《Echoes》Chapter 14: The End of A Dream.
I returned to reality after having reminisced about something in the past. It was a bittersweet memory that made it quite nostalgic despite seeing the two familiar faces in person again in the blink of an eye.
The meeting went on for what we had to do for the coming war. It outlined the city of Copernica, the capital of the Kaiser's Empire. The land spanned hundreds of thousands of square miles, containing a population of nine million in their home territory alone if you exclude the ones they've acquired thus far. Adding three and a half territories that they won war after war in a shocking battle of speed and stratagems would make it at least thirty million, roughly speaking.
The Kaiser staged a successful coup and started forming an army the very day he came into power, using the ones available to attack and set a statement. At the time, most of the lands were treading a thin line of peace and needed a light tap to set things in motion as tensions rose. The Kaiser surprised everyone in the continent by striking first, leading a country that no one ever thought would start a war themselves when just before they were unable to defend their own lands from being taken piece by piece.
It was massive, taking the entire western side of the continent and its waters then stretched the expansion to the east along a large body of water to the north, ending just a few ways off a craggy, massive mountain range that prevented any large armies from attacking all at once. And finally to the south where it empire stretched the least, prevented by the warring feudal lords who cared less of the Kaiser and more of the wealth their land holds.
The Empire started from the very center of a continent called Cirros, a large landmass that spanned from all sides, the second largest continent.
The plan called for speed. Expedition armies outside the country are going to be held back by our allies while it's up to us on how we deal with getting in. A suggestion was proposed. Suicide armies. It was a suggestion that got people riled up, but in truth, it was one that had the highest success rate if you were talking of a means to get to the capital without taking too much time. The rate of success... varies.
We'd need to locate every individual army and keep tabs on some excellent enemy generals to track their movements, then act accordingly. Armies are then to be sent along their path, catching them unaware, then holding the line.
--How are we to worry about supply lines, then?
--Supply lines? Are you daft? It's a suicide army. They won't need the damn supplies. They'll go with the things they can carry and then set up there. Once their supply lines run out, then it's all up to Providence. It will be for a good cause.
--Have we stood so low and desperate that we've started considering something as terrible as suicide tactics? We can't consider this. Enough lives have already been taken.
--Then have you any other alternatives better than this? We haven't made any sort of leeway or resolution in the past week. The patience of those haughty sovereigns are waning. Each day that passes without any sort of closure will make them hesitate more and more. We have to strike while they're still thinking of supporting us, and not the Kaiser.
I personally didn't worry about that part. The places I've been and the people I've met and helped along the way assured that. Miraculous coincidences lead tome meeting sovereigns of some principalities or kingdoms one way or the other. And sometimes, they're even some things that I prioritize. As long as it hinges on the success of our plan, then it meant more to me than anything. I don't think I've become less of a human, but more after meeting those people. They've changed me, that's for sure.
--Calm down, you two. We aren't agreeing on anything yet. We are just discussing and planning. It's once we lose our own patience that we start hindering ourselves, and not each other. Keep that in mind.
--I understand. My apologies, Parkus.
--None taken, Burnham. It was with good intentions. Now let's see if we can come up with a conclusion.
We brought the meeting to a close to avoid overloading everyone with information. Over the span of a few days, the plan was detailed to every move. A single misstep spelled a potential failure that'll jeopardize a lot of things. The one in charge of the meeting drilled in the importance of taking things into consideration every other time until it got too repetitive.
I went to my room right away to get some rest. The day was near. That night made me want to sleep forever if I could. Because by then, it all started and began to fall like a raging torrent, washing away every unfortunate soul.
There were even times when I couldn't sleep, or barely close my eyes because of a dream. I could see the Kaiser standing on top of a pile of corpses, faces of whom I knew
The thirteenth day of the 6th month on the Agrastrian calendar. The year was three hundred forty-seven. Today marked a great event in history that all would remember.
Armies and companies roared as they sieged the walls of the city that burned under the light of day. Massives rains of stone barraged the near-impregnable defenses the enemy had prepared to meet us with. The various tattered flags of both allies and enemies alike were raised high as they marched like ants from afar. The orders that the generals hounded their men with echoed back to us as we watched from a fair distance on top of a slope overlooking the battle.
By this point, casualties reached the thousands, both ally and enemy. Their bodies were strewn all across the fields with arrows and spears protruding from their bodies, the mangled and contorted faces showing the pain they felt before finally succumbing to the wounds they got.
But even when they lay there they were ignored for the sake of victory. The dead came afterward while the others trudged on, trying to join those who've already fallen. They had a just cause, that was for sure, and they're the bravest ones in my book. But the cost of all of this, it's steep and covered in death everywhere you look. When it's all said and done and the weighing in begins, will it justify everything that's been lost?
