《Reboot》Chapter 33


Having pierced the body of the animal through and through, the arrow stuck into the ground. Noticing that the centipede was in no hurry to die, Rey took out another arrow and fired without delay.

Only at this point, the creature, whose meal was so unceremoniously interrupted, began to beat in agony due to the double-pierced head. She did not rage for long, falling to the ground after a couple of seconds. The guy did not approach until he saw a small gray haze above the body of this creature.

After absorbing his soul, Rey was about to grab onto the fletching of the arrow, the only part that was visible, while the rest went into the not particularly strong body of the centipede. But, before the guy's hand touched it, it just fell off.

Under the guy's feet lay a ten-centimeter remnant of what used to be called an arrow. One of the ends of the piece of wood hissed violently, indicating that even now it was corroded by acid.

Ray glanced at another arrow that had pierced through the creature's body and noticed that although it had only been inside the carcass for a moment, it had also melted heavily and could not be reused.

With a dissatisfied tsiknuv, he walked around the corpse of a centipede and went forward. He had no intention of learning how to use this body. It was too fragile, although for most of the inhabitants of the forest, meeting with her would be a nightmare. A creature that cannot be attacked in close combat, because any injury also harms the attacker.

Remembering the wolf that the creature devoured, Ray imagined what would have been left of the poor man's jaw if he had bitten a centipede.

"And the truth is getting dangerous." After thinking about it, he decided to prepare a little. Taking out two small wooden containers, two fingers thick, from the backpack, the guy put them side by side on the ground.


Taking off all the armor, Rey remembered his fight with the wolves. He wasted a lot of time mainly due to the fact that he could not kill the beast with one arrow. It was not difficult to wound them, but most of the shots were not fatal. This was due to the enormous mobility of the wolves, but right now the guy wanted to simplify his task a little.

With all the armor gone in Inventory, Rey turned into a snow kite. Moving his head to the containers standing on the ground, he plunged a fang into each of them, and in a moment the first drops hit the wooden bottoms. This went on for almost ten minutes until the supply of venom in the snake's body came to an end, but even so, the accumulated amount was very large considering its strength.

Transforming back into a woodlander, Rey donned his armor and headed west. Along the way, he carved a piece of bark slightly concave inward from a suitable tree, which was supposed to serve as another container.

Having reached the river, the guy carefully poured all the available poison into a container of bark. The total amount just corresponded to one small container.

"Let's start with one to five."

Slowly collecting water with the same barrels, Rei held them in his hands for some time to warm the water in them a little, as he did not know how this factor would affect the poison. Having poured the last fifth portion of water into the piece of bark standing in the Inventory, the guy took out three dozen arrows from there.

He had no idea how to properly make such arrows, so he simply made small notches on the tips and placed them in poison.

After checking the poison in the work, the guy once again returned to the river and reduced the concentration to one in twelve, since the previous one was still too large.


The next check ended the same, but now the shot deer lived for almost ten more seconds before falling dead. Deciding that this was enough, Rey continued to move through the forest, slowly making new arrows with serifs and hoping that this would help a little.

By the next day, he had made another shot of poison, at a one-to-six concentration, which was intended for more dangerous opponents.

Satisfied with this, the guy moved forward with more confidence, and by the end of the fifth day of his stay, he noticed that the forest was becoming more dense. He realized this rather unexpectedly, because the transition was very smooth, but over a hundred kilometers, the density of trees doubled.

At that moment, Rey understood what Thea meant when she said that it would be next to impossible to survive here. If before that the guy rarely met new types of animals, now the situation was reversed. He began to miss the familiar wolves and boars a little, because huge insects and reptiles of all kinds predominated here.

On the morning of the sixth day, he noticed rare white threads in the air, as thick as half a little finger. Continuing to advance, he met the creature that wove them three minutes later.

The spider reached eight meters in length, which was simply unimaginable. Without a second's hesitation, Rei ran, trying not to touch the pieces of cobweb scattered here and there.

After spending another three days on a multi-kilometer hook, he did not dare to regret that he saw only the shadows of those huge monsters, because the very first meeting could end in his death.

As we progressed, the atmosphere became more and more oppressive. There were fewer animals, but they were stronger and more dangerous. Although such a hunt was fraught with insane risk, it was fully justified.

Name: Ray???

Race: ???



[Many Faces Level 3] (Human, Celestial Tildas, Kuring, Snow Serpent, Gsarh, Pharos Forest Native, Sun Eater...)

[Soul Master Level 3]



[Hunter Lv 4]

(Animal Detection, Trap, Increased Animal Damage(3x))

[Dagger Mastery Level 2]


[Archer Lv 4]

(Firing Range Increase (1.5x), Power Shot, Trajectory Correction)

As Rey had predicted, the Many-Faces indeed grew with the level of the human soul. Now his inner space, according to the guy's feelings, could accommodate at least a thousand gray souls, which should have completely solved his problem with the supply of souls, if it had not arisen in a new world - there were fewer animals.

Although this was compensated by their strength, and therefore more energy in the souls, Rei still felt some of their lack.

Another curious thing was that his hair and eyes in the form of a forest, like in the form of a person, also turned green, following the color of the soul. For a while, he even thought that now that his appearance almost matched the usual forest, he could go back. This thought was very tempting, because simply by changing the city, he could live in peace, but Rey did not do that. Partly due to the fact that he considered himself guilty before these people, but mainly because he really liked the feeling that never left him for a moment.

It's hard to say exactly what it was. Maybe a craving for an unknown world that was inaccessible to him in the past? Or a rage from the danger that constantly haunts him, which made his heart tremble? It could also be the pleasure of hunting... of killing.

The only thing Rey knew was that the feeling grew stronger as he went deeper into the forest. The more dangerous it was, the more exciting this journey became, the end of which he did not yet see.

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