《Chakra Spider》Chapter 26


In the dark of the night the Lizard was moving with haste as he targeted the Oscorp Lab. It was the one place he knew from his human memories that contained precious experimental materials that could help it.

It was one place that had powerful machinery to be used as weapon. It had also delved into biological enhancement serums.

The public might not be knowledgeable about the data but Connor had friends working at the lab so he knew what kind of things they had been working on as he exchanged data with them on occasions.

Just like he had worked on the regeneration serum, the others had worked on replicating other qualities from animals and insects.

If he could get his hands on them then his stats would increase and he would not have to worry about Spiderman or his target.

He had realized that his target was too prepared and too strong for him. He need more power for this endeavour.

'There it is.' Lizard thought as he finally arrived at his location. He could see the logo on the gate and knew it was protected by lasers and such.

He had come from the underground but even there it was under protection since this was a tactic from old times.

Taking in the surroundings, he located the cameras and lasers. There were also smaller gates that might contain other things like drones.

He was stuck to the ceiling and covered by the darkness as he stared at his goal. It was so close.

'I need it.' Lizard pounced at the gate with full strength causing the ceiling to collapse under the force of his jump.

His body crashed into the gate at full power and heaved.

He bounced back quickly to avoid the lasers that attacked him once he came into range. His body got holes into it and the alarm was sounded.

Drones came out of the smaller gates and locked onto him.

Lizard smashed the closest with his tail and once again attacked the gate as his body healed quickly. This time the gate couldn't take the force as it was ripped off from the walls.

His body could lift 50 tonnes and move close to the speed of sound when he went full power. With the gate down, Lizard rushed inside on fours as he went for his target.

The drones pursued him and continued to rain bullets on him, forcing him to dodge as the bullets were strong enough to enter his durable body.

They were prepared for super powered individuals.

Just to make it worse, he saw an armoured squad ready to face him. They covered up the path and shot at him.


Lizard realized the danger he was facing and jumped to the side before bouncing off the wall towards the enemies.

With his fast movements they were barely able to shoot at him but were unable to stop his tail from smashing into them.

The force of tonnes sent them flying with broken bones as they weren't normal humans either but the moment he landed, Lizard found a huge hole in his body.

There was giant laser behind the group and they had been bait for him.

The whole thing was under control from the moment the alarm sounded. Lizard fell to the floor as his bodily functions slowed down to heal the damage.

"Damn this thing was annoying."

"Almost killed us with that tail swipe, fucker." One of the men cursed as he wished to kick the body but held back as he was on duty and the big boss didn't like his things mishandled.

Just as they were about to collect him, Peter landed and picked up Lizard while being invisible. With invisibility on, Peter rushed away from the location with his target while feeding him a healing pill so he didn't die.

The man noticed saw the Lizard disappear and saw Peter's heat signature.

The laser had also locked onto Peter as they operated on motion, and heat sensors.

Fortunately, Peter was trained for such situations and mastered his spider sense. It allowed him to easily dodge all the attacks and he slipped through the death trap like a boss.

Peter was very much worried and had felt his heart pop when he saw Connor get hit by the laser. It was lucky that he hadn't died or got captured before Peter got there.

Invading Oscorp might have been possible but getting out would have been very hard. It would have also ruined his name and he would have to face Norman Osborn.

Carrying Connor who had gone unconscious from the physical damage taking its toll, Peter rushed towards the Baxter building.

He had only taken few minutes and come back very quickly, quicker than what Reed had expected. Heroes were usually not very fast when doing important things.

Peter didn't take the entrance and jumped towards the window from where he had left to find the couple involved in a kinky setting.

"Ahem, sorry. I was in a hurry." Peter coughed to get their attention and looked away to save some dignity.

Susan became invisible while Reed quickly covered up while losing his boner looking at him.

'I know I should feel impressed but I wish to throw him off the building at the moment.' Reed thought as he indicated for Peter to enter before the system shot him down.


Taking Connor to the lab, Peter put him inside the liquid container that would help him heal while Reed prepared the machine.

They waited for a few minutes while Susan brought back some coffee for them. They stayed silent and soon Connor's injuries were healed.

He was then put inside the gene machine and within moments his body was healed from the Lizard serum.

He was fully healed and had his arm. All the negatives had been removed by the healing chamber.

"He is fine now. No traces left of the serum in his body or mind. You can take him back but he will remember everything that happened. Do you want to erase the memories?"

Hearing his words, Peter was satisfied but the last question hit him. Should he erase the memories and leave him a blank state? This would leave the professor distressed and confused. It will make him take steps to uncover the mystery and maybe invite misunderstandings.

Or allow him to remember and know what took place. Remember the dangers of the serum on humans and his enemy.

"No need, he didn't see anything that he shouldn't have. Thank you for this favour Reed, I will definitely help out when you need me."

"Your words are enough. Take care now." Reed patted his back and Peter left with Connor.

"This isn't stopping me from going again, you know that right."

"Sometimes you can be really perverted." Susan hit his shoulder playfully as they got back to being kinky.

With that Peter's night ended peacefully and the problem was solved before it became bigger but the enemy had taken the serum. He knew it was nothing good and expected a really bad outcome from this event.

The Lizard had been strong but not enough for him. The thing was, it was one and if that multiplied into an army that would be a nightmare.

Armed Lizards would be even worse. Peter could see that his enemies weren't some statues but smart people that kept on improving and changing.

They were taking in his data and forming counter measures. He needed to become strong enough to make such things ineffective. He needed a team powerful enough to beat all that came at them.

He was never going to be enough in this world and if he stopped fighting, he didn't know what could happen.

There were scum at all levels, from city to country to continent to planet. Giving up meant, he was dependent on other heroes. What if the hero was late or delayed? The city block or the city itself could get erased.

To avoid such cases, he needed to improve the condition of the city and prove to villains that this city was not safe for them.

He needed to be a clear cut threat to all evil.

This city was his main priority and he didn't intend to go further until it was needed or he could do it without any pressure.


'Congratulations on the successful mission, I am impressed by your skills. You really are a fast learner Peter.' Yami appeared on his head as he left Connor with his family and told them that he had been kidnapped.

He took a picture with Billy and left them.

Now he stood on top of a water tower along with Huntress watching the city and checking for any crime report.

'Thanks for the compliment. I was wondering how strong I can actually get. I know you are supposed to be really strong but what about me.'

'Guess your mind finds it hard to accept this reality. Just as you expect, with my powers you can reach 10% of my power at least if you continue fighting and improving. You are my avatar in this world so there is no way I would allow weakness. We are strong and we allow no weakness. We never lose to any outsider. We always come back with vengeance.'

'Thank you for clarifying it. I was having doubts as becoming that strong from this condition sounded too much. Do you think I should try out the test?' Peter asked as he thought about getting a reward as it might come in handy now.

'Hmm let's wait for another week. From now on, I will train you every day in the dream world. No, it isn't the same. This will improve your skills and not your body since it is a dream. Also you will only get day's worth of training inside.'

'That is more than enough. Can the girls also become part of it? It would really make this so much easier.'

'They can since all of them are connected to you now.'

'Thank you Yami, you are the best.'

'Hmph, I am always the best.' Yami said with a cute tone and pride apparent on her cute face.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

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