《New World - New Beginning》Chapter 2: This world is like an MMORPG


Well, I must say that I am amazed; in many stories, the main character is sent to a new world without knowing anything and with some broken ability or is reborn as a baby with no skills but then become all-powerful or many cliché things.

Instead, they make me read a "TUTORIAL" book well; more precisely, it's a 60-page booklet with the basic concepts of the world of AETHER, and it's not that annoying to read. It's even a bit entertaining because it has images of what I'll find in the world.

It may take me 30 or 40 minutes to read it, but it's better than being thrown into a site without knowing anything and buying or selling without knowing how important it is.

After 60 minutes, I finished reading the "TUTORIAL" book, and I must say that this world is much more interesting than I thought. To sum it up:

In this world, the currency is divided into copper - silver - gold - platinum, being copper the most basic currency and platinum the highest and its conversion would be: 100 copper = 1 silver; 100 silver = 1 gold; 100 gold = 1 platinum. Technology and magic are in harmony, but not in the way I thought; that is, if you buy a lamp, it will use one energy stone, and this stone can be charged with mana or electricity, depending on the type of energy that you put, you can do one thing or another. Mages can only perform magic using a staff as a medium; it is like a lighter, and you are the fuel, so you have to be aware of it. Just like in real life, if you don't eat, rest or get hit or shot in a critical area, you die, so you have to take care of yourself. You return to the sanctuary in the nearest city or town once you die. Still, you will be applied a penalty when you revive, which is: a 25% reduction of your money, part of your equipment drops (this is random), and a debuff which is "Fear of death", which reduces your movement and reaction speed by 25% for X? time. The time is random, depending on your willpower. There are no levels in this world; that is to say, if you want to grow or be someone, you must make an effort; it is like when you want to be a policeman or a fireman, you have to pass a physical aptitude test, here, depending on what profession you want to be, you will have to do different tests. If you know the formula, you can create whatever you want, but every creation, no matter how small or gigantic it is, will be subject to the "αβΩ SYSTEM", which will apply different conditions for its use. The "αβΩ SYSTEM" can be used both to buy items created by the people of AETHER and to view the descriptions of "ARTEFACTS". If you are in combat, you will not be able to use the "αβΩ SYSTEM" to buy or sell anything. The "ARTEFACTS", unlike the objects created by people in the world of AETHER, allow you to use all kinds of powers depending on the type they are and for a limited time, for example: If you get a "WEAPON TYPE ARTEFACT" this will allow you to use any weapon that exists or has been created in a video game, and depending on the power of this, it will have a shorter time. In addition, they are linked to one; that is to say, you will not be able to take it off under any concept. You will start in a random town; your inventory is limited, but you can expand it using the item "Inventory Expansion" you can't keep anything alive in it; you will have one silver coin and 100 copper coins, three changes of clothes, one basic toilet kit and a map.


In short, it's like virtual reality, but with MMORPG elements; I have to say that I'm not that good at these things, but I find it exciting to be able to explore and discover new things; well, I guess I already understand this world.

Eos: Well, do you have any questions before I send you to AETHER?

Hearing that, I start thinking about what to ask him, but this guy, broad or whatever, might give me his typical "I can't say that" well, I don't lose anything trying.

What do you recommend I do?

Eos' face looks surprised, and I wonder why he is surprised; well, who knows what a demon angel thinks? Seriously, what is he?

After a few moments, Eos answers me.

Eos: If I were you, I wouldn't take the class change course so quickly.

That surprises me; usually, you would say that you have to choose the class where you feel comfortable. Is there a secret?

Eos: Well, that's it, good luck, and try to reach the horizon.

After saying those words to me, a strange blue coloured hole glows below me, allowing me to experience the free fall...

You bastard could have warned me about this!!!

My words echo as I fall, plus I can see Eos waving at me and smiling... son of a b.....

Eos: What an exciting brat; well, let's get back to work!

As Eos' words fade away, the room returns to its original state, awaiting the arrival of another person.

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