《W.A.R.F.R.A.M.E.》Chapter Twelve: Operation Trident


“Let’s see what you’re capable of, Silver Vanguard.” Mister Myers was sitting on the couch watching the screen. The screen, displayed three frames, Rosenkavalier, Mantaraia, and Cestus. The three of them stood together on an airfield. “Anna Fischer, Let’s go!” Rosenkavalier dashes across the airfield, displaying its movement capabilities. Just then, the mechanical voice sounded, “Mock battle frame, deployed.” A simulated enemy frame appeared and began firing on Rosenkavalier. Rosenkavalier easily dodges the attack.

Bullets keep flying in her direction, but none of them were able to hit considering the way Anna’s frame was moving. Mister Myer comments while watching the training session, “Manoeuvrability isn’t bad, considering the enemy difficulty is set to level 8. The quality of the frame, in addition to Anna’s control techniques, make her Rosenkavalier a well-balanced frame.”

Anna fires the laser beam under her shield, before launching the two blue roses on the shoulders. The two bits began firing upon the target as they flew around it. It took little time for Anna to destroy the simulated enemy. Mister Myers smiles and nods, “As expected of the vice president.”

Stationary enemies started appearing all over the airfield. Each of them was holding a target in each hand and one above their heads. The Mantaraia began running and firing the Depth Launcher on the closes enemies. The shots fired, hit each target, including the body of the simulated enemy frames. After getting a running start, the Mantaraia leaped into the air before its manta ray backpack detached itself and flew under the Mantaraia.

Justin easily lands his frame on the backpack and they flew around the field, destroying every target in sight with its Depth Launcher, torpedoes, and mounted cannons. Mister Myers watched the Mantaraia, “So that’s what that frame is capable of. I guess it just goes to show, that the one who assembled the frame is the one who knows it best.” Justin could hear Mister Myers’ comment, “it’s still not good enough though. There is still plenty of room for improvement. I need to keep fine-tuning my frame until it reaches a level that I’m satisfied with.” As he said that Justin thought, "Looks like it’s back to the drawing board. I need to create an even better frame. Maybe my uncle can help with that."


“Vincent isn’t doing too bad, for a beginner,” Mister Myers commented. Vincent was using Justin’s Cestus. He fired the bazooka on a few of the stationary targets as the frame hovered and dashed across the airfield firing off rocket after rocket. Some of the targets were destroyed by the rockets themselves, while others were torn to pieces by the rocket’s spread shot ability. The shells tore through them like paper. As he dashed across the airfield, Vincent was getting antsy, “I really want to try this.” He changed the slot on the weapons to the knuckle weapon labeled, ‘Hammer Fist’. Vincent punched the last mock enemy with a blow from the fist. The attack tore the head clean off the mock enemy frame. The mechanical voice sounded once again after the last mock enemy frame had been destroyed, “Simulation Over.” The cockpits opened and the trio exited the pods. Vincent cracked his knuckles, “Man that felt good”.

Anna could not help but twitch, “That was supposed to be shooting practice.” Vincent replied, “I know, but after Seeing Justin pull off that move last time, and actually feeling the brunt of the attack, I wanted to know how it felt to be the puncher instead of being the one who gets punched.”

Seeing Vincent’s abilities, Justin came to the conclusion, “As expected, you are a newb.” Vincent tries to argue, “Hey, I take offense at that term. I am not a newb. I’ll have you know, I’m one of the top MMO shooter players at my old school.” Justin scoffs, “This isn’t just another FPS game. I can hear Cestus crying. It’s upset that you weren’t able to fully utilize its abilities. The same goes when you used Mantaraia.”

Vincent interrupts, “Yeah, what is up with that. Since when can you ride the detached backpack?” Justin clarified, “It was always able to do that. I made it so that it could do that. You just never figured out how it worked, newb.” Vincent growls and pulls Justin’s cheeks, “Stop calling me, newb.” Justin reciprocates the favor and pulls on Vincent’s cheeks, “NEWB!” Vincent pulls on Justin’s cheeks even harder, “STOP CALLING ME, NEWB!”


Mister Myers finally decided to intervene after he got bored of watching Justin and Vincent pulling each other’s cheeks. “Alright, enough with the quarreling you two. If you want to settle a dispute, do it in the game. So, now that I’ve seen your abilities in the mock battle just now, I feel that it’s time you three had a real fight. I’ll be your opponent. We’ll see how you fare against my frame.”

Mister Myers pulls out a base reader from his pocket. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a WARFRAME Battle. But I don’t want any of you to go easy on me. I want to see how you’ll fare against stronger opponents.” Anna and Justin looked at the picture of the frame in the reader and were amazed. It was well assembled and was of the Savage type frame. It had the appearance of a dinosaur or more accurately, a T-rex, mixed with a champion. All four of them got into their cockpits and entered the battlefield. The mechanical voice sounded, “Field selected, Jungle”. Mister Myers was sneering inside his pod, the jungle terrain was his specialty.

Mister Myers’ frame was a bipedal dinosaur standing on two legs. The animal-like legs allow it to move easily on most terrains. Most of this type of frame possess claws on their hands and feet which allows them to deal great damage in close-range attacks even without weapons. It had a large stocky build with thick strong arms. The long tail made it so that the frame could use it as an additional weapon. On its back were two mounted shoulder cannons. The frame had a head that looked like a T-Rex and it had a large sword in its right hand. It was a claymore. The T-Rex-like frame was red and white with a tinge of gold. Its sword was a combination of red, silver, and gold. “Come on, I want to see what you’re really made of.”

Anna, Justin, and Vincent were all hiding in the jungle behind a thicket of trees as they observe their faculty advisor, Mister Myers. They observed how Mister Myers’ T-Rex-like frame was standing tall atop a waterfall with its sword stabbed into the rushing water. Anna made a plan seeing how their opponent was standing still. “Alright, here is the plan. Justin will fire his depth launcher and torpedoes at Mister Myer’s frame and get his attention. Vincent and I will climb up the waterfall and surprise him. Justin will then fly up and unleash hell on that Savage-type frame.” Justin nods in agreement with the plan, and so does Vincent.

Vincent and Anna dash towards the bottom of the waterfall at two different points. Vincent had come up with the idea for a pincer attack. Both he and Anna would climb the waterfall at different places points equidistant from each other. And once they arrive at the top, they attack Mister Myers from two different directions.

Anna then contacted Justin and Vincent, “Alright, let’s start, Operation Trident is a go.” Justin fires his beam cannons and depth launcher at his target that was standing at the top of the waterfall. Mister Myers scoffs, “Is this the best you can do? I expected more from Henry’s nephew.” Mister Myers' words startled Justin, and he got distracted. Mister Myers easily deflects the attack with his large sword. Mister Myers then aimed his cannons at the location where the attacks were coming from. Smoke rose from the position his cannons hit.

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