《Tangled》7-It's not complicated


A line of young children around six years old could be seen being led into several large vans in a dark, and rainy street. Armed men were standing guard around the perimeter, as the procession of kids could be seen leaving a large run down looking building that used to be a school. The rain was pouring down hard, and the unnatural storms made the already black skies, even more sinister to look at.

Across the street a small cafe selling artificially flavoured sweets, and tea, these kind of shops were a luxury due to the current state of the world, and the types of foreign plant life sprouting all over. A woman with short black hair wearing a uniform placed a cup of tea on the table, the man stared at the waitress and smiled.

“Thank you.”

The waitress responded in a emotionless voice, “anytime honey.”

She immediately left without giving him another glance.

The man just smirked to himself as he stared out the window.

“The androids here really are more human like, but it seems the array of emotions, and responses are still fairly basic.”

He watched as all the children with subdued faces finally gathered in the vans, and driven off into some unknown location, likely never to return. In a world where basic necessities are lacking for a vast majority, higher education was a luxury, but also a necessity for a growing nations.

Therefore those who are selected for higher education can only obtain the opportunity through various filters, and tests. It could be said children are selected from birth, and their future paths have long since been decided, and as they grow up, they would follow the destiny laid out for them.

The least talented men, and women would be used as high quality breeding partners for talented individuals or those with superior genetics. The more attractive breeders would be picked up by more powerful people to be used as maids, butlers, or even as a mistress..

The process was meticulous, and many branching paths are laid bare for those climbing the societal ladders in this kind of society. Those living in the outskirts and avoiding these kind of rules, lived a life of meagre food, exotic dangers, and the harshness of the warped land. It was hard to say living a free life in the outskirts of civilization could be preferable to one of control, and somewhat safe life.

Looks, health, ability, genetics, potential, personality, and compatibility, those children were a mass of walking attributes waiting to be used, and categorized.

A solemn expression formed on his face as he took a small sip of the tea provided to him, he made sour grimace as he put down the cup. The rain splattered against the window causing a slight hissing sound, the man just stared at the phenomenon as if it was the most common event in the world.

The clattering of dishes and light small talk could be heard, as other people started filling in to escape from the acid rain. Well dressed men and women filled the empty tables, as human like android served the customers. The places like these were considered high class due to the fact the ingredients were somewhat natural.

As he mulled over various things in his solitary table, someone stopped at his table, and sat directly opposite of him. A sweet scent of flowers tickled his nose, and a teasing feminine voice drifted into his ears.

“Allegro, you are ruining that handsome face by making that gloomy expression.”

Allegro casually glanced at the figure with black clothing, wearing an oversized hoodie that covered most of her face, he could see strands of glossy pink hair from it. A small barely noticeable smile formed on his lips, as he focused on the young lady next to him.


“Coming here alone is reckless....”

Before he could finish his sentence he felt a subtle cool wind unnaturally caress his cheeks, as a transparent feather dissolved in front of him.

Allegro blinked lightly and abandoned his questioning as the phenomenon disappeared. Before he could take another sip, his tea cup was now in her soft pale, hands, she turned her head in his direction, as she lifted the cup for a sip.

“May I?”

Allegro stared as she took a light sip, leaving her pink lipstick on the cup.

“How is it?”

After lightly placing the tea cup back down, she sighed gently.

“It's a shame natural fresh water is no longer possible, the water is too soft, giving it a flat taste, with a lack of minerals. I think they also over brewed it, creating a lack of nuance, and complexity to the taste.”

Allegro sighed lightly, as he noticed she was gradually becoming more enthused on the topic. As he was about to warn her, she quickly calmed down even before he opened his mouth.

“Looks like they stopped paying attention now.”

He narrowed his eyes lightly as she said those words.

“We were being watched?”

“You can sometimes be so dense, it's actually quite cute.”

Allegro just raised an eyebrow, as she shrugged her shoulders and continued talking.

“A few of the cute young ladies here were eyeing you before I came in, some were even planning to approach you. Until the moment I showed up.”

She waved to an android waitress to make an order.

“Hello, may I have the Cerenean cake please.”

The waitress nodded, and pondered with a robotic voice, “sure thing honey.”

Allegro stared at her in shock.

“Aww why are you giving me that look? We have more to discuss, it would be awkward to have people see us sitting for so long only drinking a single cup.”

