《The Tale of A Fortunate Slave》A Trip To The Market And A Concerning Event


One and a half months after arriving in the city of Dorin, the capital of daemonia. In this time the following has occurred: Ash and Lucy have become good friends, Ash has gone through the proper training to be a servant, Hellfort has held against the undead horde on the low continent with the help of Daeomian troops and volunteers, the Republic of New Roksborn and the Peoples Republic of Noxor have increased tension between the two due to a claim from Noxor for a piece of Roksish land, and a new island chain has been discovered to the east of the low continent.

Ash and Lucy were getting ready to leave for the market in the downtown of Dorin, with a few guards of course. As they were about to leave the Queen had sent Mercy to join them. "Can't have to many hands to help with shopping can you?" The Queen said as she headed off to do some more governmental stuff. I sign to the others. "Well she has been overseas for the past eight months, so all kinds of stuff has piled up for her to do." My fellow maid said. "The dam near Sarcas broke down and flooded the area, the city of Strarcart is going though a major famine, and the Armine River-pass had one if it's bridges take a boulder to the side. Just to name a few things." Oh. That's none of those are good. "OI! WE BETTER GET GOING. SO HURRY UP!" One of the two guards called out. We hopped into the carriage, Ash claimed a seat next to Lucy and Mercy sat across from them.

As they rode Lucy spoke up. "Sorry if this is a personal question, Ash, but how did you escape from the slavers?" Ash thinks for a moment before signing. evil people.> She has a smile on her face as if she were glad she was out of that hellhole, which she was. Both Lucy and Mercy were taken aback at the story, ignoring the mention of Ash killing the slavers Mercy spoke up. "That's horrible! Why would anyone do that to a child?!" She nearly yelled. Ash shudders at that thought. She trails off. The Princess is shocked beyond belief. "Why?" She asks more to herself than any one. Ash answers the question unprompted. "I'm sorry." Lucy says, ending the conversation there.


About fifteen minutes later they arrived at their destination. As the five people dismounted the carriage (the guards drove) they were greeted by one of the Human traders. "Can I interest you in a guide, Princess?" The man asked. "I know the stalls like the back of my hand!" Ash pulled Mercy aside. She stared at the man in red merchants clothing. She was the only one who could tell. "Don't be silly, Ash. He's just a salesman." The older maid said. Ash said before joining the Princess.

As they walked down the rows of stalls and buildings the three of them had collected a few bagfuls of things. The guards weren't interested in shopping as they had a job to do, that being both their namesake and to carry some of the stuff and the merchant was still guiding them. Ash had gotten a set of new well everything one needs at a minimum, such as a few toothbrushes so she could replace them when needed, a set or two or five of clothes as the others had found a set that they thought would look good on Ash, and a few other essentials as well as a personal tea set she purchased herself, she had the money as the pay was surprisingly good. Mercy got her self a few things as well, same with the Princess. They were going to continue shopping. but when Ash's stomach made itself known they had a slight change in plans.

They walked into a rustic looking remonstrant. A bored looking waiter was leaning on the reception desk. That boredom fell away when the five of them entered, the merchant was outside as he said he had something to take care of. "Welcome to The Blueside Diner!" The waiter said. "Oh! It's the Princess! Let me get you to your table." She said a bit surprised. When they were all seated she asked for drinks. The two guards had taken a different table next to the one the Princess and her maids had taken. Soon after the waiter had come back with their drinks and taken their orders. "How do you like it so far, Ash?" Lucy asked.


The selective mute responded. She pointed out to the door.

"As I told you before, don't be silly, Ash." Mercy said. "He's just a salesman."

Ash shot back.

"But you can't be serious about this." Mercy spoke. "Why would an Daemonian citizen be mad at their own nation?"

Ash corrected.

"Enough you two!" The Princess, tired of being ignored, spoke up. "Ok, Ash what is it about him that made you not trust him, other than spite and him being Albertian?"

Ash signed her mind. As Lucy was about to tell Mercy to do the same she was cut off by the food that was put in front of her. They all thanked the waiter and ate. Once they were full enough to talk again they continued their conversion.

"Your turn Mercy." The Princess said with a fork in hand.

"He's just a salesperson, what can he do? Try to make us buy something?" She questioned rhetorically.

Ash piped back in.

"That may be true but what are the chances of that happening?" Mercy asked. "There's many people that would do that.'

Ash signed. She saw that the guards had finished as well. She pointed at the two guards.

As the group was ambushed by three men. "FOR ALBERT!" They yelled in unison. One of the guards fell after heavily wounding one of the attackers who went to avenge his fallen comrade by charging the other guard who killed the berserker but he fell to the last assailant as his back was turned. "Just you an me now Princess." He said forgetting the other two people. Lucy and Mercy were shocked by the deaths of the four men that fell. But Ash pulled a old yet well maintained knife from the sheath hidden on her back. She struck the tunnel-visioned man in the eye with the great speed that comes with being a Kitsune. It was over in seconds. She pulled the masks off the dead assailants, revealing that one of them was the merchant. She wiped her knife on his clothes. She then went to comfort the scared and crying Princess. Waving a hand in front of Mercy's face got her back from the shock. Ash had a 'I told you this might happen' look on her face.

They trio made their way back to the carriage, thankfully they had dropped off the stuff that they had bought at the carriage. Mercy dove while Ash comforted the Princess on the way back.

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