《Reboot》Chapter 38


With difficulty breaking the web that engulfed him, the monster roared, announcing his offender that revenge was not far off. But there was no need for this. The hunter watched the tree monster, whose height reached six meters, and silently pulled a thick green mask over his face.

The huge treant he had lured into the web trap roared with all his might without hesitation. He had no need to be afraid to draw enemies to him, for he was the lord of this part of the forest, hunting for a small fly that dared to interrupt his rest. He didn't know fear.

Walking clumsily between two trees, strung several dozen leaves on its body covered with numerous irregularities, the tree-tree heard a roar somewhere ahead. Recognizing in this sound something only he understood, he roared in response and followed the enemy, who seemed not to be shown.

At this moment, the hunter, having taken out a pair of long daggers, stepped out from behind a tree located behind the back of the monster. Moving forward, he did not disturb a single leaf lying on the ground. His quiet and swift steps allowed him to reach the monster's back in a matter of moments.

The growl came again, but this time, much closer. Anticipating the imminent battle, the Treant took a step forward. At the same moment, the hunter, pushing off from his other leg, landed on the back of the monster and, without waiting for his reaction, plunged a dagger into it.

Only after receiving the first ten blows that partially opened his back, the village roared and began to tremble violently, releasing poisonous spores from his back. The hunter expected this, so he immediately closed his eyes and held his breath, continuing to strike and deepen the hole in his back.

The monster would not allow him to do such things with impunity. His long arms changed shape and reached for his back, but at the same moment, a huge black cat flew out from behind a nearby tree. With all her speed, she slammed into the body of the ancient and dug her claws into his head, leaving deep furrows with each movement.


The monster roared even louder, releasing a huge cloud of poisonous spores around it. At the same moment, two shadows jumped away from him in different directions. One of them was a huge panther, waiting for the order of his master, and the second was a hunter, holding a longbow in his hands, on which an arrow glowing with green light was cocked.

His feet touched the ground softly, creating a small cloud of dust that stirred at the speed of the arrow just fired from the bow. Without the slightest deviation, she flew into the cleft he had previously created in the back of the Treant, causing him to let out the most piercing roar in his entire long life. He was filled not with anger and thirst for battle, but with the pain that the ancient monster felt because of the arrow that pierced his core.

Realizing that he was dying, the monster decided to take his offenders with him. Putting all the remaining essence of the forest in it into the last attack, the treant threw out a huge number of long spikes in all directions.

Panther, noticing this attack, only snorted and, waving her paw, beat off a one and a half meter spike flying into her face, while the rest only powerlessly flew off from her muscles tense to the limit, leaving shallow wounds in the places of impact.

The hunter's body glowed green as his movements became three times faster. Drawing his daggers, he shifted a little to the side with two blows, repelling the spikes flying into this part of the space, remaining untouched. After that, with another green flash, he was a step away from the fallen ancient and with a shining dagger cut his head almost in half.

This attack could not kill the already dead Treant, it was a way to vent a piece of anger, a dead cold squeezing his heart. Inflicting another blow, the hunter took out daggers from the head of the ancient, tearing out several branches in the process.

At that moment, a panther approached him from behind, gently poking his back with its muzzle. Turning around, the hunter looked into the green eyes of his comrade and, stroking his head, took the huge core that was in his mouth, which at the same moment dissipated in his hands.


- Let's go, Cess. – a slightly rough, uncertain voice came from under the lowered green mask.

The cat rubbed its huge head against the owner's shoulder and followed him, like hundreds of times before.


Four people were seated in a huge hall. Three men and a woman. Rich clothes and a bodyguard standing behind each gave them out as people of a far from simple position in society.

- There is nothing to talk about, we have already attacked. You just need to finish what you started. - a gray-haired old man, with a sharp look, which was saturated with excessive authority, turned to his colleagues.

We didn't attack, you did. It's only your fault and no one else's. The response of the beautiful woman with long black hair styled in an intricate hairstyle on top of her head was as arrogant as the man's.

- You shouldn't say that, First, we all serve the same country, which means that the problems of the two of us are common problems. - followed by a reciprocal attack from a man sitting next to a gray-haired man, in whose posture military training was read. And there was nothing strange in this, because this man was the Second Minister, and concurrently - the leader of the royal guard.

- Bullshit. Why does the whole country have to suffer because of the desires of two smug bastards!? - answering, the woman cast an inquiring glance at the fat man sitting next to her - the Third Minister.

- I agree with the opinion of the First. This war will only bring us losses and sacrifices. This forest is not worth it. - Answering, slightly stammering due to the huge amount of fat, in a voice, the Third Minister breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back in his chair.

- It would be strange to hear a different answer from the merchant. - Throwing a contemptuous remark towards the fat man, the old man fell silent.

There was a moment's silence in the room, which was interrupted by the First Minister:

- In any case, we are not going to support you. For all the consequences you will personally answer with your head. Today's Council meeting is over. Having said these words, she rose from her chair. The knight standing next to her bowed and let the woman go forward, as if a shadow followed her.

The Third Minister left the hall next, but not without the help of his bodyguard.

The Second and Fourth Ministers who remained here looked at each other and remained in their places.

- It was predictable, but you can't leave everything like that. The Faroese have a new ruler, if they attack, then only now. Fourth's voice became calm, as if he was talking to an old friend.

- You're right, but the two of us can't convince that old fart to mobilize the entire army.

- Tsk. If not for this whore... Why does the king listen to her so much?

Silence reigned, interrupted by the voice of the Second Minister:

- If the Third is not so important, then you can't remove Lifina. She is loved not only by the king, but also by the people. Yes, and she treats this country the same way, not wanting to make sacrifices for her future ascension, continuing to look at everything through her fingers.

At that moment, an evil twinkle lit up in the eyes of the Fourth Minister.

“There is something she values more than this country…”

Glancing at his colleague with understanding, the Second nodded:

- So be it. Although I'm a little disgusted, we have no other options.

*End of Volume One*

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