She gave a light pause before continuing.

“So... Did you find information about him?”

“A bit.”

She nodded gently, as she considered all the events happening world wide.

It had been a week since the disappearance of that man, ever since he hopped on a rover driving deep into the snowy landscape at an unmarked destination; he made a few questionable actions, and vanished like smoke. The usual people he worked with, the normal habits hew developed and the actions he took changed, even for someone as fickle as he is, the deviation was too large.

His strange actions all started after various phenomenon were appearing world wide all within a relatively short time span, her instincts were all pointing at a grand scheme forming in the depths of this world, that were intertwining and affecting each other.

Certain nations were speeding up the production of bio engineered humans disregarding the expensive cost of resources, and long term inefficiencies, mercenaries were being far more active than usual, the price of arms had been rapidly increasing, and certain resources have been stockpiled in the Empires of the central region where Saia recently visited.

The incursion by otherworldly species are becoming far more frequent in quality, and scale, and several cities have been wiped off the map by strange miasma permeating through the surface of the world itself. However of all the strange movements within the central empires, the super power Byrantine, stood out the most.

Several of the outer cities in their territory had fallen, yet they remained oddly passive, in fact they are even drawing further into their ocean capitals. From the information network she gained, and inherited throughout the years, various talented individuals all over the empire were being gathered, from men, women, children, to even androids.


Naturally some of the information was manipulated and their was evidence of falsifying the data, but the events were too broad to cover up, something was definitely brewing, and the most annoying thing was she was out of the loop. Apparently Saia held information that she did not, it was slightly vexing.

Allegro stared at her, as she silently tapped the table, eventuality the waitress came and put down a slice of cake with blue cream on it.

A cheerful voice greeted the waitress with a, “thank you, it looks wonderful,” as she took the plate in front of her. Allegro just frowned slightly as he heard the way she talked.

“Aren't you over doing it?”

She acted as if she never heard what he said, and delicately took a small silver spoon and took a small piece, and brought it in front his mouth.

With a light sigh he opened his mouth, and felt the sweet, and moist sensation, after swallowing he commented in a off handed manner.

“It's fine.”

“Thank you Allegro, you're always so helpful.”

As she began to happily take in the empty calories in the form of a low quality cake, Allegro started to gather his thoughts and slowly make his report.

After telling her all the details she nodded gently, and chuckled in a light hearted manner. Allegro continued to maintain a serious expression in contrast to her.

“What I don't understand is why mister Saia decided to make some of the details he tried to hide so obvious.”

“Knowing his personality and his actions, it's a message.”

Allegro remained quiet as she explained in a cheerful manner.

“His actions of distancing ourselves with him means he doing it alone, or making a unpopular action. The fact he used all his contributions points on perishable items like food, means he no longer needs what we provide. By not immediately ditching Ciel, and allowing her to over hear some details, point to one thing.”

“That is?”

Allegro could only hear a charming laugh.

“It's a challenge.”

With a small chuckle she waved the waitress over, and paid the bill using digital empire notes.

Allegro followed her, as she slowly got up and made her way out of the store where a small car was parked to the side of the street. Only then did he ask her where she was going, in which she replied.

“Elithas' island should be nearby, let's pay him a visit.”


A large black helicopter shaped like a giant hawk was speeding across the dark waters, and lightless sky at an incredible speed. In the distance a lone island could be seen atop a vast space of water. As the helicopter flew lower, closer to the waters surface, small ships that were a few feet long could be seen scattered around the island like dead wood, the beams of light from the copter revealed chunks of plastic, wood and debris floating on the ocean.

The debris had spread over the ocean water reaching nearly a kilometre in diameter of the island, corpses could be seen floating lifelessly. The Helicopter sped past the scene and hovered around a launchpad in the corner of the island, on a cliff overlooking a rocky beach.

As the silent blades of the helicopter died down, shadows casually left the open hatch, one of them was a man wearing a green and black suit, casually meshed with a hardened substance similar to plastic in aesthetics, and weight.

His rugged face was scarred, and a two meter long sword hung casually to his back, alongside him was a beautiful woman with long braided red hair, they were later followed by three more men with identical suits. What was most eye catching was a glowing light shaped like a blade being illuminated from their suits. This symbol was that of the Paladins, and a devotion to the faith they followed.

