《My power is actually really OP you know》23. Dead


Hello everyone.

Today, I'm going to show you how to piss off one of the number one pro ability user in the world, Deadman.

First of all, Deadman hates being called Deadman, his name was Erik or some shit, but he was experimented on by some kind of corporation, who repeatedly killed him in the past.

Insultingly, they called him Deadman, and so, he hates that name a lot.


This is a new world, so he should have at least gotten over it right?


"Eeek! Wait. Mister, stop! He will die."

And that is one simple step to piss off one of the world number one hero.

"Y-you killed him." The girl was muttering, slightly traumatized by the scene of violent. Chunk of body was scattered across the room.

"What's the matter? He's with them. Fuck him. You don't know how awful they are."

"B-but, he is not one of them. He is the one who get rid of their boss."


"You killed, him, you killed Angelica's brother."

The man looks down at his hands, stained with blood.

"So I have killed, what have I done?"

The man fell down, shocked by his crime. Realizing that his tormentors are gone, he vows to use the rest of his life to atone for that one crime.

Anyway, that was probably what happened. Deadman went at me too hard and too fast that I didn't see anything, so that is that. I was probably killed with the first stroke. After that, I ended up on a boat.

This is probably the dead ferry, after all, Deadman is one of the only people in the world who can kill me.

However, saying that he can kill me is different from he can kill me permanently.


I am on a boat to the underworld, but I'm not too worry since I can return at anytime. However, right now, I want to tour the underworld some more since I rarely have that kind of chance.

It is not like I go and pick fight with people who can kill me normally, so I literally don't have any chance to go.

I think when the universe was broken, the afterlife was destroyed too and was remade from scratch. I wonder what kind of underworld the top guy built.

The ferryman is Death himself however he can't see me. The other soul could, but Death is the only one who couldn't.

"Get in line. All of you will get to the other side."

Death gathers everyone with his scythe. Everyone is lifeless to be frank.

"I am scared, I am scared."

A child was huddled in a corner of the boat muttering to himself. The Old Bone himself walks over, gently, he laid a bony finger on the child.

"Don't worry, where we are going, there will be no more pain, no more death or lingering feeling."

He fucking brainwashed the child into silence.

It may be better in this case, most of the dead people have some kind of story. I wonder how many here are due to my actions.

Anyway, I get in line to tour the underworld

"Wait! What is with the empty space in the line. Hurry, you behind the back, move up."

The lifeless boy behind me keeps on shambling forward, pushing me in line. My face was shoved into some kind of old suit worn by some kind of corporate worker.

"Hey" I try to shout, but the line just keeps pushing up like the mindless dead they are.

Hey! I'm a big shot you know, if I want, I can turn your cushy afterlife into a hellish nightmare that you can never wake up from you know?


But the mindless dead keep on being mindless, dragging me with them.

During the 1990, something terrible happens. It was perhaps partly due to the economic down turn, but even the most scientific mind man agree, the death statistic during that decade was extremely unusual. Homicide was roughly 5 times higher than the decade before and the decade after. Suicide rates climbs to roughly 10 times the usual statistic.

Mothers killed their babies. Happy families just decided to perform a mass suicide on the same days.

All of it was too great to be a coincidence. However, later on, people chose to agree that it was just a statistical anomaly.

And yet, during that decade, there was only despair. It is unknown whether the family next to you are going to turn up dead the next day. People live with a strange kind of dread coming from unknown place.

I realize that the decade of despair was certainly my action, but I don't remember when I have done that. It is possible that a future "me" did that, and the retroactive effect was not informed to me. However, the anomalous decade was anomalous even to me. I did it but I don't remember why I did it.

However, it seems the kind of dread and despair of that decade has shaped the world, and ultimately the underworld onward.

"The underworld actually looks like the 90s. How nice."

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