《Reboot》Chapter 36


Evening was approaching, but this time Ray did not hide. He stood sixty meters from one of the zurd burrows located in the outer part of the general perimeter.

He already had a bow in his hand, but this time a short one, and a dozen arrows were stuck under his feet. Hearing the sound of a pebble rolling, Rei took one of them and placed it on the bow. As soon as the Zurd's head appeared from the mouth of the hole, an arrow silently entered it, which caused his body to fall powerlessly back into the passage.

There was a screech of creatures on which the body of their unfortunate comrade fell, and the guy calmly took out another arrow from the Inventory, taking advantage of a short pause.

Like clockwork, another Zurd crawled out of the hole, receiving another arrow, like the previous one, but this time its carcass simply fell forward under the pressure of the creatures following it.

This time, Rei picked up an arrow from the ground and fired almost aimlessly. From such a distance, he could not miss, especially at the gradually increasing crowd. When there were no arrows left in front of him, the zurds were already quite close, therefore, the guy, having hidden the bow, began to run away, listening to the loud squeal of the animals falling into the set Traps.

He started this to test how the creatures from other holes would react to the killing of neighbors and he was not lucky. It seems that the herd instinct of these animals was the strongest, because now a crowd of several hundred Zurds was rushing after him, and for some reason they didn’t care that there was only one Rei there.

Mentally scolding them for their stupidity, the guy disappeared without much effort, but was not going to retreat completely. Observing the actions of the Zurds, he noticed that they, as before, divided into detachments and went to the forest. Ray, now almost not feeling any danger from them, took out his daggers and slowly followed one of the groups.



Sitting on a small fallen tree, Rei watched his inner space. Now before his eyes was the result of a four-day genocide of Zurds - more than four hundred souls.

Thanks to this hunt, each of the specializations has leveled up, as a result of which three new skills have been opened.

For Dagger Mastery, it was a doubling of the weapon's penetrating power, after which it became a little uninteresting to kill Zurds, because he almost ceased to feel the resistance from their flesh.

The archer gave out a skill that is useless in the current realities - Increase the firing range (3x), which, summing up with the previous one, now increased the maximum range of the arrow by four and a half times. At the moment, Rey could more or less accurately hit targets at a distance of up to 250 meters, but in such a dense forest it was not necessary, so although in the future the skill could come in handy, but so far it was not needed.

The most interesting skill he gained was from leveling up the Hunter. Right now, a Zurd was sitting in front of Ray. The most surprising thing is that he did not even think of attacking the guy, and the dark light in his eyes has now been replaced by green.

"If this is true forever, then the ability is simply amazing."

Submission, that's what the new skill was called and, as the name said, it allowed you to subordinate the animal to your will. True, this could only be done with one animal. As long as he already had one, the skill simply refused to work.

As the experiment confirmed, in order for the animal to obey, it was necessary to defeat it. The Zurd sitting in front of him suffered a lot of beatings before the color of his eyes changed under the effect of the skill. And now Rey was checking how long it lasted and until the control was gone for six hours.

Giving his new pet a mental command to get up, the guy watched as he jumped to his feet with a gentle moo.


"It's so strange when such an ugly creature behaves obediently."

Hunting the Zurds did not bore him at all, although they no longer posed any particular danger to Ray. The thing was, as long as he got stronger, he didn't care who he killed. In addition, he came up with new ways to do it. And one such way came to his mind right now.

"Go and bring some of your brethren here." - giving the zurd a mental order, he began to watch how he ran to the holes.

Ray also took out his bow, preparing to start shooting the creatures that came out. He wasn't sure if his pet would be able to lure anyone out, but he decided to prepare anyway.

To his surprise, after ten seconds, zurds began to jump out of the hole one by one, not paying attention to the daytime. Mentally praising his temporary comrade, he fired at the nearest of them. The arrow without any problems entered the eye of the animal, depriving him of his life.

This was another plus for the increased firing range. Now, at close range, he didn't have to worry about what angle to hold the bow at. The arrow almost did not decrease during the flight, moving strictly in a straight line.

“It's not that important, but it's still nice. I spend less time aiming."

After releasing the fifth arrow, Rei noticed that the zurds had stopped appearing. He did not know how his little animal had made such a quantity come out, but he was very pleased with it. Deciding to feed his pet later, the guy continued to shoot the creatures that tried to get close to him.

Over time, he realized that this should be enough, and when only a dozen of them remained on the surface, Rey hid the bow, replacing it with daggers.


Walking up to the last corpse, Rey pulled out the dagger he had just thrown from it and pointed at the carcass with his finger.

"Status" - moving a little away from the holes, the guy watched how his pet ate the corpse of his fellow without much hesitation.

Name: Ray???

Race: ???



[Many Faces Level 3] (Human, Celestial Tildas, Snow Serpent, Gsarkh, Pharos Forest Native, Sun Eater...)

[Soul Master Level 5]



[Hunter Level 5]

(Detect Animals, Trap, Increased Damage to Animals(3x), Dominate)

[Dagger Mastery Level 4]

(Retreat, Cleave, Penetration(2x))

[Archer Lv 5]

(Firing range increase (4.5x), Power shot,

Trajectory correction,)

[Throwing: Daggers Lv. 1]

Noticing two changes at once, Rey was very happy, because one of them concerned his racial ability.

"Now all that's left is to figure out what's changed."

Continuing to watch the zurd, which was eating the leg of one of the dead, the guy plunged into his inner space. So half an hour passed, but Rei did not notice anything. In fact, he had no idea what could have changed. The situation was familiar to him, so the guy decided not to worry too much about it.

Glancing at his new specialization, Rey began pulling out of his backpack all the daggers he had, of which, if you don't count Arvus' Gilfar Blades, there were only seventeen. Almost all were of different lengths, but the guy did not care. After sorting them out, he placed the daggers in his Inventory so that he could easily draw them.

Having given a new order to his manual zurd, he, having taken out two daggers, went after him. Ray's experience in throwing weapons was negligible. The guy was not sure that despite the excellent balance of the daggers, he would be able to accurately hit them even from ten meters away.

Approaching the hole almost close, he waited for the first zurd to appear and threw a weapon at his head. It hit the horn and bounced helplessly, leaving a large notch on it.

Cursing, Rey waited until the zurd was fully out and threw the second dagger, but this time into the creature's chest.

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