《Reboot》Chapter 50


Twilight has already completely covered the capital, forcing the streets to thin out more and more. The city, despite the title of the main one in the country, was far from being as safe as we would like to see it.

But in one of its parts it was as crowded as during the day. Richly decorated stone houses, some even several stories high, scattered along one of the richest streets - a haven for wealthy merchants and some aristocrats.

Among the crowd, not standing out in absolutely nothing, was an inconspicuous person. The clothes are neat, but not to say that the rich. She only made the man look intelligent enough to be let through by two guards guarding the entrance to the most expensive hotel on this street.

Walking up to the white wood counter, he spoke a few words to the girl behind it. She nodded and took a tightly sealed envelope from the guy's hands, which was thus protected from being able to read the contents in the light. The boy knew that in him, and even in him, such precaution seemed excessive.

“If they grabbed me, they wouldn’t care if it was sealed, not sealed…”

After a little grumbling, he still, without attracting anyone's attention, left the hotel.

“Although it’s a sin to complain. While they are paying, even if they wrap him with chains, what’s my business. ”


On the second floor of the institution, in the most expensive of the available rooms, the light from several dozen candles still burned brightly. A girl was sitting on a huge bed covered with snow-white sheets, carefully examining the envelope. After a few seconds, she carefully opened it, letting two small scraps of expensive parchment fall out.

The first of them turned out to be a letter, if you could call it a kill order. The beautiful face, framed by fiery red hair, frowned more and more, as the same scarlet eyes of the girl slid lower and lower along the even lines of characters.

Another "client" was far from an ordinary person. Rosa specialized in this kind of murder, but the name indicated in the letter was too well known.

Garam Sint is Rondal's finance minister. This man, in the past undoubtedly the most prosperous merchant in the country, was able to take up his post only a few years ago. But the fact that power fell into his hands only recently did not make him an easy target. Standing at the very top of power in the country, he was constantly protected by crowds of bodyguards, but, to the surprise of the girl, the customer had already solved this problem for her, organizing the opportunity to actually kill the target on his own.


This happened quite rarely and already said that the person who wrote the letter was at least as good as the Third Minister in terms of position. These thoughts were undoubtedly interesting, and Rosa always really liked to find out the reasons for this or that order. Unfortunately, the motive for this murder would be clear even to a newborn.

- War.

A single word escaped from plump lips. The voice was very gentle, developed by years of practice, it sounded sweet even when the girl was alone with herself.

Yes, Rondal was on the brink of war, and this was known to every stray dog living out his life on the lands of this rotten country.

Rosa lowered her eyes to the last lines of the letter, where it was indicated that she would receive a third of the fee in advance - the rest immediately after the performance. In fact, she wasn't very interested. The girl did not really want to take such an order, because she would have to immediately leave the capital. The minister, although not very popular with the people, was still a very important person, and the presence of Rosa in the city was only rather conditional secret. If they really wanted to find her, they would undoubtedly have found her, but as long as she did not stand out too much, they would not touch the girl. But this order clearly changed her status quo. And although she did not have a special love for the capital, as well as for all this country, the girl never liked to break away from her habitable places.

Putting the letter aside, she took the second piece of paper from the envelope with a certain skepticism. It turned out to be an ordinary bill, but the amount indicated on it made the usually cold-blooded Rosa's eyes open a little, and the corners of her lips crawl up.

Three thousand pure gold.

This amount would be enough for a small middle-level noble family to live comfortably for one or two years. For a commoner, this would be enough for more than one life.

The girl did not feel a lack of money, but, as they say, there is never a lot of them. After considering something, she even suggested the possibility of a trap, but almost immediately discarded it. In the capital, she had not yet had time to really work, and the law in this country was monitored no better than the death rate of the villagers.

Turning the bill over in her hands, she thought hard, but a minute later she got up. The opportunity to kill the minister indicated in the letter presented itself only once every few days. Rosa did not like to rush, but since the customer had taken care of everything so kindly, it would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity.



