《Chakra Spider》Chapter 27


The night passed by peacefully as Peter entered the dream world with the girls while Yami kept a watch for him.

Fortunately, there was no other issue that night and the group was able to train. Within the dream world they spent 24 hours and trained without rest.

Yami fought all of them at once and kept on killing them while giving them advice and information on how to use their powers and how to fight properly.

She didn't go for the soft method and let them adjust through life and death battles.

For Peter it was nothing new since Naruto had done the same but it in a much more controlled and painful manner.

Yami was skilled but she was nowhere close to her father's level but none of them could tell since they weren't good enough to make such comments.

Through these battles they finally got some team work experience and Jess improved quickly along with Gwen and Cindy.

Gwen improved very quickly because of her fighting background and seeing Peter fight against Yami. It would have been mind breaking experience for all people involved but Yami wasn't interested in seeing them brain dead so their minds were protected throughout the training session.

Within 24 hours they had made huge improvements and could finally fight, though they still needed more experience to fight against proper opponents.


The next day things started with a boom. It seems Norman had given a doctored video to media outlets to defame Spiderman.

It showed Spiderman carrying Lizard with care and saving him while the Lizard had almost broken inside the lab for whatever nefarious purposes.

The question was where the Lizard was now. His disappearance raised questions that Spiderman might be involved with these incidents more than anyone could have thought.

He might be tricking people into lowering their guards and all these incidents were his doings. There were many proofs against this idea but the Lizard topic still stuck.

Peter saw the newspaper and decided to act before it got out of hand. He had intended to meet up with Jonah later but now it had been pushed forward.

The man had already published the article asking the questions but he hadn't framed him as a complete villain yet. It only made people want to look closer now as things might not be so simple.


The man wasn't sold out unlike the other media companies and kept true to the spirit of truth and fairness. He had fought for the rights of people before and he would continue do so until death. He was also one of the people helping out the mutants and he was also one of the people that published articles about villainous mutants as well.

He was neutral and understood that every species had good and bad. His job was to spread the truth of the situation.


Peter left Jess to practice alone since she already knew what to do now and they could spar in the dream world.

It was early morning 9. A.m and he arrived at the Daily bugle as Spiderman. Peter had already realized it was Norman that had sent the info to these media companies even without being told. It was something he had expected to happen someday.

But it was spreading faster than he thought because of the internet. Miserable people who can only think of negative things loved to spread chaos, as such this was spreading.

Peter easily entered the building from the top and arrived inside Jonah's office where he seemed to be looking at some articles.

The man was in his forties with brown hair mixed with white. He had good looks and his body was in good shape as he exercised daily for good health.

He also took lessons on fire arms for safety purposes as he had many encounters with criminals in his life. He wasn't foreign to the concept of killing in self defence and he had done many times since his work made him popular with the criminal elite.

"Good morning, Mister Jameson. I hope you don't mind this uninvited guest." Peter said in a friendly tone as he dropped from the ceiling to the middle of the room.

Jonah's reaction was quick his hand went for the alarm and his gun.

"Sorry, I can't have you do that." Peter closed the distance between them and stopped his hands before picking him up and setting him down on the sofa for guests.

Jonah knew he didn't have the ability to resist and seeing that his shouting for help had not brought anyone to enter, he realized the man was in control of the situation.

Spiderman, the new hero of this accursed city filled with criminals. He was the new friendly neighbourhood Spiderman and the demon of the night for the criminals.


Or was he in cahoots with the criminals in a new game.

Nobody knew and Jonah didn't understand why he was here.

"If you are here to make me change my words, then you should realize that's not happening."

Peter was impressed as the man wasn't shaken at all by this incident and was talking to him calmly.

"I am not here for that since your words are not wrong. My purpose is unknown and Lizard is gone so it is right for people to question it." Peter said as he sat down opposite him after locking the door.

"I see that you are better than what I expected, but what do you intend to do? Why are you here?" Jonah had met other heroes as well and some of them cursed at him for his articles even though they couldn't refute his points. It was a good point in Spiderman's case that he was willing to hear criticism without shouting and getting violent.

"I want to work with Jonah. You are the biggest media outlet in NY and I wish to get your assistance to spread my name. You can cover my actions and interviews so that people know me like they know their friends, real friends. I do not wish for people to fall for the lies of criminals. My end goal is to make this city clean and safe, just like you wish to do." Peter replied, shocking Jonah since no hero had ever done such a thing. It was new and exciting.

His words were good but how to judge his intentions.

"How can I be sure about your intentions?"

"I will let you figure that out by yourself. You can have an interview with me and I will answer what I can. You can follow my adventures throughout the city every day."

"I can see what you mean. So, what happened to the Lizard?"

"I fixed him with the help of Dr. Reed. It was an accidental transformation from unstable experimental chemicals. You can check with Dr. Reed as I went to his place last night. I cannot divulge the identity of the person that was transformed."

"Hmm, I see. I understand and I won't look into the identity of the man. I know what can happen to him, if that got out." Jonah understood his words and his reasoning. His doubts would be cleared after checking with Reed. He had seen people get isolated and killed when such incidents happened to them. It was a sad world where fear sometimes ruled the mind.

"You are better than I expected Jonah. I really look forward to working together with you from now on. Let's make this city a better place from now on. How about I look for some dirt on Norman and Kingpin for you?"

"I would really like that very much, Spiderman. Let me make a call to Reed first and I can prepare a slot for you in the morning broadcast." Jonah smiled as he heard those words. He had been looking for ways to bring those two giants but with his ability it was impossible so such an offer was very much attractive.

"Take your time. I can wait." Peter nodded and Jonah took out his cell phone to call Reed. He had numbers of many great man of the country because of his job so Reed was one of them.

It was a simple call and Jonah spoke with Reed who was enjoying breakfast with family. He had seen the news and was intending to fix it up so Jonah's call was timely.

"I will work with you until you step out of line." Jonah muttered as he put down the phone and walked back to his desk.

"Thanks for putting trust in me, Jonah. You won't regret this partnership and this is for you. You can talk to me with this by just wishing for it." Peter said as he put down the communication necklace for Jonah that had the required fuinjutsu seals to allow them to communicate.

Jonah could see that the man was a magician as well and understood why he didn't use the net or the phone for this as it could be tracked and hacked.

Jonah nodded as he gave a call to his secretary to arrange for a spot in the morning program at 10.


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