《New World - New Beginning》Chapter 26: A Lesson for an Elf


As I have finished cleaning this building, I head to the second one, so I go out the back door with the cleaning cart and start looking for the second building. On my way, I find the structure called "Educators," this must be where the teachers of the whole place are housed, so if I want to get permission to enter the Library, I will have to enter here. I hope I don't get another stupid alarm like the previous one. If I want to obtain permission to enter the Library, I will have to enter here. I hope I don't get another stupid alarm like the previous one. Now that I think about it, I have to ask them if there is another entrance in the surroundings because if not, I will have to go through that door every day. I will end up exterminating all the Ents of the academy.

After 5 minutes of searching, I find some students in training clothes. If I'm right, the second building must be in that direction.

After moving my cart, I see a building with a sign that says "Effort Center" this is where the students do all the physical activities, so I enter through the main entrance and start cleaning.

This place is almost identical to the "Knowledge Center," but it has some differences. The first one is that the site is only one floor, the windows are big enough to let the exact amount of air ventilate the place, the floor is separated in wood and concrete, for now, I don't see closed areas like the locker rooms or the showers, I guess they are somewhere else.

I continue cleaning without worrying about anything, as the windows are big it's not difficult to clean them, and it only takes me 1 minute, it won't take me long to clean this part.

Twenty minutes pass, and I find myself cleaning outside the boys' and girls' locker room. Once I clean this, I will only need to sweep the training area.

While I'm still cleaning, I hear some murmuring from the boys' locker room. I have the feeling that they are going to do something stupid as teenagers, so I clean this part as fast as I can and get away from here.

Sonic Pulse!

As soon as I start moving my cart, a wave of sound hits the surroundings, my ears ring, and the surroundings begin to vibrate for a few seconds until it stops.

The kids in the locker room start running like monkeys that lost their homes. They go in all directions without looking back, trying to get away from here.

Those guys are fast. It didn't take them more than 15 seconds to run away from this place. Something tells me that this is not the first time they had done this since they didn't crash into each other when they were running. Since when do they do this to be so organized?

A few seconds later, the door to the girls' locker room opens, and a girl with long black hair and elven ears; I didn't think there would be other species in this place, considering that this planet is inhabited mainly by humans.

At that, the girl turns her head and looks at me from head to toe, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable that she only looks at me without saying anything, so I start a conversation to break the ice.

What's wrong? Do I have a bird on my head? ... Where did the kids go? If you're looking for those monkeys, they've already escaped. Why didn't you stop them? I'm the janitor, not their babysitter.


As I exchange words with the elf girl, other girls start coming out of the locker room.

Girl 1: Sister Indis, did you manage to catch them? Girl 3: I'm sure they got away. Are their legs full of energy stones? Girl 2: Damn, I knew we should have put a net outside their door. Girl 5: We have to catch them at least once. Girl 4: Exactly, we have to get even!

All the girls start talking about how their plan failed. They miscalculated their strategy to catch the boys, culminating in them escaping in time.

Seriously guys, since when do you do this? For the girls to want to beat the crap out of them means they've reached their limit, and there's nothing more terrifying than a woman's anger.

I think I'd better walk away from this.

I take the broom and start sweeping the concrete floor, but the elf girl speaks to me again.

Indis: Hey, how come you weren't affected by my sonic pulse. Why not. Indis: Can you tell me the reason? I could, but I don't want to. Indis: Why? Because I'm working.

With that said, I continue sweeping and picking up the dust from the concrete floor while the elf girl continues to watch me, but I ignore her, and the girls start talking.

Girl 2: Hey, why are you behaving like that? Couldn't you be nicer to Indis? Girl 5: Yes, she wants to know why her ability didn't affect you. Couldn't you at least tell her the reason? Girl 1,3,4: That.

*sigh* I don't want to meddle in this, but maybe I can use these girls to help me.

If you want me to tell them so severely, grab a broom and help me clean the floor, then I'll tell them the reason.

With that said, I continue sweeping the concrete floor. I doubt these girls will help me clean up because they have to do the exercises. I know because when the boys ran like monkeys, they were already dressed in their workout clothes, and now the girls are too, which means they already have to go to their class.

When I think they will give up and leave me alone, the elf girl takes one of my brooms and starts sweeping next to me.

What the heck, don't you have to go to class? Indis; Yes. Then why are you helping me? Indis: If I do, you will tell me why you are not affected by my ability.

After saying that, the elf girl started sweeping. Damn, I thought she would give up and leave me alone after telling her that. It seems I underestimated this girl.

Indis: What's wrong? She's not going to take you back on your word, or is she. I wish, but it doesn't look like you're going to give up. Indis: Yes. *sigh* okay, I'll tell you while we sweep the floor. Indis: Perfect, Girls, tell the instructor I'm not going to class today, makeup anything. Girls 1-5: Okay

The girls leave, and I stay with this elf girl while we sweep the floor. She wastes no time and quickly starts asking questions.

Indis: What's your name? Indis: Nice to meet you. My name is Indis, so Mr. Marco, tell me why you were not affected by my Sonic Pulse ability? First, show me how you used your Sonic Pulse ability, but before that... Kawaii!

Kawaii appears from my bag at my call.