The man with the two meter long sword was Evane Brightfield, leader of the well renowned organization, and scion of the 3rd lab. One of the men behind Evane spoke up in a worried tone.

“What the hell happened here, from the debris in the ocean waters, it felt like a large scale battl was fought here.”

Evan nodded emphatically as he led the small group into the island.

“You're right, Elithas himself isn't a simple character, that man was one of the first generation scions, his knowledge, wealth and connection are something to be feared, for someone to make a move on him is surprising enough, but on such a grand scale...”

A man in his late twenties with brown hair walked up to Evane, and shook his head.

“The communication network set up on the island is down, I can't get a response.”

“Thanks Erone, In that case we'll check out the situation with our own eyes.”

As soon as he finished those words he immediately began to leading the group quickly into the night, at the direction of a nearby dome barely hidden by the sparse trees, and rugged mountains, it was surrounded by towering buildings stretching out high in the sky. The man known as Erone walked beside Evane, and occasionally closed his eyes.

“It's faint, but I sense an encrypted frequency being sent out.”


“North North East.”

With a light nod the group sped up, and quickly disappeared to that location.


The permanent shadows constantly made looking at the landscape hard and dangerous, even the mornings were dyed with brief rays of dim violet light. Yet deposit all this, humans have adapted, and even the darkness had become somewhat manageable.

As these thoughts filled Evane's mind a subtle vibration int he air caused his eyes to sharpen, a black blur darted out from the corner of his eyes, and dove into him. Evane's left fist instantly tore into the centre of the shadow, and thrust it into a nearby tree, shattering the trunk, where the giant shadow gave a pitiful shriek, as it slumped to the floor.

The red haired woman known as Shyla quickly appeared next to the corpse and examined it. A deep crease formed on her brows and she frowned lightly.

The thing was over 2 meters tall, it's skin was slimy, and black ink circulated it's body, hooked tentacles convulsed around it's back, and several human like mouths decorated its chest, the mouths continued to gasp profusely, and purple pimples decorated all over it's human like frame. In the centre of it's chest a a fist sized indent was present.

“What is that thing? I'm sensing a lot of negative wavelengths from it; threatening to overwhelm my sanity.”

Shyla staggered lightly as she forced herself to back away from that thing. Evane walked forward and sheltered Shyla in his arms, steadying her.

“I've never seen this species, it's a lot different then those orcs like things, and demons we usually get. It's also giving off a far more sinister feeling.”

He took the giant blade from his back and swung the blade downward, completely crushing the creature, it's dark life blood oozed out of the human like mouths, Evane gripped the hilt tighter, which sent a strange energy swirling over the blade. This time cracks formed on the soil beneath the creature as it's body was continually compounded, and compressed, until it's internal organs leaked out, and it's body turned into a black slimy pancake. The human like mouths spat out crooked teeth, and groaned before remaining silent.

From the shadows, a light clapping sound could be heard echoing from the trees, a slim figure slowly walked out of the shadows in a long black dress, while wearing a hoodie that hid her face, she was followed by a handsome man with a slim but muscular build.

Evane stared at them expectantly, as if he knew they were their to begin with.

“I see you didn't bother to help, and were just watching.”

The woman just said in a adoring tone.

“But it's not often I get to see a celebrity in action, Espers really are fascinating to watch, you were so wonderful.”

Before Evane could even respond Shyla darted out in front of him, and approached the couple, an angry scream quickly spread out.


Shyla stormed forward, and charged to the woman with the hoodie. Evane was somewhat flabbergasted and the others in the back could only stare in surpise at her sudden outburst. Even Allegro seemed off gaurd as the woman quickly closed the gap, as he was about to move his arms to block her, he was stopped by a gentle voice.

“It's ok.”

Shyla walked in front of Maya, her breath slightly flustered, and a mixed expression now remained on her face, as she opened her mouth not much force could be squeezed out anymore, and only a slight whisper.

“Why? Why did you join hands with that man?”

“It was a promise with her.”

“Promise? Is that a joke? Did you forget what happened to her!”

“Shyla, calm down.”

“I won't, I won't ever forgive him, and I'll never forget about her.

Shyla reached out he arms and strongly grabbed Maya.

“Come with me.”

Allegro just watched the scene silently as if either result was fine with him.

Maya stretched out her arms and gently touched Shyla's hand, as she was being dragged away. However the farther Shyla walked the more unsteady she seemed.

