《My Vampire Lover》Chapter 6-The Reveal


Y/n's Prov:

Today was the day. We all met up for breakfast at Lynn's Dinner. We went over the plan again, and then left to where Rebecca told us.

"Here we are, (random address)." Pidge said.

"Jill, did you do the spell on Chloe?" Shiro asked.

"Yes sir." She replied.

He nodded. We into our groups and got in position. She didn't give us a time, so we are just going to meet. About two hours of waiting, she showed up.

"Well look who is early." She said.

"Where are my parents"

"Here." She smirked.

Two men came out of the woods holding my parents. I gasped and grabbed Keith's arm.

"Don't worry, they are alive." She said laughing.

"What do you want." I said sternly.

She snapped her fingers, and more men came out of the woods, but behind us. The grabbed onto Keith to hold him back. When I turned back to face Rebecca, she was in my face.

"I want Keith to feel the pain of losing someone they are in love with."


"Because his brother, Shiro, killed my lover to protect a meif-wa."

"So you are taking that out on my little brother."

"Shiro~ How nice of you to follow your little brother. Maybe I'll kill him instead." She smirked.

"No!" I screamed.

"Hmm? Why not."

"Take me instead, don't hurt Keith, please."

"You know, your parents are hiding something from you. Do you know what it is?"

I didn't answer. What are they hiding?

"No, you don't know. Well, let me tell you. Your mom is a meif-wa and your dad a witch. You know what that makes you?"

I didn't answer.

"A half-ling. Your father hid your mother's ears with magic. How yours are hiding, I don't know."


I was confused. She started to laugh.

"Did I hurt your tiny brain."

I snapped. I punched her under her chin. My hand was glowing red.

"First, you harm my friend, then my family, and then you threaten Keith. You reveal to me something my parents was hiding from me, to keep me safe, and say my brain is tiny. What did you expect."

I was furious. I was surrounded with a red glow. My ears and tail revealed themselves. I lifted my left hand, but before I could do anything she got up and said:

"Drop her parents and let go of the boy. We got what we came for."

They did as she said and the five of them disappeared. Soon after I fainted.

When I woke up, I was in my room. My parents sitting on one side of the bed and Jill on the other. Shiro, Allura, Lance and Chloe sat on my couch, with Pidge on Chloe's lap. Keith was staring out the window, and Shiro, Shay, and Hunk were my the bedroom door.

"What happened." I asked.

"We'll talk about it later, for now rest. We will let you and Keith talk alone." Mom said.


They all left, leaving Keith and I alone.

"You haven't hunted, have you?"

"W-what?" He looked at me, shocked.

"You look hungry."

"I-i haven't left your side, so no."

"Come here."


"Please." I begged him.

He stood there for a while, but then walked over to me. I got out of bed and hugged tightly.

"I know what you are doing, Y/n."


"The answer is no. I'll just go hunting."

"Fine, go hunting now. I'll go eat, too."


Then he vanished.

I could hardly stand alone, so I stayed with the wall.

When I got downstairs, Hunk and Shay were making eggs and bacon with tater tots. It smelled amazing.

"Where's Keith." Allura asked.


"About time." Jill said.

"I heard you were talking shit about me." Keith appeared.

"WTF!" Pidge yelled.

We all started laughing.

I smiled. It's good to be a whole again.

??? Prov:

"Sir, you were right." I said.

"I know. Come back before my father realizes you are missing."

"Yes sir." I replied.

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