《12 Zodiac!!》Chapter 6:Arthur Mode..


"You know you girls are a pain in the ass?"(Alya)

I said that as I drive the truck that contained my hydra O.S and sacred regulus. more likely zodiac container...it was rather small for container because it could only hold 5 at time..still I often used it..the reason I say that was because they shamelessly follow e..

"Take it easy will you? you wouldn't lost anything by giving us a ride."(Ceria)

"So this was the container that would contain my Azure phoenix,it was rather spacey..I mean what kind of container that had living room in the middle."(Minami)

Oh yeah I promise her to repair the Azure Phoenix..still her question was normal.

"It was because nee-san persisten about it,so we remodel it."(Alya)

Yes...to begin with this container only have 2 seats..but nee-san persistent about it and ask me to made a living room.because of that the capacity become 5 from 13,still both of them was too relaxed..why I am the one who driving anyway?..sight...

to think Minami knows that she need to come early.but never expect she come 1 hour earlier..girl was really hard to read. Well who cares about it..as I continue driving Minami asked.

"But why you bring it to school?"(Minami)

"Ask Nee-san."(Alya)

I continue to drive...well I didn't had drive license..but I learn driving because it was necessary.

"Today Alya and I would had an exhebition match."(Ceria)


A fight between the white tiger and the king of knight rounder....

"Nee-san don't fight seriously. It would be a pain for me to repair my zodiac.."(Alya)

"don't be like that..this is a good chance to turn yourself from deliquent into hero!!!so fight seriously!!"(Ceria)

"....No..I am not become stronger just for show.."(Alya)

"sigh..Alya. How long you were going to hide yourself?someday it will be leaked. last accident you were already very lucky because only Minami saw you."(Ceria)

Nee-san was right...but it doesn't mean I would fought seriously..A great power would be used. I don't want to be used anymore..I don't want to repeat the same mistake..Ceria then

"Alya,you must get stronger..not physically but mentally."(Ceria)

'What do you mean?"(Alya)

Ceria ignored me,by listening to the music..damn it.....well there was some weapon that pack that I want to try..

"Minami,would you mind be my operator for today?"(Alya)

"Ah,but I never do before.."(Minami)

"You would be fine,you only need to help me a bit..."(Alya)

While on the way to school,I explained everything what should she do..once she heard it,she nod..then once I arrived at school and get out of the container everyone eyes fall on me...then some of them starting who defend the guy yesterday starting to mock me silently..


"Alya just ignore them."(Minami)

"I know,it was just frog ribbit."(Alya)

A frog ribbit,hearing that the one who mock me pissed off but no one try to rebute or anything. What a coward ,yet they talk big.

"Let's go!"(Ceria)

As we walk they started gossiping about me,some of them even say I was just a spoiled kid that get protection from her sister. They didn't know..That I could Kill all of them. Regardless what I am doing ,as long there was no proof then it was my won. Then Minami hit me.

"Don't think anything bad!!"(Minami)

Are you an esper? As I thought that she hit my heads lightly....then Nee-san said...

"Alya,Please fight seriously,even if you lose no one will mock or you underestimate you anymore.."(Ceria)

"I know,I never could escape today..if I did that then my reputation would be beyond repair..still nee-san you overestimate yourself too much."(Alya)

"What do you mean?"(Ceria)

"Because my Hydra would beat you."(Alya)

Nee-san then stopped walking....

"You were the one who overestimate yourself...do you think you could beat my Regulus with your incomplete O.S?Your reaction speed even only third of mine.."(Ceria)

...right..in war reaction speed was everything..even amateur could beat a pro if the reaction speed of the unit..after all reaction speed mirroring how you see the battlefield..you could even see bullet by had 200% reaction speed and dodge it.....this was the most important factor for speed type zodiac.the second important one was zodiac speed thought...if it couldn't dodge then it was useless..that's why it was necessary for the O.S and the zodiac have same speed..if not then there would be accident..

"Say that after you won from me ,Nee-san."(Alya)

I went past nee-san....minami followed me...just before I went past her nee-san smiled..well after all she never even won from me even once..since I met her..

After that....I left nee-san and go to my waiting room.It was just room before the match...the match would be held at the sport fiel thought ..and we are allowed to fly...I bit worried,so to keep the ratio of win higher I explained once again the strategy I used..

