《Chakra Spider》Chapter 18


The moment the spider bit both girls, the venom travelled through their bodies and within moments they started feeling dizzy.

Their genetic structure was changing and was causing such a sick feeling. The moment the change started Peter felt a connection develop and his eyes ended on Gwen before moving to an unknown girl.

'What is this feeling?' It was faint but it was their at the back of his mind.

'The spider has bitten and they are your new companions.' A voice entered his head and Peter noticed the black and white spider on his shoulder.

'What do you mean and what are you doing here?'

'We are partners now and my name is Yami. Today is the day you would have gotten bit but Gwen got bit because I scared the spider. I don't like other's touching what is mine and you don't need their powers as you will keep growing stronger with my powers. Regardless, I have connection to the other spiders that I formed for your sake or I would never make connection with lower beings so that they can help you on your path.

They will also feel the connection and there might be other affects. Before I forget, you are the only one who can see me.'

This wasn't something too surprising so Peter remained calm and took in the information. He didn't how Yami was going to help him with his presence but since he was Naruto's pet then he wasn't anything normal.

But the urgent issue was the fact that Gwen and the unknown girl just became like him. They needed his help before an accident took place.

Peter excused himself from the doctor and caught Gwen before also catching the hand of the other girl. He somehow knew that they wouldn't deny him and without a word they followed him.

Holding their hands, Peter felt tingly inside and his body was heating up.

It didn't take him long to understand that they were having such a reaction to each other.


Walking out of the lab, they walked to the park outside and sat down on the benches.

The girls felt better now as the change was almost done.

"Peter, what is happening to me?" Gwen asked as her body had felt hot since that spider bit her hand and now being close to Peter made her want to let go of her inhibition.

"Hey, did you do something to us?" Cindy asked as she looked at him with heated gaze

Cindy Moon was a child from a middle class family with normal parents but she was born with eidetic memory. This meant that her parents wanted her to focus on studies and use her inborn talents for her future.

She followed their desires from a young age becoming a serious girl with high level of intellect but during high school she ended up making friends that made her open up.

From then on Cindy became rebellious and enjoyed her life playing sports, and video games. She hung out with her friends but made time for her studies as she was still a good child.

But last week she ended up in club with her friends and her parents found out so they ended up forcing her to attend this science trip.

Everything was boring and she remembered each thing said like a machine when suddenly Cindy feeling dizzy and hot.

An older boy from the University took her hand without a word but Cindy didn't feel like saying anything and wanted to follow him.

She was in her final year of high school but had never experienced love.

Looking at that muscular body and handsome face, Cindy felt her body heat up even more. She felt the desire to jump him but held back as it was too embarrassing and slutty.

Peter looked at the girl wearing a black leather jacket and white shirt and red shorts. She looked really cute and he felt the desire to eat her up.

Her pink lips, her smooth long black hair and shimmering brown eyes plus those curves made him feel a strong desire and it went the same for Gwen. He had never felt something like this before.


Peter shook his head and stood up to take some distance, he could tell that distance placed a part in the reaction.

"Calm down and listen to me, this is something you cannot share with others."

'Talk to them and show them your powers, I have covered the area in an illusion for you but finish it quickly since I can only rely on your limited chakra.'

Yami's assistance came in handy and with a thought Peter was wearing his Spiderman suit.

The reaction on both girls was as expected, they were surprised beyond words.

"You... are Spiderman? Why are you showing us this?" Gwen asked and Cindy nodded, she couldn't see the reason why he would tell them.

In this heat their mind was working at a slow pace.

'Is he using his powers to prey on us?' Cindy thought and it was the same for Gwen though Gwen didn't mind it at all.

"I wanted to show you this because you are now like me. You got bit by the radioactive spider and it caused a change inside your body, giving you powers. Gwen, squeeze the wooden bench." Peter answered and commanded

Gwen followed his words and squeezed the bench she was sitting on and felt it crumble in her grip.

She stood up in surprise with her jaw dropped, "Is this real?"

"Yes, you now have powers like me so I am going to train you from now on until you have full control over them. You could end up killing someone by mistake since your grip force could be around 10 tonnes at least. To avoid tragedies I will help you out and I will let you decide what you want later. If you want you can join me as my team mates in fighting crime or you can go back to your normal lives." Peter explained as he held Gwen's hand and she looked him in the eyes.

"I will do it. I want to fight by your side. It sounds fun." Cindy stood up with excitement and a flushed face

She had always imagined getting powers to fight villains when she was bored and now she had them.

"I will also do it. I want to help you. I want to stand by your side." Gwen muttered slowly before she couldn't control herself and her desire for Peter mixed with her instincts, and she kissed him on the lips with aggressiveness.

Peter would have usually stopped it but at this moment he couldn't think anything and kissed her back. His desire was increasing exponentially causing Cindy to also react.

She pushed aside Gwen and kissed him. It was her first kiss and it was better than her imagination.

It was like a dam had been broken because they couldn't stop at all anymore. All three of them had repressed sexual desires and didn't even take care of themselves so when it hit them it was too much to control.

Just outside the Lab still inside the Oscorp grounds inside the park where the staff would relax, the trio engaged debauchery.

They engaged in wild sex and all the skills Peter learnt made the experience even crazier that they would never forget it for the rest of their lives.

In a craze all three of them ended up doing it without stop till night. The chakra wasn't enough so Yami had teleported them once they lost control to the Spider base.

'Master really enjoys messing with people and I can see the fun in it.' Yami thought as he disappeared and waited patiently to see their reactions.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

You can count Yami as Kumoko from Kumo desu nanika.

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