I guess it's crueler to ask if it was all worth it when it's too late. The only option those still moving have is to be living legacies in their own way.
The siege started hours ago and both sides were giving everything to keep the stalemate. Our army would make a decisive stance but would be immediately countered by the enemy. And at most those counterattacks were coupled by a few of the Kaiser's own generals, and that's where we come in.
But due to the number of stalemates and casualties we're sustaining, our chances grew dim every second of the way. Equipment and rations were stable for the time being, but soon there'll be plenty enough of it for everyone. Maybe too much. We might start worrying about where it'll all go afterward, the rations and supplies.
"Pierre, Abel, you're up. I want you to assist the third army over there to the north-east. Reports say that there are two generals, namely Carter Fulle and Franklin Otto. They were on the briefing sheet. If you've read it, you should know what you guys are dealing with. Back them up and report back here immediately!"
The two whose names were called stood and took their weapons, mounting horses and rode their way down the slope and into the battle.
The third army was about to intercept two companies that were trying to converge. The telescope showed that they were worn and dragged their feet but still marched at a decent pace.
"It's a strategy. They're going for a bait-and-switch-around tactic with their rear after converging. The front vanguard was moved to the rear a few seconds ago. They did it pretty subtle."
"Oh, I'm impressed that you managed to spot that, Johann. Think the general can figure things out before the rug's pulled out from under him?"
I turned to Parkus who looked on, shielding his eyes with his hand. He was one of the Wardens that are tasked with utilizing and assigning the various Heroes for the war. Given a few to follow him, he's commanding a group along the southern side of the city where I'm included in.
"Probably not. Whoever the general is, he's pursuing them instead of stopping and whittling them down with arrows. But that's what those two are for. They'll do something about it and keep a stalemate. He's not going to get a victory from that battle, although."
"Tough critic. Well, it'll be our turn soon, so ready up. I'll just give a few more assignments then we'll be deployed all at once. The gate's almost bashed in."
I stood up and walked towards the side where the main gate of the city could be seen. There a crowd could be heard yelling rambunctiously as the beating of the drums gave them the heart to brave the hail of arrows raining down on them.
Armies and platoons marched back and forth, relieving each other of their duties as they became exposed to bombardment due to magic.
Those above the ramparts in charge of forcing our armies to retreat consisted of the usual archers then the mages. Some poured boiling oil and threw many other things at the ones below them.
I thought about things from their perspective but with a little bias. Did they really have the rights to defend themselves after exacting an ultimatum on everyone? If anything, they should be handing the Kaiser in chains, but here they are, fighting for their lives as if it had worth for what they had done to degrade their standing.
But no man or woman would want to die a dog's death. If presented the chance, they'll take up a blade, though unskilled, and try their hand at defending themselves at desperation.
I guess it's wrong to think anything will come free after the cost of lives we've both given up. Even though we're supposed to be the ones ending things with as little bloodshed as possible, we still make use of people in fights that'll most likely kill a vast majority of them.
I haven't been lacking, haven't I?
No. Doubting myself at this stage can only mean trouble. It's just a few more steps. I can see it, the Kaiser's palace from afar. It stood smugly, erected in pure marble for all to see. Its height and span of land that it covered can't even be compared to any other in the continent. It was revered and made into a monumental landmark with the bust of the Kaiser at the front, overlooking his people.
"I can finally bring you down, Kaiser. I won't keep you waiting any longer. I hope you're ready to face up for everything that you've done."
Soon, Parkus called me back informing me of the imminent attack and charge at the front.
The general of the army stood and faced everyone under his command, fearlessly turning his back on the enemy as they began firing arrows aimed at the back of his head.
Without the need for an order, men wielding tower shields began to form a defensive line to cover the general, listening intently to the man as he cleared his throat.
"Gentlemen! This is it, this is finally it. Everything that we have all been hoping for, the fruits of our labor! But from here on out, we forget about ranks. There is no greater man than you or I for we are equals all fighting for the same cause! If you came here to fight for your loved ones, then know that they are praying for your safe return. It would be a shame to let them down! If you are fighting for someone that has passed, then fight as if they are with you! Show them how much you want to avenge them! Once we march into these gates, we fight for our own cause! Let it fuel your intent!"
The general raised his sword and warranted a roar of applause. He turned to face the gate and gave one last parting advice.
"Slaughter every single one of them. If they were monsters as they took the lives of those close to us, then we shall be monsters of our own right and take everything that they have. Now, CHARGE!"
