《Chakra Spider》Chapter 12


Peter went home directly after taking down the new villain thinking of ways to improve his life and the city's while the shadow forces continued to move against that goal.

His appearance wasn't missed by anyone that considered New York their territory.

His power and ability was enough to threaten the balance created that would force them to use higher quality mobs.

One of the boss monsters of this region was Norman Osborn. To many he was also known as a top class businessman and leading figure in New York with his company.

He had his hands in chemicals, pharma, education and weapons.

It was powerful business empire that had started with the man and was spreading beyond the borders of US.

Norman wasn't a simple man and his life wasn't simple either.

As a child, Norman Osborn became obsessed with gaining wealth and power. His father, a failed business inventor who claimed that he was swindled out of his inventions and personal fortune, took out his rage on Norman. It caused hatred for the man inside him and Norman would not allow himself to become a failure like his father, he realized that he could not depend on him for financial security, thus began working after school.

Norman studied chemistry and electrical engineering at Empire State University, and also took a number of courses in business administration. However, he had a cheating apparatus which was reported by one of his friends, Ned Tobolowski, causing him to lose his scholarship and nearly getting expelled. One of his teachers was Professor Mendel Stromm. They became good friends and later formed a business partnership. Since Norman put up the bulk of the financing, they called their company Osborn Chemical (Oscorp).

He married his college sweetheart; Emily Lyman and they had a son Harold "Harry" Osborn. Unfortunately, his wife became ill. After she died, he buried himself in his work and rarely had time for young Harry.


As the co-owner of Oscorp, Norman Osborn, loving wealth and power, decided to take full control and had his business partner Mendell Stromm arrested after he discovered he was committing embezzlement, granting Norman complete control over the company; making him the official CEO of Oscorp. While going through Stromm's notes, he found a secret formula that would make him superhumanly powerful. However, his son, Harry, tired of always being ignored and rejected by his father, switched the chemicals in the serum, causing it to explode in his face. Later, at the hospital, Osborn found himself thinking more clearly than ever before, not knowing that he was slowly going insane.

Attempting to achieve power beyond his wildest dreams, Norman Osborn planned to become the most powerful gang-lord of all by uniting all the independent gangs under his leadership in an attempt to gain control over all of New York's crime.

He had gathered gangs under him with force and even mutants along with super powered individuals with offers of wealth.

His dream of conquering was going well over the 5 years of its beginning but there was obviously a constant thorn making it take longer.

His rival, Wilson Fisk also known as the Kingpin of all crime in NY, owned the gangs and started fighting back once Norman started making too much noise.

In this city there were not many heroes and the big ones barely interfered with them since they had bigger threats to fry.

The Fantastic Four were part of the city but they fought of strong threats and gangs were barely anything to them.

Only rarely would they end up fighting against them if Norman or Kingpin were acting too out of line. The only real threat they had was from Daredevil, Punisher, Electra and rouge super villains but now it seems a super powered hero had joined the list and he didn't seem inexperienced.


Norman always kept a clear watch on everything happening in the city and already sent for his men to bring him Supercharger as he had use for him.

The super villain was strong enough to be worthy of his attention and with his help, the man could grow stronger and better at his job.

He had listened to the man's nonsensical tirade and understood how to use him, and he so loved using such fools for his purposes.

After having being affected by the serum, Norman had taken on learning martial arts and weapon mastery.

He lived in a dangerous world where only personal power could be trusted. His physical capability was in the super human ranges and he was an expert fighter.

But hand to hand won't save him nor would normal weapons, so he had a team always working on developing weapons for him.

His arsenal of weapons was large and it developed fast.

He had even gotten his hands on Stark technology even if it was the old version it was enough for a starting point.

Norman had yet to use it because it would invite Tony's wrath and he didn't want to contend with such a force when he didn't have to.

Of course that didn't mean he hadn't tried to have him killed multiple times.

Norman knew about the serum that Doc Connor was making since he kept watch over his old University especially since his son was studying there.

He was very much interested in the serum especially the thought of overlapping it with his super serum made him smile with joy.

It was sad but he had zero expectations from Harry and wanted to spread his empire even further.


"Where did this spider come from?" Norman muttered as he was in his office

Peter had yet to mess with him but it would happen sooner or later from the looks of it.

'Driving of one vigilante and another one pops up. Really only true power could make me rule without question.' Norman thought about Galactus when true power came to mind.

'Maybe I can use him to weaken Fisk? Kill two birds with one stone or would this backfire. Let's observe him and study his movements before designing a kill squad for him.' Norman decided as he knew Vigilantes were hard to talk to. They wouldn't listen unless you had someone they loved as a hostage.

With that decision made, Norman informed his men to make it reality. They could use the cameras in the streets and send out drones to record around the city for what they need.

On the other hand, Norman was also waiting for the serum to get to the new stage before making it his property.

It was a project with the military so he couldn't get it the normal way, meaning he intended to steal it for personal use.


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