Maya turned to a man with brown hair and said in polite tone.

“Please catch her.”

Eventually Shyla slowly crumpled to the ground, but was caught by Erone. She turned to Evane and said in a cheery voice.

“I only adjusted her hormonal balance a bit, she's only sleeping. I think she should rest here while some of you go on, Allegro can help you.”

Allegro walked next to Evane and signalled for them to move, as Evan stared back at Shyla's body, he saw her being placed on Maya's thighs, sleeping soundly, while having her hair stroked by the lady called Maya.

“Erone, Jace, please watch over those two.”

“You got it boss.”

“No problem.”

As soon as they left the others, the speed increased by a lot as the two men closed the distance to the dome in mere moments, giving the image of two blurry shadows flying through the island.

“Allegro was it? What were you doing on this island?”

“We were looking for someone, and thought Elithas would have some clues, and you?”

“The paladin had something to discuss with Elithas.”

“Such as?”

“These matters are of no concern to you.”

The Dome in the distance gradually grew larger until the two men were surrounded by metal towers; broken doors, bent equipment, and shattered glass littered the floor. The entrance to the dome was torn apart and black stains decorated the side of the dome.

“This scene has been prevalent all over the island.” said Allegro.

Evane's face remained expressionless as he surveyed the scene.

“Isn't it odd, we haven't seen a single body. Elithas should have had his own personal army, and several top class bio engineered soldiers. Let alone humans, I don't even see any androids.”

While they walked past the fragmented door to the dome, the lights flickered on, and revealed looked to be a farm that was completely in ruin, the soil was charred, the robots were destroyed, and the facilities inside were damaged beyond repair.

The building they explored next was absent of life, only dried blood splatter decorated the wall and equipment. The communications tower was equally desolate, the animals in the meat processing dome were missing.

“Aside from the corpses that were floating in the ocean, everyone within the island simply disappeared.”

Allegro looked at the equipment in the room that was the control centre for the island, all the screens were shattered, and the data was missing.

“Elithas should own a bio-dome, I wonder if he escaped on it?”

Evane only nodded, “I hope so, but we haven't received a transmission from him at all which is strange, he should at least have had the time to be able to do that, even if he was attacked suddenly.

“Whats worrying is that whatever attacked this place was not human, but then how did they delete the data in the record systems?”

The search lasted half a day but in the end nothing could be found. The corpse of the strange monster that was killed, completely faded away. Even the tissue sample that Eron had taken, turned empty.

Evane looked around the scenery, and came to a firm decision.

If Elithas is gone, then we can only carry out the plan without him.


In a dark room with a single ray of light, where the floor stretched on endlessly and where a single chair was present, sat a man. From the man's hand something small dangled in his fingertips, the ray of light caused it to sparkle, it was a small ring that glowed ominously.

The man took a cane to his side, and slammed it into a small hole in the centre of the room, a flash of energy gradually spread out of the room until everything was engulfed in it. The dim ray of light expanded until the entire room was bright.

Saia sighed lightly as he stared at the empty room several kilometres wide, forming into a giant sphere. The entire room rumbled as massive wooshing sounds enveloped the exterior of the room. He gazed blankly at the ring ignoring everything else.

“You really love leaving the loose ends to me don't you?”

He shrugged his shoulders and stood up, putting the ring in his pocket.

“Well, we're only human after all, it's not like we can do everything. Certain things just can't be solved.”

Saia stretched out his left arm, orbs of light slowly escaped his palm and floated around him.

“Become your flesh, nourish your blood, bring our destinies within you? How ridiculous.”

He swiped his left arm, and all the orbs of light dispersed rushing into the side of the walls.

“Well ruining someone else's plans are easier then making you own, after all.”

As the rumbling sound intensified, small man sized distortions started to form around the room, they slowly went from one to ten, to a hundred, multiplying endlessly. Black toxic gas leaked from the distortion, and slim black creatures of irregular shapes, and sizes started to leak out. They were basically a mass of mouths, tentacles, and curved hooks.

Even Saia could feel a chill on his back, and a slight shiver in his body that caused him to smile reluctantly.

“The fact you showed up means it's working, right?”

Saia laughed loudly as the creatures surrounding him from all sides dove into him, like a pack of hyenas on a single prey, fighting for the last scrap of meat, and blood, hoping to tear away everything, and leave nothing but bones.

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