《My power is actually really OP you know》1. The Lilith Stories - 1


My power is actually really OP you know.

In this world, there are people call Ability holder. We don't call them superhero because it is too pretentious, but they act super all the same. Lately though, I think the memo was pulling a Masquerade. There was some big, world ending event thing, and then everything reset. It is a real big thing though, and everything got really depressing at the end...

In the crossover, I think the memo was, 'To not repeat the past, all ability holders will be hidden'.

Or at least I think that is what happened. When we cross over to the new world, no one talk anything about Ability holder, the event that happened 30 years ago didn't happen. When it comes to people altering timeline, it becomes really dangerous, you don't know what the actual memo is now.

During all of this time, I have lived with my head down even through the crossover, not even using my power even one.

It is because my power is really OP you know?

If I actually use it, this world, no this universe may not actually survive it. That is why I have lived with my head down all this time.


"Don't make me use my power alright. You will not survive the ordeal."

Currently I'm being mugged. Suddenly, the guy kicked me in the stomach.

M-my power is actually really OP alright?

After I have handed everything to the guy, I started crawling back to safety. I handle it peacefully so there was not much of a struggle, there was only a few kicks, which I think broke my ribs. I will have to stay in a hospital for the next few months I think.

Damn damn damn. If this was the old world, with all the ability users around, things wouldn't be this bad...

On second thought, it would be worse. The muggers may actually be an ability holder. However, at least in the old world, there will be super powered healer around and these wounds wouldn't be so serious.

But the world has changed.

Thinking about it, I miss the old world. Should I use my power to make everything as it once was, sans the big disaster that ended it all? I slept through everything, not using my power. If my actual power was used in that conflict... what the heck a timeline collapse event was not enough for that to come out.

However, currently, over my head...

Two invisible persons are fighting a life or death battle, utilizing all of their power freely with no one noticing them. It was because the crossover was supported by a pretty powerful guy who implemented a 'world imposition' system that hid most city level conflict.

But goddamn it, what the fuck are you doing? If you have the time to fight, couldn't you at least have saved me from the mugger from before. With great power come great responsibility alright?

I managed to get to a hospital. My power allows me to have free money in the form of the government grant. While I don't actually use my OP power, most of the thing comes naturally like this. My power is too OP that it has passive effect too, you know?

A person's power was decided when they gained their ability. For someone like me, I gained it from when I was born. For those privilege people, like the fellow that smashed the entire timeline, there is a really large difference between us and the normal people. Our power is so OP that we may not even be called a human entity any more.


However, even among the ability user, I was distinguished... Though not that anyone, even the omni guy know about it. I have always kept my head down though. It was because if that power was used, the world, no, the entire universe will be in trouble. Even more than what happened with the timeline puncher guy.

"Broken ribs. Suspected Schizophrenia. Subject is a homeless person that was robbed. Subject seems to be lucid for now, though when he will have another fit is unknown.

Name: Unknown."

The doctor who is currently taking care of me wrote down. Wait-wait-wait. I actually have an ability you know? It is just that my ability is too OP, I can't demonstrate.

The second most scariest thing was not the fact that I'm about to be administered by these quacks. It was that next to the doctor...

"Don't worry. Eve will take good care of you." Preferring herself in third person, the female nurse comes closer.

Don't come closer. Don't. Don't make me use my ability.

It was one of the people that was naturally born with their ability.



My ability is actually really OP you know.

It was the only thing that Lilith couldn't eat.

Among the natural born ability holder, Lilith was known simply as "Crazy Bitch".

It seems that all of us powerful ability holder has similar theme when it comes to power. That fellow who acts as the god of the new world, too, has the same theme.

Though my ability is OP enough that even if he imagines with all his might, he could never reach it.

The main theme of the most powerful ability holder seems to be "Unification".

In a superhero story, there would always be one of those really cheaty guy whose power is "everyone else's"

Among the top ability holders in the previous world too, all of the top guy was the one whose power is a variation of "power copy", "power steal", "power absorption". And at the end of the ladder of power "All Power".

All of those guy has a variation of "Having the powers of all ability holders". Of course, it seems to be the best kind of power set, though not very original.