With a clamor of approval, the men started slapping their swords on their shields, joining the drums as mages from afar began creating golems from the very earth, ordering them to rush forward.
Assembling the ones under him as Warden, the vanguard of the general's army commenced the charge, leading a hundred thousand people into the city's gates as it crumbled from a golem as it rammed the structure, shaking it from its very foundations.
The main army was immediately met by the opposing defense army and clashed. Parkus' group had other plans and was asked to leave a few people to the main army to help. We had neither the time nor the efficiency compared to an empire to match what they had. Resources, powerful alliances, wealth, they managed to accumulate much to fight against an eventful rebellion.
It all seemed too easy, the way we managed to encroach on the main capital without much resistance. On the way, our armies fought only seven battles in total before reaching the city, which had been fortified. We already started expecting a trap, but everyone saw the obvious and said it was an opportunity.
It should not have been that easy. I've seen for myself the great armies of the empire and the generals who lead them. Compared to the ones we encountered, these ones couldn't hold a candle to them.
Parkus agreed with me when I presented the idea to him, but he couldn't do anything to sway the vast majority. Instead, we tried to think of what we could do and requested if we could be sent as the primary attack group in storming the Kaiser's palace, the supposedly impregnable fortress in the middle of the town.
Ignoring the armies all making their way to the main districts, we turned to the alleyways and used those to cover our tracks and followed our paths leading towards the palace.
As we ran, I began to plan things in my head, trying to preoccupy myself with the anxious thought of finally meeting the Kaiser face to face again. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was slightly fearful. But it was simply my mind trying to play tricks on me.
"How much time do we have, Parkus?"
"About half an hour. Right now, we have all other heroes engaging the enemy generals. If they're successful, then they should be drawing out the enemy generals away from the palace, that way we have more time to ourselves."
"How about the situation outside? How long do you think they'll be able to hold out?"
"So you're not the only one thinking about that, too, aren't you? I'd say the same amount of time, maybe even less. If they regroup and mobilize, and they will, our armies will start getting routed one by one. We don't exactly have the professionalism that these guys have, plus the massive city houses an equally massive army. The plan we laid out only separates them for a short while, then leaves everything else to the leader's competency in winning their own individual battles."
"That means it's a one way trip for us, then?"
"Not unless we punch a ticket out of here, that being a victory over the Kaiser. But don't worry too much, we still have a few cards up our sleeves. We've been planning a good portion of this for so long, after all. We'd be disappointing the Kaiser and his boys if we fall short."
That optimism, Parkus used that to rally the ones with us. The upper brass was right to put him on command. Those in our group showed no hint of faltering and followed without much hesitation. There wasn't much talking either, so I kept it that way knowing that they were focusing and keeping their calm as best as they could.
As we ran through the alleys, there wasn't a sign of the populace yet the scene was a mess. I could only assume that they had left in a hurry and were spurred by the town guards to leave without delay. It made it easier for us to make our way through, however.
Soon we reached the front of the palace. Defenses and barricades were set up before the long staircase and along the steps leading up to the doors. It was true what I heard from most people. Even from afar, a glance at the palace drew eyes at it forcibly. The craftsmanship put into it and the resources used to assemble the entirety of it could have been used to bolster their military twice over and still have enough for rations lasting over two seasons. Needless to say, the outside was adorned with vain statues of the Kaiser in all his glory, standing tall and overlooking the attackers that began to assault the enemy defenses.
"The other armies managed to get in, didn't they? Then that's our cue. Let's go clear out the front."
We were able to finish the task easily with the manpower we had, keeping casualties to a minimum. Afterward, we assembled ourselves and allowed the armies and platoons that had come by to assemble themselves. There was preparation needed to meet an army that's waging its life to defend its home at all cost. The Kaiser had fervent followers, that's a fact. People revered him like a god once he pulled them out of the gutter, and they've been indebted ever since.
"Reports say that armies seven and eight of the city defense guards will be coming straight here with the intent to drive us out or wipe us out. Then after, we'll have responses from their eleventh through fifteenth armies bearing down on the palace. Now they're desperate, that's plain. So we need to finish things by then. Now, let's form up and finish this."
With Parkus' last words, he called all of the heroes who are to fight the Kaiser to the front of the doors. It really felt like a one-way ticket. Our armies were few. Most were outside and were still engaged with the enemy and had more incoming to support them. The ones who made it inside the walls were in charge of holding their position to let us fight things out. The plan was simple, finish the Kaiser off and show his head from the top of his palace.
"Always seem to be in deep thought, Isles. You seem to have too much free time on your hands, I'd suggest doing something conventional with it."
Lazarus Cadefort said with his back turned.
"You're here, too? Glad you made it."