Standing in the hallway of a huge three-story building, accompanied by four warriors, Garam Sint looked complacently at the hostess of the establishment, bent in a slight bow.

- Honorable Minister. I will not tire of repeating how glad I am that you honor my modest establishment with your attention.

You know how much I don't like too much chatter. – puffing, the fat as a seal man has responded. The reason why he did not like to talk a lot was obvious - even this was difficult for him.

- Forgive this old woman. Come with me, today we have prepared something new for you.

Garam's eyes lit up and he followed the owner of the best brothel in all of Rondal. Usually, the most important clients were located on the top floor, but this one was different. Especially for the minister, who was a regular guest and experienced considerable difficulties in climbing stairs, a private box was equipped on the ground floor.

Garam had been here dozens of times already, so leaving the guards at the door, he stumbled without ceremony into a luxuriously furnished room, in the center of which was a large, low-slung bed, which was also specially reinforced to be able to support the minister's imposing carcass.

As he walked, he threw off his robe, falling completely naked onto the velvet bedding. Rolling over with difficulty, he waved his hand, and the brothel owner, who was watching, nodded to Garam with a professional smile on her face.

He raised his eyes to the ceiling, on which he was already familiar with every figure embossed in gold.

He didn't have to wait long. Not even two minutes had passed before the door opened.

The woman who entered was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful the minister had ever seen in his life. And he saw far more than one hundred beauties ...

The girl's hair and eyes were the color of fresh blood. The look was so seductive that for a moment the fat man was lost in his lust, in order to drown in it completely in a moment, because after taking a few steps, the girl threw off the dressing gown covering her almost completely naked body.

The figure was so charming that the minister involuntarily stared, and there were not so many women who could surprise him. She gracefully rearranged her slender legs, approaching the bed. Garam's eyes moved from the girl's sweet thighs to her sensitive lush breasts, which, being naked, gently swayed in time with measured steps. The satiny white skin, spotless, looked more like a baby's skin, in stark contrast to the lacy black panties she was wearing.

- Accept my respects, sir. Let me take care of you today. Leaning her head slightly, Rosa forced her chest to sway forward in a bewitching way. She didn't even have to follow the minister's gaze, she was already confident in herself, which, however, was quickly confirmed.

- Ofcourse honey. Hurry up and come here. - answered the minister, barely coping with the desire seething inside his body to take possession of the girl standing in front of him.

Rosa obediently sat down next to him, before that she put on a robe lying under her feet, to which Garam only grunted contentedly, he liked the way this lady presented herself.

But in the girl, this caused only a sharp attack of disgust, but the same seductive smile played on her face. She sat down next to the minister, stroking his cheek gently with her hand, and effortlessly suppressed the trembling that arose in her body as Garam's hand slid up her back from bottom to top.

"Don't go too long with this pig, or I might really vomit."

Bringing her face closer to the minister's huge muzzle, Rose opened her lips slightly, waiting for the cherished moment. The man, if you could call the creature in front of her that, closed his eyes, waiting for the kiss.

At the same moment, the girl grabbed a special lever in her ring, silently pulling out almost a meter of sharp wire. Slipping close to Gared's back in a deft move, she gripped the minister's neck with the only weapon that could be carried past the guards. The wire, without much resistance, dug into the soft flesh of the man and, having passed the subcutaneous layer of fat, finally cut off his oxygen supply.

He seemed to be too overexcited, because after kicking only a few times he immediately lost consciousness, and after another ten seconds he calmed down forever. Convinced that the work was done, the girl loosened her grip with a sigh of relief.

Rose got up from the bed and looked around at what she had done. With a satisfied grunt, she let out a rather loud groan - for some time she would need to participate in a small performance of one actor. The girl had no idea if the bodyguards at the door could hear her, but she decided not to play with fate, so for the next half hour she tried her best to portray characteristic sounds.

Deciding that this should be enough, she disheveled her hair and, biting her lips a little, emerged from the room, winking at one of the guards, who followed the charming girl with an equally longing look.

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