They all seem to build up to a unified lifeform, with Lilith having the worst of it, and me having the least of it.

Of course, my power is not something simple as copy, or steal, or absorption. It was not even in the "unification" classification.

It is really troublesome though.

I could not even use it right now.

I was standing next to a vending machine. There was a young boy next to me.

Suddenly, the boy sneakily puts his hand into the vending machine. It penetrates the glass and let him take out the drink without paying.

When he saw me looking at him, he has a sly look on him. With the universal gesture of silent, he walks away waving at me in his wake.

I look carefully at him, after demonstrating his power, he didn't even take four steps.

In the next moment, suddenly an invisible force tugs at his legs and drags him inside a cabinet.

There was a muffled scream and then nothing.

I turn to look at 'Eve' who was standing in the hallway.

She nods at me, with a smile.

Goddamn it, where are all the epic heroes?

Suddenly, I dearly wish for the old world.

A week after, a strange man in black appears at the hospital. He looks strangely like the deceased boy. He was showing the picture of the boy to the people in the hospital.


"Have you seen him?"

The man in the black trench coat asks me.

I point at 'Eve' who was ever present in the room. Suddenly, as if seeing something, the man face tightens. Tapping my shoulder, he suddenly whispers.

"You are a good man. Tonight, no matter what happened, don't come out."

I went back to the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling.

At night, outside the room, there was loud noises, and strange moans.

Suddenly, an arm pops into the room. A decayed face shows up.

It was a ghost.

After a while, there was a horrible scream in the hallway of the hospital. It was long and terrible. All the ghosts disperse after that.

I went to sleep.

In the morning, I went to get a cold drink from the vending machine, ignoring the death of the ability holder and his possible son yesterday.

A familiar scene greets me. I was standing next to a vending machine. A young boy was next to me.

I look at the scene. The boy sneakily moves his hand toward the vending machine.

Suddenly, a grown man slaps his hand off the machine. It was a man in black trench coat.

Turning to look at me, suddenly the man bows

"Oh I'm sorry. It was nothing, the boy is at that age."

I stare at him and then at the clock.

"I'm Lex, the town mortician. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you."

I look at the clock.

It seems someone did the time warp again.

I walk to a familiar looking cabinet and tear it open. Behind it, Lilith was having her next meal, another random ability holder. In the room, the smell of rot has settled in. Human corpse was strewn randomly in the room.

Blood splatters the entire room.

After that, I walk away.

They live, they die, they live again. Why care?


Realistic depiction of what happened.

Lilith is hungry.

She is really hungry and all the ability holders all seems so tasty.

She told herself that Eve is a good girl, so that she hold herself back.

However, after the first time, it was extremely tasty, so she had second.

After she had eaten the second persons, she ate the third.

The third was not enough, so she kept having more, more and more, until she has eaten all ability holder.

Today too, was like any other day. Lilith was extremely hungry. A young boy entered the hospital with his ability. He seems young at first, so she told herself to hold herself back.

However, after he has used his power in the hospital, he became extremely tasty, so even if she tried to hold herself back, she couldn't.

So she dragged him away from prying eyes, and ate him.

On the way, she saw the new schizophrenic patient staring at her. However, his heart beat didn't even raise even in front of the extreme tragedy, so she leaves him be. He was not even tasty, he was not an ability holder.

Schizophrenic people are really convenient, even if something like that, it doesn't even phase them.

A week later, the boy's father comes looking. He was a man wearing black trench coat. He was tasty too, extremely tasty. But she told herself, she already ate his son, she could not eat him too! That would mean she is a bad girl!

So she didn't eat him.

At night, while Eve was having the night shift, suddenly the man comes into the hospital. He was carrying a coffin with him into the hospital with him. Where the hospital guards have gone, Lilith does not know, but they let the man walked in carrying a coffin.

Suddenly, the man opens the coffin, and in an instant, he shot her.

He was carrying a shotgun.

This is bad. This is bad. This bad.

Eve was thinking.

The man is going to shoot up the hospital at night! He is one of those mass shooter, the patients, she has to warn the patients!