"I'm not going to miss this for anything else. Just don't get in any of our ways, Isles. I know people boast about your exploits so they revere you. I don't care about glory and title. Like all others, I will wretchedly try and take the honor of slaying the Kaiser if the opportunity arises, understand?"
"Loud and clear. But I'd suggest not taking the selfish approach. He's not exactly easy prey."
"And I'm not about to be prey either."
With a confident sneer, Lazarus prepared himself and joined the force entering the palace.
Without delay and due to time constraints, we immediately stormed the palace, striking down every guard we came across.
Parkus spoke.
"Lucielle, Asher, Dietrich, and Mors aren't going to be able to make it, but they said they'll try to hold out the defense at the front."
"They're forcing us out of the capital bit by bit. How many more people do you think we can spare to defend the armies with?"
"We came here with half of what they half. Well, I say half since most of their armies are outside the territory of Copernica, so that lessens things a bit. Still, even when they've spread out their armies to defend the territories they've occupied, they haven't given any weaknesses that we're confident we can contend with."
The defenders were elite soldiers and only a few generals who chose to stay and bar anyone from reaching the Kaiser. In effect, we left people to deal with them, those reluctant to do their part without playing a selfish role such as Lazarus' attitude suggests. But I don't really doubt his reasons for saying that. Each one had their reasons, and as for his, it's a story for another time.
We came face to face with the door leading into the Kaiser's hall where most of his servants and guests are welcomed in. There was a foreboding feeling in the air, and I wasn't the only one sensing the tension within the group. Though we were filled with vigor, no one truly knew the full extent of the Kaiser's power. He would only often order his troops to act for him instead of it being the other way around. He knew that he was competent enough, but he played around and made things so.
Even Parkus, who was a man of many words, didn't dare speak but gawked at the doors in front of him.
I could hear my own beating as loud as the drums of war outside. Clutching my chest, I took a breath of relief and tried calming myself down. There isn't much to fear. If I gather myself and not freeze, I can do it. There just has to be that one person who takes the first step. Taking the flag and moving forward meant rallying each and everyone to your cause. Those who turn tails and run are not worthy of being called out. Even when you're the only one leading the banner, it wouldn't change things as much. You and you alone are a leader and a follower. You just have to change perspectives once in a while.
I took a step forward and placed both of my hands on the doors, pushing them aside. The heavy, stone doors began opening. The hall was massive, and light peered into the tall glass windows on the sides, mixing into the velvet color of the curtains. The little light the daybreak provided shed vision into the room. A red carpet running along until the steps of the throne, chandeliers that were doused, pillars dutifully parallel to each one, dreaded paintings of various obscure images of people in all their glory, statues of unknown people, and finally, the throne.
A figure sat on the throne lazily with his head supported by a hand. The figure stared at us with eyes that expected visitors but didn't care less about their presence. No sense of panic, nor hostility. He looked at us as if we were the nobility that bored him with their constant prattling and praises. It was in his eyes, disgust, and expectation.
"I was wondering when you would all show up. I almost fell asleep waiting. But then again, I can say for certain that you are disturbing me and the peace of the Empire. Hearing news of your rebellious efforts has become quite an irksome routine every morning, and even now after hearing of your eventual and anticipated attack on this fair capital of mine, I have dragged myself back from the north to meet you all graciously. I wonder, what are your expectations?"
The Kaiser gestured to us as if asking what kind of gift we would like to receive. A small hint of a smile appeared on his face. He was expecting us to answer such a stupid question with a straight face. No, it was as if he was trying to contain the laughter within him knowing full well his audacity to ask such a question. He was mocking us.
"Isn't that obvious?! We're here to kill you! I won't ever forget what you did to my town. I will get the vengeance my family rightfully deserves!"
Someone from our group spoke, taking the bait. And as if on cue, the Kaiser let a bit more of his smile slip by. From his boat, the angler was looking at the fish that was enticed by an irresistible bait. The water was clear enough to see everything through it, and so the angler was observing not cautiously, but playfully.
"With this much? I thought I deserved better? And here I thought I was expecting millions to come and scour my Empire looking for me. It seems that I set the bar too high."
Soon, more of us heroes arrived and gathered before the Kaiser like his subjects, save for us wielding and brandishing our weapons at him. Even when the numbers increased, he didn't let out any sign of fear. It only felt like we were overstepping our bounds, walking in on the lion's den.
"Oh, believe me, Kaiser. There are millions out there who want to tear you apart for what you've done. We're just here to do it for them. You're just one and we're many."
Another one took the bait. Things started playing out like a script that the Kaiser himself wrote out. That feeling of tension grew stronger the longer things got drawn out, but the playwright was simply there, seeing his masterpiece unfold.
