《Reboot》Chapter 71


The boy's eyes made Tessa take a step back and, for some reason, tighten her grip on the dagger.

- I ... - her voice trembled when Ray took a step towards her.

At that moment, she was expecting some kind of reprimand or even something worse, but the guy just walked by.

- Let's go to. A crowd will soon gather.

The guy stopped for a moment to look at the girl and two gray blobs flying towards him. After that, his sharp eyes swept over everyone in the crowd, but as he expected, no one saw the soul. As Tessa had told him before, the same was true of the energy he fed her during the journey. True, the guy still treated this with caution. He knew that there were exceptions to the rules in this world, like those noted by Tian'Areth or special beasts, so he tried to be vigilant.

Tessa was surprised at Rey's calm tone, because a moment ago his eyes clearly expressed a different emotion. The girl quickly caught up with him, but could not get rid of the thought that something was wrong.

After waiting for Tessa, the guy took another look towards the battlefield. This time he drew attention to the two remaining horses, which, despite the battle, still continued to stand a little apart. Rey really regretted that two souls were gone for nothing, but just going back and killing them would be too suspicious, besides, there was another reason to leave them. And now she just looked at him with incomprehension in her eyes.

The guy caught himself thinking that he could not suppress a smile looking at Tessa, tormented by doubts.

"Okay. I'm sure it's worth it." With that thought, he sped up. It was necessary to stray at least a little through the alleys before returning to the minister's estate.

Rei didn't say a word during the whole time he was running around, which scared the girl even more. She would understand if he yelled at her, threatened to quit, but the guy did nothing at all. But Tessa was sure that the look he looked at her when he realized that Tirf Lots had escaped could not mean anything.


Ray, then...

- Later. The guy interrupted her hesitant speech.


They reached the estate of the First Minister only after half an hour, which was quite a long time, considering that the guy and the girl fled all the way.

However, looking at them, it was impossible to say that they had run ten kilometers. Tessa was only a little out of breath, and for Ray in the form of a forest, such a pace of movement was not much different from a walk.

After passing by the guards, who did not stop them, the guy and the girl finally ended up on the estate.

“Ask the servants to prepare some clothes for us. Still, you should not come to breakfast in armor. Ray said as he walked towards the manor. He never took off his hood and mask, deciding to rest in the form of a forest.

At first, the girl did not understand what he meant, but after a little thought, she was forced to agree with him.


The clothes brought by the servants turned out to be the most ordinary - a loose white shirt, and a pair of trousers and boots. However, the guy was not famous for selectivity, therefore, putting on new clothes, he mentally praised the one who picked them up, because even the shoes fit well.

Stepping out into the corridor, he followed a young girl who led him towards the dining room. Along the way, he met Tessa, who, oddly enough, was also dressed just like him.

"It even suits her." - Rey mentally noted, trying to imagine a mercenary in a dress, but the image did not want to form.

By the way, he did not speak to the girl, leaving her in suspense. He didn't really blame Tessa too much, but she could use a little lesson. Although, it's still how to look, for her it will obviously be memorable.

As Rey thought about it, his mood shot up again, wiping out fresh memories of the impudent son of the marquis who still managed to escape.

“Maybe it’s even for the best? There will be fewer problems." Ray turned his head to Tessa. "Really, she better think I'm really angry."


The dining room was quite large. The guy at first thought that they would have breakfast with the servants, but the hostess seems to have decided to sit at the same table with them.

- And here you are. I was told that you went out into the city for a walk. And how do you like the capital? - Lifina showed concern, on whose knees her daughter was sitting, eating some kind of dessert on both cheeks.

- The impression of the city was a little overshadowed by the fact that we were attacked in the middle of the street.

The minister's eyes lit up. But not feelings, but interest.

- I see you are not injured, that's good. Of course, this is not the best topic for breakfast conversation, but I hope you satisfy my curiosity?

- We're really fine. As for the attackers, there were three of them. One introduced himself as Tirf Lotsz, the rest, unfortunately, did not have time to name themselves. - Ray spoke quite calmly, and when he finished, as if nothing had happened, he put a portion of some gruel with berries into his mouth.

But Lifina, hearing his words, changed a little in her face. But the expression was more tortured than accusatory. The woman sighed and stroked her daughter's head.

- Were they the same bad people as those who took me away? Mia suddenly asked.

Rei was not taken aback and immediately answered:

- Yes, only this time they wanted to take Tessa.

- You taught them a lesson, didn't you? - the girl clenched her fists in displeasure, looking straight into the guy's face, to which he only nodded seriously.

- Of course, the truth is one boy managed to escape. But I'll be done with him by tomorrow morning, so don't worry.

The girl also nodded, repeating Ray's gesture, only the serious expression in her performance looked so cute that the guy could not help but stingy, but smiles.

But the Minister obviously did not like his words.

- Tell us in more detail what exactly happened. This is pretty serious. Irf Lotsz is a very important person in the city. But I'm well acquainted with his son's... preferences, so I have no doubt that you didn't start the conflict.

Ray did not refuse and briefly told about what had happened. Tessa only occasionally nodded her head. He tactfully left out some details, because Mia was still sitting at the table, and her mother did not seem to be going to take her away. However, the guy didn't care.

“…so if Tessa had been on my side in this fight, the outcome would probably have been a little different. he summed up.

- Ray, I ... - the girl wanted to say something, but the guy's words for some reason touched her to the quick, so she just lowered her head. She did not touch the food again, continuing to silently listen to the conversation.

- It's even good. - trying to cheer up Tessa, said Lifina. “If Tirth had been hurt, there might have been unnecessary trouble. But don't worry, while you're here, Lotsz won't even dare to squeak.

“I am very grateful to you, but, as already mentioned, tonight I was going to…” Rei stopped in mid-sentence, looking down at Mia, who was not at all worried about the conversation. The baby with a clear conscience hamstered some fruit. - Hmm. I was going to finish the job. - the guy tried to convey the meaning embedded in the words with his eyes. He did not care about the boy, but he could take advantage of the situation in different ways. And the minister easily understood his intentions.

Ray had only time to notice a slight smile that flashed across her face when she decided to play along with him:

- Can I convince you? Or somehow compensate for the inconvenience caused?

The smile on the boy's face grew a little wider.

"So I'm not wrong."

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