However, she couldn't help it.

In the next moment, he becomes extremely tasty.

"I was wondering where my boy has gone, my poor boy. And yet when I see him again, his ghost was in pieces."

The cross on the man's chest flashes a crimson light. His eyes turned into blue. The air temperature drops several degrees. All the clock in the hospital stop.

Slowly, next to Lilith, something emerges.

The faint, shadowy face of young boy appears.

The boy was floating in the air. His face could not be seen.

In tradition, the face of the people who died a violent death cannot be shown.

"My name is Lex, and for killing my son, you will be judged."

The man screams at her, pointing his gun in her face.

He becomes extremely delicious.

In the next moment, his eyes widen.

"Y-you. Just how many have you killed."

Lilith looks behind her.

A large mess of human body parts was following behind her, just like the boy. This person, that person. They are all ability holder.

The man named Lex has become extremely delicious.

Suddenly, Lilith stands up to face him.

The man shoots again, but it was ineffective. Slowly, she moved toward him.

The man in the black trench coat back away. It was too late though.

Lilith stretch her hand, a large mass of shadow grabs the man, it was the power of the person from the other day. He too, was delicious.

Using the shadow to hold Lex in place, Lilith thinks of way to eat him. Instantly like his son perhaps, or should she cooked him up? He is extremely delicious.

"G-get away from me. Y-you monster."

Before she could put a hand on his neck, however, the shadow betrays her. Suddenly, the mass of shadow starts fighting each other, releasing the man.

The ghost of that person from the other day slowly drifts over to the man in the black trench coat. He was an old man having a check up in the hospital the other day. He didn't expect anything so he didn't protect himself. He was delicious.

Currently, the old man glares at Lilith.

The ghostly disentangled mess of human body part behind Lilith too start to separate into different person.

Forming a circle, they were all staring at her.

"Y-es. You may be a monster, but this is as far as you go. For today, you meet my ability. Mass killer likes you is the worst. Today, you are going to experience justice under the hand of everyone you have killed. Everyone, gather your wrath, gather your anger and direct it at that woman, the woman that have killed you."

Slowly, the ghosts drifted around Lilith, all kind of power she has eaten show itself again. Even in death, ability holder ghost retain their ability.


The ghost of a leader type hero was glaring at her.

His friends and him was having check up the other day. To impress her, he told her he was a superhero, so she ate him and all his teammate.

All the ability slams into the defenseless Lilith, tearing her body apart. However, Lilith was a strong girl, even though she is dying, her body still holds shape.

Even as all the ghosts gather upon her, Lilith's emotional state is in extreme turmoil.

This is amazing!

Double the flavor! Double the deliciousness!

In the next moment, strange moan fills the air.

"W-what happened?"

Even in death, ability holders still retain their ability. That means it is double the deliciousness.

"Ghosts too, are extremely delicious."

The face of Lex and all the ghosts in the room turn a different shade of white. Their immortal soul-

In a moment, even with all the ghosts retaining their power in life, all of them disappears, screaming into the void.

Lex was retained by invisible force again.

"Now, how do I eat you?" Lilith stares at the man up and down. After a moment, she decides to have sushi.

That night, there was a horrible scream in the hallway of the hospital. It was long and terrible.

It was terrible, really terrible, Eve has been a really bad girl!

Thankfully, all of it didn't happen.

It was just a thing in Eve's mind. After all, Eve is a good girl

"Ah, hello. Is this mister Lex? Your son is in the hospital causing trouble again, could you come and take him home please?"

Being a kind girl, Eve calls mister Lex to take his son home. It would be a shame if something happened to him.

Hanging up, she goes back to her work.

H-however, there was another extremely delicious group that appeared at that moment.

She couldn't help it.

She follows them and eats them all.

Suddenly, the schizophrenic patient discovers her again. However, he walks away.

It was extremely convenient to have a schizo patient around. He really doesn't mind.

This is just in Lilith's imagination anyway. So she ate and ate and ate.

After the first serving, she used mister Lex's ability to have second.

It is fine, it is fine.

After this, she will clean up, Eve is good girl. After all, everything is only in her mind.

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