He suddenly stood up and took a sheathed longsword that lay beside his throne. He wore a white dress shirt and dark leggings with a red, royal cape with white fur on the collar over his shoulders. Unsheathing and throwing the scabbard away, he unclasped the chains keeping his cape on him. The sword he held looked as normal like every other sword out there. But still, there was an ominous feeling in the air that we couldn't dismiss. With each step, our breaths grew scarce, and when he was finally close enough for our blades to reach him, a roaring chorus echoed through the halls.
People began charging at the Kaiser, others preparing spells to hurl at him. Some used projectiles to reach him. But I stood there, observing him. And through a gap, I saw for a split second. A melancholic smile on his face. He couldn't hide it. For those that rushed in recklessly, seeing that smile spelled the end for them. It was a spine-chilling moment.
Within a split second, an estimate of ten copies of him appeared then faded. Then all that followed was a rain of blood as people started getting severed in half. Those who were lucky only had torn limbs but would die within a few seconds due to a lack of blood. Those of us who were stunned to move like Parkus, Cadefort, and I managed to survive.
But I saw it. It wasn't anything like a spell. It was his afterimages. He moved that fast within a split second.
After that instant, people started wailing for help while those in the process of attacking hesitated after seeing how easily their allies went down. The proof was in the Kaiser's blade, which had been bloodied. But his white shirt remained clean.
"Come, this dance shall begin with a dazzling crescendo! I want you all to join me in this time of merriment!"
With an ecstatic smile finally appearing on his stifled face, the Kaiser became deranged, hacking and slashing at the nearest person with the ferocity of a monster, something that surpasses that of a beast. No matter how strong the vigor of our people became, his overwhelming strength shattered that in one fell swoop. His sword broke their weapons and spirits with a grand smile on his face. He danced, spinning, twirling, each movement seeming like an elegant waltz as the grace in his movements were as captivating as they were deadly.
I found myself unable to figure out how to approach him. He was building up a momentum of bloodshed. If one were to get swept up in that frenzy, they would have little chance of coming out unscathed. Those who figured that out backed away and hesitated with each step, denying themselves the glory that they promised themselves. They were considered to be the ones who still had a good head on their shoulders, those who could still have a chance at this.
But even then, the Kaiser drew close and cut them down without hesitation.
Then, a clang of blades. Momentarily, the sound of flesh being cut and ripped ceased, and the jagged sounds of two blades weighing on each other assaulted our ears.
The Kaiser's eyes widened, and so did his smile, which twisted into a foreboding one.
"Your name?"
"Parkus Heim. I'm sure you'll be able to remember that much."
"True. I do need someone who can entertain me. You will do."
The Kaiser began to gain distance with a step back. I then took a step in, closing the gap once. His fluid movements prevented Parkus from attacking and kept him on the defensive, all the while taking care of those who tried to butt in. They were the most unfortunate, not even receiving the attention of their killer. The cruel emperor brushed off their attacks and cleanly sliced off their limbs and heads without having the need to take his eyes of Parkus, who ground his teeth, feeling the vibrations of each clash reverberate into his hands.
Soon, the mages in the group began to cast their best magic. It looked like a circus of wonder as flashes of lightning and thunder, bolts of fire, and pulses of enigmatic energy created a myriad of colors that filled the dark halls, damaging the pillars and the grandeur of the marble floors and walls. But even with that, the Kaiser avoided them with ease, his eyes glowing golden within a momentary glance of dark shadows.
"Magic? Impressive. They're quite amusing, aren't they? An ability granted to only those who have the blood for it. You must all be of noble blood, and if you aren't, then a pilferer of sanctity? Nevertheless, I wonder how gratifying it is to have a power that can be so wondrous and beautiful enough to be able to take a life? It's quite ironic how it serves the purpose of making life easier, but then takes that said life and extinguishes it."
Having been encircled by countless of mages and warriors, a blue flame burned on the Kaiser's left arm. It didn't look like it was injuring him, if anything, his expression hadn't changed in the least.
"I think it is only fair to fight fire with fire, isn't it?"
He stood with his left arm extended out to his side, and his sword arm raised. His form was like a conductor, ready to perform the second part of his masterpiece after a recess. This time, with an intention to impress and leave a long-lasting impression that will etch its own story into their minds and bodies.
He swung his arm and created a wall of blue flame in front of him that burned high and imposingly. The heat could be felt, and those close by began to spread out and break the circle. The Kaiser emerged from the wall of flame and began his carnage of cutting through the heroes that were supposed to be doing the same thing to him. He burned some of them, and the fire couldn't be put out despite the mages' best efforts to get rid of them. The more one tried to get rid of the fire, the more the fire burned fiercely and tightened its grip on the victim. It soon consumed them and stifled the blood-curdling sounds of their screams for help and reprieve. With a thud, their charred bodies fell to the floor, one by one, like flies to a candle fire.
