《W.A.R.F.R.A.M.E.》Chapter Eighteen: Frank


Justin, Anna, and Vincent spent the rest of the morning doing missions. They stopped when it was time for lunch. Each of them exited their pods. Anna stretched her body, “Alright, guys, how about some lunch, I’m getting pretty hungry.” Vincent and Justin nodded, “Now that you mention it, I do feel kind of hungry.” Anna led them to one part of the shop where there were other people who were snacking while watching scenes of battles on the screen. “This is the, I guess you could say the resting or dining area of the store. Shawn may not serve any food and drinks here but he does allow customers to eat here as long as we don’t cause a mess and we bring our own food.” It finally dawned on Vincent, “So that’s why you asked us to bring our own lunches.” Anna nodded and took a seat.

Vincent and Justin joined her and each of them took out their lunches. Each of them took out their sandwiches, Anna took out a thermos. She took off the lid and used it as a cup. She poured out the contents of the thermos. It was some warm soup. Anna took a bite of her sandwich and drank some soup as she stared at the screen showing the replay of the world championships.

Seeing Anna watching the screen, Vincent looked over and saw a battle being waged. It was a space battle in a field of debris. From what he could tell, the two sides were waging war against each other and the battle was intense. The skills shown by these pilots made his skills pale in comparison. Justin noticed that Vincent became somewhat down but excited at the same time. “Don’t let it get to you. We can’t hope to challenge either one of those teams and come out unscathed. They are the top two teams on the world rankings, Knights of Britannia and Fulmine Famiglia.”

After finishing her meal, Anna puts away her things and gets ready to leave. “Okay guys, I have somewhere I need to go. Justin, can I trust you to watch Vincent as you guys do missions inside the Nexus?” Justin nods, “Sure, but where are you going?” Anna answers, “To see a friend.” With those parting words, Anna left the store and went on her merry way. Finishing their lunch, Justin and Vincent continued to go on missions inside Nexus.


After leaving her friends at Card Cabin, Anna continued to proceed to the hospital. It was visiting hours, so she just walked right in and went to the elevator. She pressed the up button and waited for passengers to get off before she walked in. She presses the button labeled 10, indicating that she was headed to the tenth floor. The elevator dinged and Anna stepped out. She continued down the hallway and made a right at a corner and continued on.

When she arrived, she saw that person was sighing and staring blankly out the window. Anna knocks on the door, “Someone looks like he can’t wait to be back out on the field.” The patient was a year older than her and was in the 12th-grade class. His brown hair rustled as a breeze blew in through the window. When Anna called out, he turned his attention to her, “Anna, hey, how have you been?”

Anna took a seat right next to her friend’s hospital bed, “Not too bad. I was able to get us two new recruits. Hopefully, we can make it to nationals this year. So, how have you been Frank? When did they say you could get discharged?” Frank stretched and yawned, “In a couple of weeks. It looks like I’ll be able to participate in the championships this year. I at least want to be able to make it there before I graduate.” Anna comforted him, “We’ll make it there. Our new initiates look promising. With their help, we should be able to get there.”

Anna then proceeded to tell Frank about her recent escapades. Frank’s emotions were all over the place. One moment he as in awe, another he was enraged, and another he was glad. “You went through a lot these past few weeks. I’m sorry. As president, all of these things should’ve been my responsibility. Instead, I got hurt and you had to pick up the pieces. Anyway, that Danny was such a jerk. Did you report the guy?”

“He got what he deserved.” That was Frank’s reaction when Anna told him how Danny failed to absorb the club and how Justin destroyed Danny’s frame. Anna shrugged it off, “I wouldn’t have to go through that if you hadn’t gone behind my back and went to help the hockey team. I know you love ice hockey as much as you love WARFRAME but getting injured for them doesn’t help your own club.” Frank could not argue. Anna then showed Frank, pictures of the frames used by Justin, Vincent, and Mister Myers. "It looks like the club is doing pretty good without me. I don't have to worry about leaving the club to you next year."


After looking through the three frames, Frank was silent for a while, especially when he saw Mantaraia. He then stared Anna in the eyes, “You said that this new kid used this?” Anna nodded while Justin rubbed his chin, “I’ve seen all the cards that were made for WARFRAME, and I’ve never seen the one used by this guy before. It’s possible that his is custom made.” Anna took back her phone and got a closer look at the picture of Mantaraia, “Custom? Are you sure?” Frank nods, “Yeah, I'm pretty sure. These parts were never released. So unless there is a new release I haven’t heard of, then this guy’s WAFRFAME was custom-made. Meaning, he has access to a WARFRAME artist.”

This newfound information made Anna grin. When Frank took his eyes off the picture of frames, he saw the big grin that Anna had, “Anna, you’re planning something again aren’t you. Here you are, telling me not to do stupid things when you’re planning on doing something similar.” Anna corrected Frank, “It’s not similar. In my case, I won’t get hurt and be stuck in a hospital for a few weeks.” Frank blushed in embarrassment. “Still, if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, then stop. You have to get him to trust you more before you continue any further. Until then, just fight with your Rosenkavalier. Now, tell me more about our new faculty advisor.”

Anna had made a recording of all battles that took place in their club. The alumni members had all used this method to study their opponents and get stronger. Taking heed of the advice from her predecessors, Anna did the same and recorded every single battle. She looked through her phone and found the battle that they had with Mister Myers’ frame. She plays the video and showed it to Frank. Frank watched it all the way to the end. He laughed when he saw how Vincent got his butt literally kicked and how Anna and Vincent both lost to the teacher.

Anna pouted and commented, “Stop laughing. You weren’t there. You didn’t feel how powerful he was. Mister Myers was the toughest guy I had ever faced.” Frank did not want to argue, “I can tell. And from what I saw, he was most probably holding back when he fought you guys. From my experience, you have real skill if you can force someone like this to take you seriously.

Anna and Frank continued to chat and reminisce. Anna finally noticed the time passing by when she saw the sun had become bright and blinding orange and was dipping into the horizon. A nurse had walked by and knocked on the door, “Visiting hours are over miss.” After passing on the message, the nurse left for the next room. Anna said her goodbyes and walked to the door. Just as she was about to step through, she turns around, “Frank, I hope you’ll be able to lead our team in the first match of the qualifiers.” Then Anna left. Frank was alone in the room and watched the sunset. He took out his reader and a few cards. He assembled the cards and placed them into the reader. Frank looked at the wolf on his reader before watching the sunset, “I can’t wait.”

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