of pain,” as I look around my body and had some changes

“Ya, your body just adapted abit, you didn’t even feel it that much, you’ll get used to it. Anyway, I will also upgrade that suit you are wearing, and combine your clothing underneath it, and it can evolve just like yourself, technically upgrade. It will develop some things and could become fully sentient if you give it enough time, also boosts your body a lot more than the prototype, and it can absorb any type of energy and matter as fuel, and also use them as materials to upgrade itself, also you can change its design.” as she makes another snapping sound

“Um, that’s a lot, but I will take it, as this is a whole lot better than the original,” as I receive it immediately and it starts scanning me and changing shape to suit me.

“Right now, it can't talk or communicate to you verbally, but can give you signs or symbols to communicate back, and can hear you and read your thoughts.” the StoryMaker clarifying and warning me

“Alright I’ll keep that in mind, and I am gonna make the design similar to my clothing that I was wearing” as I thought of my tuxedo, pants, and shoes that I was wearing, but the colors change from navy to black, every couple of seconds

“Alright the next one, which is that gadget that allows you to edit objects and things whatever you look at, well now it can actually do that, edit and change the properties of an object or entity and there are way more tools to choose from and it can also be upgraded, but instead of being just a gadget it’s going to be apart of your mind or well vision,” as she makes another snap

“Oh woah my vision changed, there’s like different editing tools right beside my vision to not obscure, but it’s kind of annoying, is it possible to like turn it off and on?” I ask nicely


“The feature is already there,” she chuckles abit

“Oh, let me turn it off real quick,” as my vision goes back to normal

“Anyway, the next prototype you had, which is the gadget that got you nearly killed, is now going to be part of you, which is the portal making device. It will be way better as you can actually not only travel anywhere inside a universe, but now different multiverses. Also you can be very specific on what universe or place you can travel to, like typing the name of it or saying it out loud, what main genre you want to go to, universe type, survival difficulty and time period, it will develop more specific description and details as time goes on. But if you don’t want to do it, and just want a surprise, then you can just randomize, and a portal will be made.” as she stops talking and snaps

“Ok that was a lot to take in,” as I gain a headache, “First up what do you mean by Universe type and Survival Difficulty?” I ask as I check out the new readable settings to choose from

“Well to explain it simply, there are lots of types of universes, but the most common ones are called Stable, they don’t have a main character and just do their own thing. Then there is the second most common is called Standard, they only have 1 main character, but they don’t have that much influence on the universe, but can be replaced once they die from a very specific death, that I have chosen. Then there are also called Story, which basically always follow a specific person, they have the spotlight on them, they can influence everything around them good and bad, they can’t be killed easily by non-main characters, also known as side characters, they have sort of power they contain. Then there are Chaos. There are multiple main characters, the plot can be changed without consequences and can be influenced by universal entities, like “gods” , eldritch beings, and more. There are more but those are the most common and dangerous.” As she finishes her very long talk, and takes a break for a couple of seconds

“Um ok then, I am guessing I am from a Normal type universe then?” I ask quietly

“Correct. Anyway’s since I am a bit generous and kind my fault, you can request one thing of your choice, it can be anything,” the StoryMaker happily says it

“I want my pet axolotl, but have her the ability to shapeshift and adapt to any environment just like me, she’s the only family member I have,” I said it a bit sad tone

“Alright then, I will do that and since it’s a companion you wanted, I’ll let her able to communicate and understand with you better using telepathy and is bounded to you, but don’t expect her to communicate that much, ” as she makes a snap and my pet axolotl, Sally, appears in front of me, and she recognizes me and “swam” towards me, even though there’s no water, and she curled up around my neck, and gave me a smile

“Thank you StoryMaker, this made me happy and not feel alone,” as I quietly patted her.

“You are welcome, but you still didn’t even accept my offer,” the StoryMaker reminding me

“Oh ya, I do really accept it,” as the time starts to slowly move forward and the contract disappears instantly.

“Alright I’ll be going now, you can contact me by saying my name two times in a row or by eating any writing and written related object and I will appear in your mind, ready to speak or help.” as she starts slowly fading

“I’ll keep that in mind, why eat any writing and written object? That is very random.” as we ended the connection and became confused.

“I think that ended well, don’t you think,” as I pat Sally, and she changed quite a bit, but still looking the same. ”Welp now what, guess I’ll try to get my stuff that I left at my house, and then leave the Universe, as everyone probably thinks I am dead, or she erased their memories, plus I almost have everything I need right here,” as I make a portal to my house using the improved prototype attached to me now.


“Alright finished with talking to the main character,” as the StoryMaker sits back down on her chair.

“What did you do, miss?” the Narrator asks

“Oh just gave him an offer, well a contract where he now works under me and he can’t come back to his universe he used to live on, but in return he gets to explore the universes that we made, and gave him some abilities, and armor to confiscate,” the StoryMaker calmly says it

“Oh alright hope that won’t end badly, so what do you want us to do?” the Narrator asks

“Oh I want you two to keep an eye on him, just incase he doesn’t do anything destructive, since I am always busy,” as the StoryMaker goes back to writing plot and universes

“As you wish ma-am,” as they both leave swiftly and quietly

“Alright now that they are gone, I am gonna watch Jed on what he is going to do,” as she locks her door and opens a hidden transparent screen and watches Jed, while writing a new story plot

“Oh this will be exciting, let's hope the others don’t mind a main character that I made explores the multiverse.” as she relaxes waiting for Jed to leave the universe so she can erase their memories and edit the plot in it.

“I wonder if he finds the secret feature that was written on the contract that he wasn't able to read? Wonder how many it will?”

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