Others who were brave cut off their limbs and prevented the fire from reaching them. The time that it took to save themselves only cost them what they had saved. It only served to show the emptiness in benevolence in the Kaiser's actions. There was no mercy in his actions, and he took their lives if they tried to save themselves. The most he did to play with someone was shooting a small dot of fire at someone and letting it engulf the poor man. He got rid of his clothes, but then the Kaiser shot off another dot until only his skin remained, then burned as the flame burnt his living body to a crisp.
The yells that they let out did well to break the remaining spirit in some. They turned their backs and received a quicker death.
Soon, the Kaiser got through most of us, and none came through the door anymore. It was only a few of us. Recognizable faces were Parkus and Lazarus. The three of us had gotten involved but were able to hold off the Kaiser, enough to sway his attention off of us in the meantime.
I had used half of the skills I had under my arsenal. Most of them had failed to get through for the Kaiser unleashed something stronger each time we tried to up the ante. He kept wanting to show how feeble and useless our efforts were, but we didn't falter. The cards we had inside our sleeves weren't boundless, but they were plenty. In there was the question of 'what will save us from this mess?'
I could count how many were left. Seven.
Then one let out a horrid yell as he burned to death, reaching out to us to save him. Before he finished his sentence, he was forced to yell out his pain as the fire burned his gut, then began to spread throughout his body. I knew how it felt, how the fire burned the skin and raptured you with unbearable pain as your skin began to expose itself to the harsh elements. With that knowledge, I pitied them. But pity had no room here. It was useless. I couldn't move and help them. I couldn't help myself as much in this situation. I needed to pull myself from the gutter. To disappoint the ones watching me from above, that was the only thing pushing me right now. I could not think of many other things that could overturn and improve my situation.
What had pushed me this far was the rage and burning hatred I had for the Kaiser. He was the very reason I kept living on, didn't I? I wanted to kill the man for killing the two most important people in my life. I wanted to make him feel what I felt during that time, the feeling of having something precious taken from you. Where is that tenacity now of all times?
"What was boasted to be so many has been reduced to a mere six? And I how thought that everyone pinned their hopes on all of you. I'm barely even sweating, nor am I scratching the surface of what I am able to do. How unfortunate. And here I was, thinking of unveiling something... eye-opening. But it seems that only a few will be able to witness that."
"What? Are you all speechless to that extent? And to think that even I was riled up by your words of encouragement. I do dislike the ecstasy some get from death and killing. I do it because of necessity. True that I may be called mad, but that is one mere flaw I carry with me. This necessity comes with great sacrifices and efforts of which are detrimental to the survival of this race of ours."
"What's your point? Think you're going to be able to sway us to your side with these eloquent speeches of yours? I'm telling you now, you're wasting your time and breath. Your ambitions will die here, no matter what you say. The lives you've taken today and in the past, we will avenge. The lives you will be taking in the future, we'll prevent. This is where you'll last stand, and this is where you'll last breathe."
The few made a stand. Their words shook, but the meaning behind them, the intent, they came through to me. Though it had not been yelled, the anger and frustration behind it spoke many stories. The few of us that remained took a stand.
--We will not fall here.
--If I die, I will die with my sword in my hand. I will force my soulless body to move until it has been turned into ash. Only then can you say I am truly dead.
--No matter how any you trample over, there will be more that will stand in their place. This necessity you speak of, it's nothing more than a mirage you lull yourself with. It is nothing more than bloodshed for your illusory cause.
"Feeble in cause and feeble in mind. You are all as I thought you to be, naive at that. You think you fight for justice? No, you deny the world the justice it deserves. Many have gone weak and are unprepared for a calamity that will consume them worse than I. One of my many arduous tasks are to create and sustain an empire that will last forever, and another is to prepare the people to sustain that empire of mine. For now, this empire is mine, but after it is theirs to keep."
Parkus lightly tapped my shoulder and Lazarus'.
"Johannes, Lazarus, work with me for now. These guys are spouting off things that'll never get to the Kaiser's thick skull. Only actions will mean anything now. Help me with that. Give him hell, alright?"
Without a moment to lose, I readied a B-Class spell, Baron's Calumny. As I moved to attack the Kaiser, speeding past the ones making time to orate their grievances. My right hand swirled with a purple hue, and as I got close enough to the Kaiser, I opened my palm and unleashed a pent-up pulse of energy.
