《Reboot》Chapter 40


Four hours later, the gradually thinning forest ended, revealing to Ray, sitting at a relatively high altitude, a picture of an endless plain. The wind created huge waves on a continuous surface of grass, and the guy watching this took a deep breath, enjoying the air, devoid of the smell of the forest that bothered him. Although he, too, was pleasant in his own way.

- Can you hear them already? he turned to the panther, both mentally and aloud.

Without any hesitation, Cess turned his head in the right direction - it was there, according to Rey, that a detachment of horsemen should have been located by this time.

Stroking the cat's head, he gave the order to move.

If in the forest Cess could run at incredible speed, then it was not worth talking about the plain. The guy every now and then had to force him to slow down, because the panther, which felt free space, could not calm down.

In less than an hour he was able to see them clearly.


Vision did not fail Ray, despite the distance of more than five kilometers. A huge crowd of warriors dressed in a variety of armor, on horseback, moved towards him. Most of all, a girl stood out among them, moving in the front row and not only in appearance, but for the most part in the fact that she was riding a hefty tiger.

Stroking the panther's back, Ray moved towards them. He didn't worry about being attacked, because he was confident in his ability to get away from the riders.

Not knowing what to do, he raised his hand, waving at the gradually slowing squad. He noticed how a warrior riding next to the girl turned and said something to her, after which three horsemen separated from the group and followed to Ray.


Approaching at a distance of ten meters, they loudly asked something, but, unfortunately, the guy did not know their language.

- I do not understand. Having said this, he took off the hood that protected him from the head wind while riding and pointed to his hand, which had claws on it.

One of the warriors, having said something to two companions, went to the others, so that in a minute he would return with a girl who was riding a tiger. Ray could not help but notice her beautiful appearance, which, coupled with very revealing clothes, made a rather strong influence on a guy who had not been with a woman for so long. She had long black hair gathered behind her back, a slender figure and green eyes burning with arrogance and will.

Forcefully driving away unnecessary thoughts, he was the first to turn to her:

- You understand me? - the guy's voice was restless, because it was the first time in such a long time when he could talk to someone.

- Yes. I know the language of your people. - the girl spoke confidently and, as Ray could guess, it was she who was the leader of the squad.

- Who you are? Where are you on your way?

Glancing at the figure of the guy with an appraising look, which lingered on Cessa for a long time, she nevertheless answered:

We are mercenaries. We're heading east. The territory of the forest people is very far from here, so why did you come here?

“I have nothing to do with the inhabitants of the forest. - Saying these words, Ray looked at the detachment standing behind. - You have a rather diverse company. Can I join?

Such an unexpected question surprised the girl very much, although she did not give it away. She understood the guy's request as a desire to infiltrate their ranks, so she was not going to agree, but still asked the question.


- I think you know that where we are going, a war will soon begin and we will not act on the side of your compatriots in it. So why do you want to come with us?

A little surprised by this news, Ray tried to make his voice sincere, but it still came out too cold:

- The fate of the forest people does not bother me. And I want to join to talk.

- Talk? The girl's thin eyebrow flew up when she heard such a stupid reason.

- I spent a long time alone in the forest, - ruffling Cess's fur, Rey corrected his words, - or not quite. I just need an interlocutor.

Looking into the strange eyes of the guy, she did not see a lie in them and softened a little. Although, we have to admit, it was not easy for her to see something in the look of the Pharosian - he was too strange. After that, the poisonous green eyes of the girl lowered to the huge panther, which closed its eyes in contentment under the caress of the owner.

- I do not trust you. You say you've been in the woods for a long time, but you don't even have supplies. And what you say about your people is complete nonsense, not a single person in their right mind will believe you.

Ray frowned when he heard her.

“How can I harm you if I just keep company?” - he tried to speak calmly, but a sharp, almost icy look still made the girl recoil a little. She noticed her mistake, so she immediately continued:

- A strange question, considering the beast that obeys you. This panther alone can lay down a third of our detachment, and if we also let her inside the formation ... - Ray could not refute the girl's logic, so he decided to be completely frank with her:

- I assure you that if I wanted to, I could kill you all alone, but I'm just looking for an interlocutor.

The guy’s words were so ridiculous that the girl didn’t even know what to say to him, but when she saw this calm look, in which there was not a shred of doubt, she thought for a moment. She knew that the Pharos were monsters in battle, and the guy standing in front of her, dressed in strange, slightly creepy armor, despite his youth, seemed like an insurmountable mountain. Even if she did not believe his words that he could kill a hundred people alone, but now she looked at him differently.

At that moment, Rey spoke again.

- If you are so afraid that I will attack your squad, keep me company yourself. Are you the strongest person here?

And with these words, he hit the nail on the head, because the girl instantly flared up:

- Who said that I'm afraid of you!? Yes, my people will tear you to shreds before you even draw a weapon. - Having said this, she turned and, shouting something to the soldiers accompanying her, went to the detachment.

Ray followed her without saying a word. This short conversation managed to return the light of life to his eyes and he was sure that a mercenary traveling the world should know a lot of interesting things.

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