《Chakra Spider》chapter 3


For Naruto this was really nothing as he had finished his quest to save the world and brought peace. He was enjoying the life now and delegated the responsibilities so he didn't have to sit on the throne anymore.

The spider wasn't the only one he had sent out as there was the bat, the centipede, the toad, the eagle and many more.

Each of them had gone to people that he had expected and before their tragedies started to give them a better chance at life.

Power only gave them a better chance and only their hard work would make sure that the good life remained the good life.

"It is fun seeing their happy expressions."


On the outside, Peter woke up in the alleyway safe and sound that he attributed to Naruto's power because he would have been mugged clean by now.

The fact that no one had tried to wake him up or help him told Peter that not much time had gone by and he confirmed with his watch.

It had only been a minute since he lost consciousness and now he felt great, and hungry.

His body had changed completely and he didn't need glasses anymore. His physical prowess was in the super human ranges.

He could lift 100 tonnes, run like the wind, stick to surfaces, heal from damage faster than ever, sense danger and make web using chakra.

The chakra training had yet to start but Naruto had given him the basics of chakra already and Peter understood it like he learnt it from childhood.

He could feel the energy flow through his body and await his commands.

For now he lacked knowledge on chakra usage and such so he didn't mess around with it as he would leave himself powerless if it finished.


'It wasn't a dream.'

'I really met him and got bit by his spider.'

'I finally know about my parents and my sister.'

'There is so much to take in, my head really hurts.' Peter thought as he shook his head and decided to get back home quickly

His appearance stayed the same because of Naruto's illusion over him so no one would notice it and it would slowly change, and reveal his real appearance in three months so people won't associate him with any hero or villain.

Changing so suddenly would invite suspicion so Naruto had covered up for him even though Peter had forgotten to ask about it as his mind was still occupied with other thoughts.

But now as he was walking back home, Peter realized this and was thankful once again as Naruto could have played him like a fiddle and even place the blame on Peter for not asking.

'He really is a nice person.' Peter thought as he thought about the rewards for completing the tests.

If he could become special than so could his parents. He could give them a healthier and longer life so they could enjoy it with the wealth he was planning to build.

The world was so bright, noisy and disgusting after his senses had become exaggerated, fortunately he could lower them or he would be in big trouble as he might not even walk properly.

But it was obvious from the get go that such changes would also bring string of difficulties so Peter wasn't so surprised as he had imagined such powers before and understood their problems.


"Peter, were you drinking?"

The moment he entered the house, Peter heard Ben's voice from the living room.

"Huh, why would you think so?" Peter asked as he cleared his shoes and put them to the side, and walked in with the indoor slippers.


"We were also students once upon a time so going drinking is the norm. I hope you didn't do anything irresponsible." Ben laughed as he got up from the sofa where he had been sitting with May watching some old movies.

"I went drinking but I didn't do anything irresponsible."

"Peter, do you want to share something with me? I won't mind even if it's a difficult topic." Ben looked at Peter's expression that looked like he was about to cry and break down suddenly.

Ben was aware that his nephew was getting bullied but was unable to put a stop to it. Flash's father was a cop, a corrupt cop with a bad attitude.

He didn't like anyone else messing with his family as he was the only one allowed to mess with them.

'I thought that boy would have become better after the incident.'

"I am very happy today Father, Mother. Today is the happiest day of my life." Peter declared as he hugged Ben and shocked both old timers with his words

"Father?" Ben asked

"Mother?" May asked as she walked closer as Peter had never really called them his parents verbally, they were his aunt and uncle.

"You have been my parents for so long so I believe it is right to call you by these words or do you not want to?"

"No no no, I was just taken aback by those words. They make me so happy that I didn't know I was missing them so much." May muttered with tears of joy as she hugged him

She had always wanted children but her first try was still born and after that they couldn't try again because of health problems.

Her dream of having children was destroyed but all was forgotten when Peter entered their life and finally he fulfilled that dream by calling them his parents.

"What happened out there? Did you fall in love? Did you do it? What just happened for you to change so much?" Ben was happy and confused at the same time, he had seen Peter walk like normal and come back like this.

What was going on here?

"I came to the realization how important you are to me and that I haven't said it aloud in all this time. Also I almost died."

"What was that? I might have been hearing things but I thought I heard you say die and I together."

"Ah, relax first and let's sit down. I have something important to share with you." Peter said calmly as he decided not to hide this secret from them as they were the people he trusted the most and fighting alone, always hiding would take a toll on him so he needed people to talk to.

Naruto had also given him this advice.

Everything starts at home from family to friends and then the neighborhood.

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