The glasses on the windows broke, spreading a blast of stain-glass, and the chandeliers fell, crashing on the floors with a sound that didn't deter the Kaiser for even a bit. He looked at me as if asking what I had just done. To him, it felt like a slight breeze that swept by. His hair had been blown back, showing his piercing eyes.
The smile on his face twisted.
Parkus and Lazarus attacked from either side, displaying a mastery of their swordsmanship. Parkus, who glowed a bright gleam of gold as he cleaved downwards, and Lazarus, whose skill was sharp as his wit and intuition, attacked with a cold gaze, his sword cutting through the wind in silence.
But in that same instance, the Kaiser intercepted both of them skillfully by avoiding Parkus' initial attack, then intercepting Lazarus'. To not break the flow, I thrust forward and readied another B-Class spell, one that was named Maw of Countenance. Once the Kaiser avoided my attack as I thought he would, I kept pursuing him as I continued to charge my spell. Realizing this, Parkus and Lazarus came to join me, attacking the Kaiser at every turn. I then discharged the current of electricity that surged through the ground and made its way from under the Kaiser.
The Kaiser merely looked down as if to disregard the 'small spark' that was heading his way and took the full force of the attack as a sharp claw-like spike made of electric energy pierced through the ground, making a hole. But instead of piercing the Kaiser, he placed his hand before him and began to absorb the spell, dismantling it within seconds. He looked at me afterward as if to ask what that paltry attempt of an attack was, but he didn't realize he had more than just one flaw.
Emperors, Kings, Sovereigns, they all had the same flaw that would cost them their lives every time they forgot about it. And they would. That weakness would eventually be built up by them only to be killed by it afterward.
It was complacency. They all had the natural tendencies to grow complacent and think that the battle had already been won when clearly all the cards of the opposition hadn't been revealed yet. You haven't shown your entire hand yet, Kaiser, and you have a full deck of cards while we have only a few to work with. Yet you hadn't looked at what you possess and were unable to see and think of what we had in possession.
Lazarus came from behind the Kaiser with his blade. He cut s fast as one should be able to respond, but the sound of steel clashing with steel broke the cold focus of Lazarus and me.
So he realized it, didn't he?
Seeing an opening, Parkus continued and chained a number of attacks that saved Lazarus from what could have been a one-sided battle for him. But he didn't back down after that miscalculation on his part. He pursued the Kaiser and joined Parkus in the assault. After finding an opening, I joined in as well.
"Quite the persistent bunch. I commend you. I wonder how you will be able to handle this much."
The Kaiser utilized every limb to separate from us, kicking and punching us away. In an instant, he created a massive ball of fire that shrunk at his command. It then shot at us like an arrow, no, something faster than that, and immediately blew up, knocking me back to a wall. The pain I felt from impacting a wall knocked the air out of my lungs momentarily. It also seemed that a few bones had broken.
Getting up, I Parkus and Lazarus were in similar states but still stood up regardless.
"An indirect impact can be endured? I see. Then how about this, let us test something out."
Mercilessly carrying out his test, the Kaiser created a wall before him consisting of the same massive balls of fire, then shrunk them once more. Seeing this, Parkus gestured for us to get close to him in a panic. Striking his sword to the ground, he created a barrier of transparent gold.
Unleashing the small dots that appeared like stars from afar, I leaped at the barrier to make the remaining distance, and at that very instant came a brutal barrage that shook and cracked the barrier keeping us alive. It felt like a thunderstorm where you feared that your house could be torn down easily by a stray bolt, but in this, the house was somehow withstanding the blows.
Each time the barrier cracked, Parkus spat out blood. His vitality was what was keeping the barrier up. The sword he possessed needed the willpower and strength to sustain a sword that depended on the ability of its user. Parkus had been protecting us every time he could, using that ability, and it had drained him a strenuous amount, to the point where he had been made useless by the Kaiser. Realizing that it was his task to take the burden of protecting his allies, the Kaiser abused every opportunity and forced Parkus to push his limits. Even after using the best ability in his sword's arsenal, he was unable to endure to the last.
With the smoke starting to die down, the barrier faded, and Parkus fell to the ground, barely catching himself. Lazarus and I caught him as well, but he shook off our offer and told us to focus on the Kaiser instead.
"Just give me a few seconds, I'll be back in no time."
He coughed up blood as he spoke enthusiastically, unable to convince us of his health.
"Isles. Stay here and do not get in my way. I will handle the Kaiser. Keep Parkus safe and do not let the Kaiser finish him off. Knowing that sly mongrel, he will surely try to finish off Parkus while we're occupied with him and believe me, he can do it with ease. You know that, right?"
