《My power is actually really OP you know》26. Encounter


Finally, I'm in the real world again. At least I think so

"Your name is Ylin isn't it?"

I stare at a living suit floating in empty space. It's weird, up until now, no one has ever searched me out on their own volition before.

"You need not worry, I know."

In front of me was a strange being, I'm honestly at a loss. I just entered the world of the living, and suddenly there was this guy here waiting. It speaks of a certain level of prediction or detection, but I'm honestly not sure if there are any power that can actually view the underworld. And what does this guy know anyway?

"Did you know what I was eating last night?"

"Chinese and French."

Uh... This is strange. I just come back from the afterlife, where did this guy come from with that kind of power that can break the barrier between the living and the dead, and he seriously looks like he was looking for me.

"Yeah, I'm going to get going now. Good bye."

I wave at him before quickly walking away. What is that guy? He is so weird. Even the old bigshots don't give me that kind of feelings. Thankfully, that guy didn't even pursue me.

IF he actually knows me, he should know how powerful I am right?

After a certain distance, suddenly a building fall over. I didn't even know what happened, one moment, nothing happened before the next, the entire building went down. The screams of the people was as loud as the crashing noise. What is this, terrorism?

But more importantly, currently, I'm trapped under the rubble.

Normally, I wouldn't be under these situation because ability holders have nothing on me and normal people has the restraint of the laws, but currently this is happening.


The being in suit appears again while I'm getting my breathing under control. I can't die because of this, but damn damn damn damn damn it. It hurts. It cuts one of the major artery in my legs I think. It hurts

"Hello Mr Ylin, we meet again, your name, it was from the original world, Finnish was it?"

Hello damn you. What have you done?

"I judge that normal interaction wouldn't have worked with you, however external factors seem to be effective. Now we can talk."

Time seems to slow down to a halt. Every speck of dust in the air seems to slow down. However, what is strange was that the people was not. They were screaming and yelling normally. They were trying to run, however all kind of sharp objects fall down from the sky suddenly. It was normal industrial and non-industrial appliance. Those things were dangerous, but not as dangerous as they are right now.

Wherever the sharp objects fell, human are cut into thin slices. They were like shredder cutting through every living being.

Now those things, I'm sure if they fall onto me, nothing will happen. They seem to be a supernatural phenomenon. However, this guy somehow knows that will do nothing to me, so he brings the building down on me.

It seems someone with a strange preference has appeared. All the human who was cut apart was kept alive, just like me who has my major artery cut. But I survive due to me not being able to die though, I don't know how they are surviving.

"The fate of all life is to suffer, I'm sure you already knows that Mr Ylin. Now."

As if this discussion wasn't aggressive enough, all the remaining human suddenly stand up, they look pissed, they look pissed at me. What did I do, the one who you are supposed to be angry at is that guy.


Also, this is bad. I will be in trouble if these people hit me, It is not like being hit by a tier 9 spell or whatever, these people are literally going to hit me.

"To make you more amendable to the discussion, the mind of these people here has been changed. They don't see me, but see you as the perpetrator. In approximately 5 minutes, you will be in so much pain that you would wish to die. I judge this is enough of a leverage for our conversation."

"You crazy bastard, what are you talking about?"

"Your survival from the previous universe was confirmed. You are Ylin, strange ability holder whose ability is a mystery. Approximately after the destruction of the previous universe, you escape unscathed, without anyone knowing. All of it are proof of a strong obfuscation ability able to escape the law of the universe. However, even early on, you exhibit a very strong resistance against any abnormal interference. It is not actually obfuscation, is it? It is actually an almighty defensive reality warping power. Very well, all of it is now known."

Just who is this guy.

"W-what do you want?"

"I want you to work for me on threat of imminent torture and rape. I know from your behavior that you can't actually do anything against purely normal threat like this. This is an ultimatum. Do you want to live with your dignity or not?"

Eh, this guy is a bit too serious. He is actually dangerous too, figuring it out that much. Also, what did me mean by imminent rape? I think this guy need to calm down a little bit.

But this is already it for him though. Imminent torture? Rape? My power's side effect is about to kick in at any moment now, everyone who is involved with this is about to be in big trouble. I don't know how my power is going to edit their history, but it is going to do so in the most humiliating way possible I'm sure. Nobody cross me with no consequences.

However, at the last moment, suddenly, there was a change in the suit guy's behavior. Despite him being nothingness embodiment in a suit, I can see through him with my OP power, there was a brief look of surprise and then of disbelief.

Suddenly, that guy disappears and everything returns to relative normal. The mind-controlled people fall on the ground like puppets with their strings cut.

I am still stuck under the rubble.

Eh, what the fuck just happened? That guy fled...

Did he realize exactly what was going to happen to him? Before my trauma threshold was crossed and the side effect of my power trigger, that guy skillfully ran away. What the hell?

But the most important thing right now is....


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