"You need to send the pack to this point when I am here,while send this pack here.. the signal would be smoke screen,Understood?"(Alya)


She nod as she said that. Good ,Now I should review more about the new pack..after all it was just some random weapon that I put in the set..once I get the data for the legendary O.S I could create the better pack..well I only had tiny data for long range..and speed range..the reason I finish the short range first because I had nee-san zodiac data...I was still lacking...as I form a fist with my hands...suddenly Minami said..


"Alya,don't be so tense up...it would hinder you."(Minami)

"Don't worry about it....after all I don't know that feeling very much."(Alya)

"What do you mean?"(Minami)

What?do you just know?Thought I don't want to explain any further...I stand up then I say ..

"Forget it what I said..anyway let's go.."(Alya)


Then we walked to my zodiac garage..the private room was located underground...once we were ready..there would be a lift from here...there was many lift located underground....Then I saw nee-san ride her zodiac as well..and give me a grin..she go to the battle field..

"Alya..please be safe."(Minami)

"Don't worry,after all I would get serious.so please help me okay?"(Alya)

Then I also do the same........as the lift go up I closed my eyes..I often do this for preparing the battle...I kill all of my useless emotion...emotion would only hinder you in battlefield..mercy doesn't necessary ,protection of other comrades wasn't necessary...do your own mission..Kill every your enemy..reviewing every strategy for survive..I would kill anyone that hinder my path. Sorry Alya..or mordred looks like I must use it again..

Hydra mode!!

Narrator POV.

"...That kind of face..Alya..just what are you"(Minami)

Minami was rather worried..after all in the photo that contain him and mordred there was 2 name...but one of them was blurred out and the others was alya..why He blurred it out? Minami found there was a contradiction ..but she doesn't know what it was....

"Forget it..I must help him!!"(Minami)

she go into operator room and watch the battle field..

"Test test..do you hear me Alya?"(Minami)

"Yes.Please do the mission."(Alya)

Minami..felt cold..what was this?She can't feel any emotion at all from his word..forget it..it just her feeling. Then she check Sacred regulus...the overal zodiac color was white..it was equipped with 1 great sword and 1 large beam cannon at its back. but the greatest point of it..was the angel wing at back..because of it the movement of Sacred regulus was faster than any zodiac..because of that it was unbeatable in term of short range and long range...could Alya win?

Then the match start..





They immediately started boost toward each other..but Ceria was much faster compared to Alya..but Alya initiated the first attack by using his claw..then Ceria immediately parry with her great sword. then the beam cannon at its back entered firing stance but Alya already moved before the beam cannon fired. Ceria who saw this swing her sword horrizontally but Alya caught with Hydra arm as he reading him like a book..after that he draw his gun and fired it at her zodiac.

"Not good!!"(Ceria)

Ceria user her beam cannon to fired it..but it only hit Alya barrier..the damage was same..both of them was 100 barrier point..and they had same barrier point 2000..now only left 1900

"You were still good as ever .."(Ceria)


Alya only answered with silent..Ceria immediately noticed..that cold expression..

"Hey,hey ..why you use that again?didn't you promised you won't use it again!!!?"(Ceria)

Ignoring her,Alya pick up some beam knife and throw it to ceria at the same time he moving. Ceria dodged to right.but Alya follow her.. already draw his large sword with his claw and swing it vertically..Ceria stand back but Alya use the gun with the others arms and fired it.

"Ugh...as expected this kind of battle sense but!!"(Ceria)

Ceria moved closer and brandish with her great sword..Alya parry it with his sword but he was pushed and send to nearby wall and his barrier reduced..but his expression..wasn't even change by a bit..Knowing this Ceria burning with rage....


"Arthur mode?"(Minami)

Ignoring it Alya then shot her with his gun......he never say anything...then while approaching him...He try to bind him using the whip...but she was broke free..and fired her beam cannon and hit his shoulder...Alya barrier was reduced by 500 in go...

"If you were like this then I WOULD JUST WAKE YOU UP!!!YOU FOOLISH BROTHER!!"(Ceria)

Arthur mode..or what ceria called..was the mode Alya use when He was fighting seriously...it indeed boost his performance..but he kills his emotion to use it...because of that many of soldier died in his hands..just because they get in his way...he would destroy anything in its path...that's why Ceria told him not to use it again...looks like she were wrong after all...Because Alya hates losing more than anyone..Minami knowing something wrongs immediately try to tell her something!

"Alya!!respond to me!! Alya!!"(Minami)

"Mission was still in progress..please don't disturb me."(Alya)

Alya emotionlessly answered her..Minami know something wrongs with him try to call his name again..


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