《Reboot》Chapter 32


Letting out a plaintive howl, the huge leader of the wolves fell to the ground. A body that rivaled the size of a small horse fell heavily to the ground, scattering puffs of snow around it. At the same time, Rey, dressed in gray armor, landed next to him, from which he heard a sigh of relief. This hunt was very tiring.

Now it was only the second day of his stay in the forest, and the guy had already managed to stumble upon a pack of wolves numbering twenty heads. He did not provoke them, but he did not manage to leave unnoticed either. Therefore, for the last four hours, Ray had been sitting on a tree, one by one shooting these nimble creatures.

This occupation would not be too dangerous if the guy did not decide to remain only in the form of the forest. He could fly away or hide, but decided to take the fight, gaining invaluable experience.

Let the shooting drag on a little, but the reason for this was only the strange actions of the leader, who commanded his pack surprisingly well. When the guy killed the first three wolves, he did not wait, gave the rest a command with a strange howl.

Ray really was very surprised when he realized that the wolves began to disperse, because he thought that they were running away, but they stopped, sitting behind a thick scattering of trees that prevented the guy from shooting normally. Before that, he had not met such intelligent animals, but carefully luring them out one at a time, he still slowly reduced their number to ten.

The leader, instead of ordering a retreat, decided on the contrary to launch an attack. All the wolves in a simultaneous impulse rushed to the tree trying to get the offender. This was a mistake, because although they could climb a few meters, they still couldn’t get Ray. The claws of the beasts slithered over the frozen wood, unable to get a firm grip. However, they were excellent targets for arrows.


After absorbing the soul of the leader, the guy checked the Status and smirked contentedly.

Name: Ray???

Race: ???

Racial Traits:


[Many Faces Level 2] (Human, Celestial Tildas, Kuring, Snow Serpent, Gsarkh, Pharos Forest Native, Sun Eater...)

[Soul Master Level 3]



[Hunter Lv3] (Animal Detection, Trap)

[Dagger Mastery Level 2] (Retreat)

[Archer Lv 3] (Fire Range Increase (1.5x), Power Shot)

In addition to the Hunter, whose level had risen last night, now the Archer has also reached the third level.

The ability that was unlocked with the growth of the first specialization Rey had already tested and it was quite useful. It allowed to set a trap on the ground, invisible even for the guy himself, which, if stepped on, threw up several green spikes up to a meter long. They crossed each other and not only injured the victim, but also detained him in place for a full three seconds, after which they disappeared without a trace. True, Rei was able to test its performance only twice, and both on not very large animals that simply died from the spikes themselves, so he did not know how much she could stop something larger. The skill recharged for ten minutes, while the trap itself remained active for an hour. In open combat, the Trap was useless, as it took time to set up, but it was perfect for ambushes.

The new skill, judging by the name, strengthened the shot. Taking out the bow again, which he was already accustomed to constantly pulling from the Inventory and back, Rey applied an arrow. Mentally activating the skill, he noticed how a barely noticeable green ripple passed along the arrow, and it became much more difficult to hold it, but the guy did not continue to do this and immediately released the bowstring.

Leaving its place, the arrow, leaving a barely noticeable green trail behind it, covered a distance of 100 meters in an instant and with a loud sound entered the tree almost halfway. Watching the arrow's plumage gradually stop trembling, Rei once again remembered what he had seen.


“The speed is two to three times faster… As is the penetrating power… Not bad.”

Taking out another arrow, Rey tried to repeat what he had done, but, as he expected, it did not work. The same guy began to do with an interval of ten seconds. And when a minute had passed, the light enveloped the arrow again, but this time it did not shoot, slowly loosening the bowstring.

When he tried to activate the skill again, he realized that if the shot was not fired, the ability would not go on cooldown, which was very nice.

With the experiment thus completed, Ray turned to another pressing issue, which was beginning to become quite acute. Now in its inner space there was only room for three large souls, and this was due to the fact that the human soul, as if a bottomless hole , continued to absorb energy. The guy would have stopped feeding her a long time ago, but he noticed a small change. When there was room for 6-7 souls in its inner space, the human color began to gradually change and now it looked more like light green.

After consulting his body, Rei realized that for now, one soul of a wolf would be enough for him to return to normal, so he confidently fed the soul of the leader, which was stronger, to the human one. Its color became noticeably lighter, but, having once again looked at the Status, the guy did not notice the changes.

Intuition told Ray that he was doing everything right, so he was not going to stop. Glancing at the sun, the guy corrected the direction of his procession and continued on his way.

Carefully peering into the surroundings, the guy moved rather slowly, because if he increased the pace, he would start making too much noise due to the snow under his feet.

About ten minutes later, Ray saw a small green dot. It was the effect of Animal Detection. The ability allowed you to notice animals in a certain radius around you, but there were too many different factors taken into account here to accurately indicate the detection distance.

For example, now Rey was only able to spot the beast because it wasn't hiding, but earlier, he was attacked by a snake that was hiding under the snow. Only armor saved him from poison, which the fangs of the snake could not even scratch.

Ray also noticed that the ability worked better when he was focused, and although it was difficult to constantly keep his attention at the limit, the guy tried to do just that.

Approaching the found animal, the guy heard strange clicking sounds, the nature of which became clear to him only when he saw the creature.

In two days, Rei hadn't encountered a single new animal in the forest, at least not until now. In front of him stood a three-meter centipede, which, with its overly large mandibles, slowly tore off small pieces from the body of a dead wolf, sending them into its mouth.

The creature looked really disgusting, but this did not bother the guy, because the moment for the attack was just perfect. The arrow on the bow that had just appeared in his hands shone faintly green and instantly fell in the direction of the centipede.

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