《12 Zodiac!!》Chapter 5:


Sigh...what a pain. As I use my roller skates to go home ,I was thinking why they were bother me this much? Don't they have better thing to do? I could took care myself..even I kicked out from school,I didn't mind as long they didn't hinder my path. Once I arrived at my house I noticed there were 2 girls waiting in front of my house.

"Just what were you girls doing here?"(Alya)

I brake in front of them,then unequip the skates and put it in my bag.

"Alya..we want to know more about you..that's why We-."( Minami)

"Leave,I had nothing to say."(Alya)

Why I must told you? You are just stranger to me..beside quit butt in to my life.Minami was shocked..but Stella still calm as ever and asked me instead.

"Then at least please told me why you help me?Why you beat them up for my sake?"(Stella)

"For your sake? You are mistaken Stella."(Alya)

"What?then why?"(Stella)

"I just hate those kind of guys. the guys who don't knew their position yet act mighty."(Alya)'

...there was another reason why I did that...In the past..those guys often mock mordred....the on;y friend of mine...I want beat them up..but I was beaten up instead..Well they already dead thought...because I left them die in battlefield

"Alya,we were your friend right?"(Minami)

"Since when?I never thought you guys as friend. So don't lump me into your friendlist. "(Alya)

...As I said that.

"I just your teacher and mechanic. Indeed I help you,but It doesn't mean we are friend."(Alya)

After they were silent for a moment ,I continue.

"Anyway,Stella would you guide me to your house?You need me to fix your zodiac right?"(Alya)

As I said that without care..Stella immediately said.

"I can't leave my zodiac to you, as you right now. But I believe you for someone who defend me."(Stella)


No Hesitation in her eyes huh...looks like no mater what I am saying she won't budge.

"Think as you wish,I am too tired to correct it.."(Alya)

Stella turn back and leave, But Minami still stayed here..

"Alya,I believe in you. You save my life once after all.."(minami)

She was talking about the Terrorist accident before......When I shielded her..

"That was just a experiment to test my new weapon..nothing more.."(Alya)

"Don't lie...the word you said once you save me. it was proof of that."(Minami)

"Hmm,Say what you want.."(Alya)

....As I walked she said..

"I will wait here...because I believe in you."(Minami)

I don't answer and keep walking..to zodiac hangar and do some O.S coding and create a new weapon.

7 August

2 A.M

"Sigh..I am tired."(Alya)

Once I finished,it was already 1.Am. really....time went flash, The reaction speed for throwing weapons and Close range already 170 % speed while movement speed were 150%.

"The data was lacking. If I try upgrading futher my own it would be useless. better go have an extra sleep and prepare for tomorrow."(Alya)

Today Nee-san had something to do,so I am alone today..just what were she doing?Who cares....once I get out from the garage ,walking in the hallway..I noticed Minami still waiting in front of the gate ,while leaning on the fence.

It should had been around 8 hours after I last check her.....just go home already. Once I thought that I noticed she was sleeping on the fence...how the hell she did that?.

I sighed again. what a troublesome girl...

Narrator POV.

6. A.M

Alya's personal room.

"Where am i?'(Minami)

Minami open her eyes slowly and checking around..found herself in room that she don't know..

"Am I kidnapped?What should I do?"(Minami)

She said that as she looking around in haste..and in panic.


"No one would kidnap girl like you."(Alya)

Alya entered his own rooms while bringing some breakfast for both of him and her.

"Ah,thanks for making me some food."(Minami)

"I did this because when you were sleeping you stomach can't shut up."(Alya)

3 hours ago Alya princess carry her to his bed..then while waiting for her wake up,he do some O.S research but ended up failed because minami stomach keep resounded in his room and disturb his concetration. Couldn't hold it anymore he cook some food and prepared some food for her and for himself. She blushed and begin to pout.

"Sorry if my stomach was like that. It can't be helped! after all I am a growing you know!"(Minami)

Even thought Minami like this,she was kinda happy after all.. Alya maybe don't know how to treat others and act don't care others. but he is a kind guy that you could trust and you could never left alone....then she take around the room there was many action figure of robot and anything related to that....but what piques her interest the most was the photo of 1 guy who didn't faced the direction of camera and the girl who were smiling at the camera. She then asked.

"Was she your friend?"(Minami)

Minami pointed on the photo,Alya who see this only give 1 answer.

"Her name is mordred. I don't know her real name......she was my first friend..after I lost my only mother."(Alya)

"..What happened to her?"(Minami)

Minami changed the topic to her mother. Ceria-san told her don't mention mordred name if alya mention it,pretend that you don't know. after all mordred was his benefactor and someone that alya hold dear is what Ceria says.

"She was killed by zoonic beast..more likely sacrifice her life for me.....I don't know what happened after that....."(Alya)

"I am sorry .."(Minami)

"It is okay. "(Alya)

.....Alya then eat his own break fast...Minami too then take a sip..after found it was delicious she immediately eat it hastily.Since she live alone in apartment she rarely eat good food.

"Sigh...both of you really similar."(Alya)

"Hmm what?"(Minami)

"My mother was also like that...when she eat delicious food she always eat it hastily..even thought I wasn't her real son..she always care for me...."(Alya)

Alya smile warmly....to think he was an orphan...she finally know the reason he force himself on battlefield..

"That's why ..I swore myself to take revenge on the zoonic beast that killed her...but because of that I lost mordred who was only my friend."(Alya)

Alya then face minami and saw minami was crying badly..

"....hey,hey..don't wet my bad."(Alya)

"sorry..I couldn't stop myself.(Minami)

Alya..was rather confused..wasn't thing like that common? Minami now finally understand the reason why Alya feels lonely and doesn't trust others...A orphaned child that lost his only mother ..what's more because of the will to avenge his mother,he was getting used and killed someone he hold dear. lost everything and getting used...nothing more worse than this..

"Alya!!!You can trust me!! I would always be your friend!! I Promise..'(Minami)

"......IF you are my friends then quit bothers me!!!!!"(Alya)

"That was false friend!! a real friend wil guide her friend to the right path."(Minami)

"Right path?More likely wrong path.."*(Alya)

"Don't mock your friend alya!"(Minami)

"I Change my mind !!You are not my friend anymore!!"(Alya)

"just be honest with yourself!!You damn tsundere!!!"(Minami)

"Who you call tsundere you noisy girl!!"(Alya)

"Of course you!!"(Minami)

Then they begin to fight each other and near late come to school because of that.

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