《Reboot》Chapter 57


The sky-blue tildas had already been flying over a small settlement for several minutes, a hundred or two houses, no more. The sharp gaze of the bird did not miss a single important detail. Having made another circle, he turned towards the plain and flew away.

Approaching the ground, Ray landed on the thick grass already in the form of a forest, forcing Tessa to cover her eyes with her hand.

“You could get used to it already… And last night, for some reason, you were not shy.

- Shut up. And get dressed quickly. - answered the girl, imperceptibly peeping through the cracks between her fingers.

The guy just chuckled and took out the armor.

Having dressed, he climbed the Cess. In fact, Ray could have continued to move around in the form of a bird, but Tessa asked him to ride alone on the first day. He understood the reason, besides, being able to constantly hug a beautiful girl was quite pleasant, so for the last two days they had been moving in this way. And so, this morning, thanks to the speed of the panthers, they were able to reach the Rondal border earlier than planned.

Ray asked the question as soon as his hands were on the girl's toned waist.

Why is there no security there? This is the border.

Hearing the question, Tessa sighed wearily.

“There are no other countries here for the border to be guarded. Perhaps the forest people, but they will never stoop to attack the defenseless villagers.

— That's how. Then why is the settlement in such decline? I saw quite large fields of this kshims. Maybe it's the war?

- Not. The war hasn't really started yet. It's about Rondale. Saying this, the girl turned to Ray. There was a clear reluctance to tell useless stories in her eyes, but the guy didn't care. He pinched her cheek and said:

“We have plenty of time, so you can take your time and tell everything in as much detail as you can.

Pushing Rey's hand away, she glared at him displeasedly, clutching her flushed cheek. Taking a deep breath, Tessa leaned her whole body back, falling on the guy's chest and began the story.

- Once upon a time, Rondal really was worth talking about. My father told me that until two hundred years ago, the country was prosperous and could compete in wealth with half the cities of the Free Lands combined. You haven’t been there and you don’t quite understand how great this place is. Each city is like a separate state. There is no division into races, no slaves, anyone can do anything and no one will pay attention to the color of his skin, the number of eyes or hands. And also…


— Tessa. You got distracted. Ray decided to interrupt her when he noticed that the girl had clearly deviated from the original topic.

She clicked her tongue in displeasure, but nevertheless resumed the story:

“Two hundred years ago, the ruling dynasty changed in Rondal. There is not the slightest doubt that the past greatness of the state was associated with wise and prudent rulers. With the advent of the new government, everything changed to the opposite. Not to be found in the whole kingdom of a person who would not know the reason for the fall of Rondal.

Ray continued to listen carefully to the girl, although he already understood the big picture.

“The current king, Ader'krim Siral Munk, has brought the country to near ruin. The village that you saw is still in pretty good condition by Rondal's standards, and that's only because it's on the very border, next to the forest, and people can try to hunt. In the extreme east of the country, it is almost impossible for ordinary villagers to survive.

- You're not exaggerating? It is even deliberately difficult to bring the country to such a state. And people would not tolerate such treatment, because they can start an uprising, not to mention simply go into the forest or into the plain.

- Heh. Not a day goes by in Rondal that a rebellion or rebellion does not break out here and there, but the king took care of it. In every city there are lawmen, crown servants or guards, these bastards, whatever you call it, the essence will not change. So they do not allow ordinary people to exist normally. Of course, their kingdom provides at the proper level, and thanks to this, the rest of the population here is actually slaves, from whom even food is taken away by force. - the girl spoke with sincere hatred in her voice and it can be understood, because she grew up in this place.

“As for going into the plain or the forest… There are many dangerous animals in the north of Pharos, and to live in the plain you need to work the land, and the tools, as you probably guessed, simply won’t give up power.” But even despite this, the villagers often run away and somehow cope, but the first shoots on the fields created in the wild lands, which are sprinkled with the blood of the poor fellows, are burned by the guards.

Ray's face grew darker as the story progressed.

- So the inhabitants of the country can be divided into two groups. Those who are lucky enough to serve the crown, forgetting about conscience and dignity, but well-fed and with a roof over their heads, and those who have to be a slave all their lives.


“Even in cities, life is not much different from that outside their walls. Probably only in the capital you can live without worrying that you will die of starvation, and even then not everywhere. - Having said this, Tessa fell silent, thinking about something of her own. Ray, too, plunged into thought, he compared the society of people described by the girl, and what he had seen while living among the forest.

Tessa accurately guessed his thoughts, immediately voicing them:

“People don't have the same cohesiveness that your people have. Why, if they had at least a tenth of the spirit of unity and mutual assistance that the children of the forest have, the country would prosper.

After considering her words, Rei suddenly spoke up. Unconsciously, he just wanted to stand up for the race, of which he still considered himself a representative, albeit in the very backyard of the subconscious:

“You can't blame everyone. You yourself said that the kingdom fell into decay with the advent of a new ruling dynasty. People are herd animals, and if someone like that is at the head of the herd... However, I think there is no point in explaining. You have already described the result.

Tessa nodded her head, but there was no noticeable improvement in her mood.

- Can we get to the capital without entering villages or cities? - Asking this question, Ray looked into Tessa's eyes. The girl was clearly sad, but the guy had no idea how to cheer her up.

- Yes. But a huge river flows not far from here, and in order to cross it, we will most likely have to enter the city. Or make a big detour to get to a bridge that Cessa can handle. We can do the rest of the road to the capital without entering the settlements.

— That's how. Is this city far away?

- Not. We'll be there by noon.

- Fine. Then go. As Ray said this, he heard a bird cry above him. Instinctively, he looked up and saw a small hawk flying towards the forest. At that moment, the guy came up with a great idea.

Leaping off the panther's back, he turned his head towards the girl, already beginning to take off his armor. Tessa looked at him in surprise, but after a moment, Ray clarified his actions:

- Do you want to fly a little? Maybe from a great height this country does not look as vile as you are used to seeing it.

- What do you mean? Ray did not miss the spark of interest that lit up in her sad eyes.

- Let's try first. If you feel the same way as riding on Cesse, then everything is in order, and if not, then it is better not to risk it. Having said these words, the guy turned into a Desert Hawk under the perplexed look of the girl.

Tessa opened her eyes in surprise. Even while riding a panther, she had to tilt her head back to see the bird's head. At the same moment, the hawk turned to her, pointing its beak at its back.

As if waking up, the girl jumped to the ground and in a few movements found herself between huge wings. At that moment, she remembered Ray's last words.

"It's okay, I can handle it." Even though she said so, Tessa still clung tightly to the large feathers.

And not in vain. After all, in a moment the hawk soared into the air with one jerk. The girl couldn't help but scream. A few movements of huge wings and now the bird is already a couple of hundred meters above the ground. Apart from the whistle of the wind, only Tessa's piercing shriek broke the silence, which gradually turned into ecstatic laughter as Rey leveled off in the air, slowing down. The wings opened to their full extent and the hawk, as if floating through the air, serenely soared over the vast plain.

To the right was a forest, somewhere far below, a small spot could be seen a village. From such a height, it seemed as if the whole world could fit in the palm of your hand, you just had to want to. Looking up at the clouds, Tessa smiled and looked at the hawk's head. There was no longer sadness or sadness in her eyes, only a bright fire, which should burn in the eyes of a young girl in love.

- Thanks. – almost inaudibly whispering these words, the girl screamed at the top of her voice, – Faster!

At the same moment, she regretted her request, because Rei folded her wings and jumped at full speed down to a small black dot that was moving among the green sea - Zess tried with all her might to catch up with her master, but the cat was clearly inferior in speed to a huge hawk.

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