Kiiii ( * ^ *) ノシ Cover your ears Ki! \_(-_-)_/ Now, use your ability just as you used it before. Indis: Okay


Indis gathers mana at my indication and makes a snapping sound with his fingers, making the objects around us vibrate for a few seconds and then disappear.

Indis: Well, why were you not affected? I ask you again, why do you think I was not affected? Indis: Because you can withstand the sound waves? Almost, but no, actually, that attack is not very different from a person's scream, only louder. Indis: Then it is weak. I'm not saying that either. You're just using it wrong. Indis: Explain to me. You are using your Sonic Pulse as if you had a bubble that explodes as soon as it appears. It's not bad if you use it as a melee attack and aim it at your opponent's ear, but if you plan to use it as a ranged or area attack, you're doing it wrong. Indis: So how do I do it? Mmm, because you don't try to change the frequency of the sound. Indis: Change the frequency? Do you mean to make it louder? No, I mean make it sharper and longer. Remember that sound collides with the matter, and the more matter there is, the weaker it becomes. When you launched the Sonic Pulse in the room, it hit the walls and the bodies of your friends, and the inside objects. Indis: How do I direct the sound to a specific area? I have No idea. That's something you'll have to experiment with on your own. Just practice and analyze your ability.

When we finished analyzing her ability, we had also finished sweeping this place, the help of this girl took me 1 hour of work, so it wasn't a bad deal, now it only remains to ask if I could enter the Library I could ask Indis about that, but I don't want to get more involved with her.

As soon as I finish this, I put the broom away and leave. Indis speaks again.

Indis: Are you leaving already? Yes, I have things to do. Indis: Will you be back tomorrow? I think so. Indis: If I help you sweep this place, will you help me? Indis: Why? I don't think I'm qualified because I'm not an instructor, and I'm not a teacher. Indis: But you helped me with my ability. That's because I know a little about it because I've experienced it; otherwise, I wouldn't say anything. Indis: But you still helped me see the problem with my ability. When I asked my instructor for help, he told me that I should practice. I guess he said that since you practice most of the time, you start to improve your proficiency with that skill.

With that said, I start pushing my cart back to the warehouse, but Indis follows behind me as I do.

Seriously what's wrong with her? I feel like she's now a mother hen being followed by her chicks, *sigh* I'll drop this off and go to the "Educators" building.

After 5 minutes of walking, I finally left the cleaning cart in the storage room. Now I can head to the building where the teachers are located to ask them for access to the Library.

I start walking towards the building, but this girl won't take off. If only she knew how to treat women, I wouldn't have this problem. Damn, I don't know what to do.

Indis: Are you going to the teacher's building? Indis: So you're going to ask to be a teacher trainer? Indis: Then why are you going? I need to ask a couple of questions. Indis: I doubt they'll listen to you. Why? Indis: Because teachers are only there to attend to teaching-learning issues. And where do I go if I want to ask about my job? Indis: If it's for work, go to the secretary's office on the third floor of the knowledge center. Thank you for the information. Indis: If you want to thank me, become my trainer. Wow, I'm hungry. I'd better hurry up, so I don't lose my lunch.

I finish the conversation and run to the first building as fast as possible to escape from this girl.

It doesn't take me a minute to get to the secretary's office, so I knock on the door and walkthrough.

*knock* *knock* May I come in? Come in. Good morning, I'm the new janitor, and I'd like you to answer some questions. Understood, what are those questions? First, I want to know if there are any areas that I shouldn't clean or go near. The only areas that you should not approach are the residential areas at the back of the "Effort Center" as for cleaning other areas, you don't need to worry. Just concentrate on your area. I understand. The next question is if I can enter the Library to read some of your books. No problem with that, but you must understand that you can take a book out of there under no circumstances or be punished with a fine of 500 gold coins. What if I take a book out to read it while working and then return it? You can't do that. Only students and teachers can take them out of the Library to read them in their rooms. Okay, the last question is if there is another door I can enter when I come to work. Huh? I don't enter through the door on the right side of the guards' building. ..

I told the secretary about the situation that happened this morning. When I finished telling the secretary everything, she was silent for a few seconds and spoke again.

So today's disturbance was caused by you. I'm sorry, I didn't think it was such a big problem. I didn't know it was such a big deal *Sigh* In any case, what happened to the Ents' bodies? I still have them. I was thinking of selling them or using them as firewood for roasting meat. ... are you serious? Yes, why is it illegal to do so? No, in any case, you could say it's our fault for not informing the guild well about this job. So, about entering the academy, what do I do? For the moment, wait. I will inform the guards in the booth outside to open the door for you and give you a temporary pass to enter. How long do you plan to work here? One or two months. That long? Yes, I intend to work in the mornings and read in the afternoons, so I may finish reading all the books in a month or two. Is that the reason you came to work here? Yes, that's the main reason. And why I didn't apply to be the replacement for the training teacher. That's because I don't have the adventurer rank they asked for. What? What is your rank? Rank E. Rank E? Yes, well, that would be all my questions. Thank you for your time. If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave.

With that said, I leave the room and go towards the door where the guards are outside.

Well, today has been a bit hectic. What do you say we eat, Kawaii? KIII!!! ('・ω・)っ Then let's walk!

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