《Worldview》Chapter 6, Beginning of The End I


[You have killed a living thing.]

[100 coins have been earned as additional compensation.]

I wiped the splattered blood that flew onto my cheeks and flopped onto the ground next to the lifeless corpse. Hmph, I never thought I would have beaten him, if I'm honest. Whilst catching my breath, I thought of the new skill that had just saved me. Capture, was it? That fluffy white ball had said that this wasn't a novel or a game, but it sure seemed like one. I thought about the skill a little bit more. It was exclusive so of course it was a skill special for me. Could this be because of the photography company I'm working for? Maybe it's proper to say 'was' working for. Because of this incident, I doubt there would be any more of that company, or any companies.


My phone vibrated in my pocket. That reminds me, what's everyone saying about a situation like this? I turned on my phone and saw the prime ministers speech playing on the screen.

"Attention citizens, do not be alarmed. We and the army are doing the best we can to neutralize the terrorist threat. Please rest assur-"

His head was blown off instantly. The white fluffy ball appeared onto the screen from aside.

[How many times must I tell you, this isn't a game, a terrorist attack, a novel or any of the sort. This is your new reality.]

The video closed abruptly. As soon as it closed, another message popped up on my window.

[Main Scenario #1 – Proof of Value has ended.]

[300 coins have been acquired as a basic clearance reward.]

[100 coins have been reduced for the channel usage fee.]

[Additional compensation settlement will begin.]

I sighed in relief, maybe hopefully this was the end of this wicked dream? But why? Why, even in this breathtaking tension, why was my heart beating with joy? I scoffed at myself then rose. Perhaps it was time to check the remains of this wasteland.


I paced throughout the aisles, glancing behind me now and then to see whether someone would abush me. If I recalled correctly, there were about 15 people when I entered the store. Due to this event, maybe all of them could be dead? I beat myself up, definitely not. If a man like me with no combat experience could live, then the other customers inside the store are probably alive as well. As I swiftly paced around the corner of the aisle, I was met with a knife nearly penetrating my skull.

'D-don't move!'

My eyes slowly shifted to my adversary who was threatening me. Wait, I remember this person..? It was the woman who I had saved a while ago from the huge man. I was greatly surprised that she was alive, and that was expressed on my face.

'Oh wait.. You're the guy that..! You're the guy that saved me from that man! Oh I'm so sorry!'

A look of relief was planted on her face as she slumped onto the ground, dropping the knife simultaneously.

"This has all been such a rollercoaster for me.." She said, gasping for breath.

I dropped my guard and fell down beside her, "I most definitely can relate to that.. I was literally buying some breakfast before work then I'm thrown into this fantasy." I replied, chuckling anxiously.

She stretched out her hand, "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Mia Becker, and you?"

"Aksel Liebert. Nice to meet you."

"Aksel...I can't thank you enough for what you did. If you hadn't stopped that man back there, I certainly would've died."

I tilted my head and smiled at the woman, catching a whiff of her perfume. She was a blonde woman with medium-lengthed hair. She had a slim figure and seemed quite tall, perhaps 5'7? I almost felt bad that such a beauty like this was caught up in this nonsense.


"We should find if there are any other survivors."

Mia nodded and we departed from searching inside the store. We searched through the store and encountered countless lifeless bodies. At this point, I truly wondered whether this was reality when I glanced upon these disfigured faces. Mia beside me, grew pale and looked as though she was about to throw up. I grabbed her by the shoulder and we explored some more.

After a while, we couldn't find anyone. I sighed and that was when a blade slightly pierced the back of my neck. How was this possible? I didn't hear this person sneak up behind me, could this also be a skill? The hoarse voice came into existence:

"Are you going to attack us?"

"No.. I am also with somebody myself, we don't mean to attack anyway. The 'scenario' is over, is it not?"

The blood dripping down my neck came to a halt and I felt the blade being removed from my neck. I turned around and saw a young man, roughly the same age as me.

"Sorry for the misconception." He stuck out his hand, "I'm Thomas Lee, and you?"

"Aksel Liebert. Pleased to meet you." I glanced over to the edge of my view, there could be seen a man about the age of 17 cowering behind shelves. "What about your friend, what's his name?"

"Leo. Leo Collins. He's quite shy, he's only opened up to me a little because I saved him."

"Figured. In this now present dystopia, it's a little dumb to trust anyone, right?"

"You've got that right."

Our conversation suddenly came to a halt as the fluffy white ball appeared above us.


My heart sudddenly began to beat rapidly as Thomas drew his short blade. Were we actually going to fight this creature? That was when the fluffy white ball spoke to us:

[Calm down. I'm not here to fight you, not that I'll lose anyway.]

Each one of us stared like mesmerised children at the fluffy white ball.

[Anyway, I've come to introduce myself. My name is Giryu and I am a dokkaebi. Do you know what that means? Perhaps you don't but I'll educate you anyway. My job as a dokkaebi is to manage this channel and make the scenarios run smoothy. Simple, right? So any questions?]

The room was silent.

[Ah, can't help it. You're all definitely so scared right now. Anywho, as a reward for the first scenario, you are entitled to the sponsorship of the 'constellations'.

[To explain further, you are essentially bugs on this plane of existence, forced to take part in these scenarios. But fortunately for you, there are powerful people in the universe who have pity for you and desire to aid you. Do you understand?]

The room once again was silent.

[Whatever, I guess it's better if you experience it for yourselves.] The dokkaebi smirked then vanished into thin air.

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