《My power is actually really OP you know》14. Stop the bus


The stand off ended when that guy finally makes a sound.

Funny, I thought he was going to drop dead at a moment notice.

The fate of all men that is not me all seems so fragile. On the other hand, he is an ability holder right? So he has to be tough.

Though what the fuck do you mean 'who are you?'. I mean, I'm probably quite famous among the other natural born ability holder right? Even though I don't go out much, I thought they have already known.

An insurmountable existence none of them could ever reach. I mean, even though I actually did nothing, they are aware of the consequences of messing with me right? It is not that I can't actually flex on them at any moment notice, it is that I am not willing to. My power is too OP for something like that. An accidental discharge of my power in a moment of rashness is fine, but if I actually put my mind to it, the concentrated power would punch a hole through all of them, and then through space and time too.

Even if that guy currently in charge of the timeline could put the timeline back together, when I'm done with it, there would be nothing he could do. Even if Lilith could reset the timeline, if it was actually me, the reset would never undo the damage I could do.

But enough about me, let think of the reason why none of them recognize me. I mean, this guy is from the top guy, right? I mean, he is the timeline-puncher guy, he should be powerful enough to recognize my power. At least, he would still know that I was from the previous timeline. So why is his underling so dumb?

The person in front of me doesn't recognize me.


...Thinking about it, for some reason, the bitch didn't recognize me either at the hospital.

For some reason, Lilith, somebody I personally know and dislike treated me like she didn't even know me.

I mean, even if she is acting, there has to be a limit to the act right? I mean, she actually acts like she has never met me before. It is strange.

I would think about it later.

"Oh, are you a man of God too?"

After a moment, the man suddenly speaks.

What's the actual fuck?

After realizing that I could see him, wax and all, the man starts to act naturally.

"This is also fate. I am here by the will of God. He told me I have to defeat the man in front of me. However, it seems I underestimated him. Don't worry, even though I could not heal myself, I could heal other."

Jesus H. Christ timeline-puncher guy. What the fuck are you doing? Why are you bringing religion into this again?

All of this started 30 years ago when the first ability holder comes to be.

With great power, there would always be a few guy who play God.

They wanted to be worship. And with the variety of mind power, it was not that difficult to accomplish. The problem is getting away with it with no other ability holders breathing down their neck.

I didn't know the current top guy was actually a person like that too. I mean, I have seen all kind of crazy before, but I thought that kind of particularly crazies are beneath top tier like us.

While my faith has waned after the first used of my power, and then disappearing completely after the first calamity, I used to be from a Christian family too you know? It's just... it is hard keeping faith with my power being the way it is.


I kinda doubted everything after the first use of my power.

Even still, even if I don't believe anymore, it does not mean I'm comfortable with the direction this is going.

After the man cut the zip-tie underneath my feet with invisible force, I could actually move again.

I look at my savior worriedly. I'm not cruel, I know when to be thankful. And despite the latent craziness of the guy, he actually upheld the image I have of a good ability holder. He is a good man.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me. I would be fine in a while. About you, I have already healed your arm, there won't be any complications. You could go..."

The guy's voice trails off.

Well, if he says so.

Since he told me to leave, I just do that. He will be fine, I think.

I hope I don't see the Future Soldier. I kinda made it so that he will suffer his whole life, that is his fate. Seeing my own creation created to suffer in a moment of rashness will be awkward I think.

I really, really hope I don't meet that guy in the future. It would be extremely painful if that happens and he finds out who was behind the tragedy that is his life.

While thinking about that, I was on a bus.

I decided to get the fuck away from the craziness of Lilith's city. It seems her presence just attracts weirdness. In the future, if she really has an episode again, I will still be effected by her rampage. However, if I moved away, I won't have to deal with all the other ability holder related to Lilith.

In the last three months after I was transported to the new world, I saw Lilith brutally murdering someone before resetting the timeline. I accidentally ended up in the world of the Elder things. I was trapped by an anti-christ cult that mistake infant Elder things for the anti-christ. Then I was caught in the aftermath of Lilith's rampage, and with the accidental use of my power, create an entirely new person from nothingness.

All of it happened in the last month. Being near Lilith is really dangerous...

Though, it is probably that the new world after the crossover is just like that. But if the world was like that all the time, everywhere, it begs the question what the fuck is the guy in charge of the timeline doing.

Last I checked he was doing some creepy God-impersonating stick. It just makes that guy seems more unreliable.

I wonder if I could do that myself, but then dissuade myself from the notion.

My power is too OP to be used for a situation such as managing one single world.

I didn't actually use it to save the ideal society of the previous world, why would I do it to save this world, which is many, many times worse, and has been very cruel to me.

Suddenly, on the bus, I saw a billboard on the way out of town. It seems some kind of big Pop star was coming to town on her tour. It was actually my sister. She is so cool ha ha. I wished I have spent a bit more time with her.

The last time I saw her, it was in the old world.

She perishes in front of my eyes that day. If she was alive, she could be on one of those billboard, but she isn't.

I look at the billboard again. The person on it didn't change.

Oh shit.

"Stop the bus."

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