Lazarus glanced back at me as he started walking off. His eyes showed a weakening resolve. I understood by what he meant, and it was a revelation that we didn't want to realize. The Kaiser all this time had been holding back. If he wanted to deal with us, then he could have done so long ago. The eyes that Lazarus showed me were those of a harsh realization. He knew it was futile to go against him especially if one were to go alone, but even he himself wasn't sure of where his legs were taking him. Regardless, Lazarus was a man of pride deep inside. After swearing like he did in front of the Kaiser's gates, it was only right in his mind to show his resolve and go through with his words, no matter how damning it was. To him, that meant more than dying to the Kaiser's sword. He was petty like that but determined.
In those few instants, Lazarus unveiled a skill that I hadn't seen before but had seen in my adventures. He was able to create swords using magic. Having the blood of a noble's, it was natural that he possessed the talent to use spells of a better grade than what I could use.
Throwing his sword into the air, he snapped his fingers and made several more appear. All followed the movements of his fingers, and each one seemed as sharp as a newly forged blade.
Impressed, the Kaiser raised an eyebrow. Smiling with amusement, Lazarus understood the invitation to display what he could.
What ensued was an impressive battle. Lazarus kept the Kaiser on his toes all the while making sure that he was never on the offensive. The eight blades he possessed were enough to fight defensively and offensively without the need for Lazarus to make any risky advances.
As a man of pride, the smile on the Kaiser's face began to fade. Lazarus' relentless barrage angered the Kaiser and irritated him. The show he was supposedly putting on for us with his skill with the sword had been shunned off by Lazarus, who became aggressive in his attacks, seeing that he was making progress.
Despite the attacks of eight swords, none of them were able to injure the Kaiser. Making use of magic, he was able to prevent some of the blades from hitting him, and the rest were parried by his own sword. He possessed a terrible amount of skill and dexterity. Coupled with the wit he used to rise to the top, he was a terrifying adversary.
The smile of amusement was replaced with a frown of aggravation. The Kaiser began to circle Lazarus, running at a speed that he couldn't keep up with. Soon, he found an opening and punched through, forcing Lazarus to fight using his hands and sword. That spelled his doom, Lazarus'
The Kaiser was able to knock Lazarus' sword from his hand and leave him bare. As a show of mercy for a slight second, he delivered a powerful blow to Lazarus' gut, forcing him to reel forward. He then took him by the neck and lifted him up. At that moment, I stood and readied my sword and another spell that I hoped would be able to reach and disrupt the Kaiser in time, but instead, he had something else planned.
He looked at me and smiled, noticing that I was standing up.
The Kaiser was someone that liked to play around, privy to the emotions of those around him. It didn't matter that much, and only on special occasions, I warranted. He was waiting to see what I would do. Those eyes were filled with expectation.
I couldn't mess up, but the moment I realized it, I was already too late. No, I had already been the moment I failed to stop Lazarus from going alone.
I had no choice.
I shot the arrow of flame I conjured at the Kaiser. It flew as fast as I could hurl it. Then I ran, following up. The Kaiser did as I thought he would and struck his blade through Lazarus' gut without hesitation. He squirmed and desperately tried to break free, his hands confused whether they should be used to free him or to pry the blade away from his gut that began to bleed as the Kaiser kept piecing through, inch by inch, intentionally.
Lazarus looked down at the Kaiser with seething, vehement eyes. He spat out the blood flowing from his mouth at the Kaiser.
I felt my blood burn at the sight. The way he toyed with us didn't sit well with me from the very beginning. Seeing the sight before me, I felt faster, but I was losing sight of reason and began turning to rage, the last thing I needed to do in this fight.
I yelled out the Kaiser's name on the top of my lungs, yelling for blood, yelling for vengeance. My hands, which felt like they couldn't grip the hilt of my sword any tighter than it already could, nearly broke the handle as my arms throbbed with anger.
By the time my arrow had reached, the Kaiser used Lazarus as a shield. He then took his blade from Lazarus and threw him at Parkus, welcoming me with open arms.
Attack after attack, I unleashed my best spells keeping efficiency and power's balance in mind. Every time I would cast a spell, the Kaiser would be ready to knock my arm away from him, wasting the spell and forcing it to stray somewhere else. Seeing the strong blasts of the wasted spells made me fall even deeper into despair as the opportunity to exact revenge started drifting away ever so slowly.
But my anger seemed to know no bounds. I was faster, stronger. The resistance that the Kaiser gave me felt like I could simply swing my sword and swat it away. However, the feeling of hitting nothing but the air didn't quite sit well with me. My sword searched for the Kaiser's flesh, and every time I missed only made me feel even more hungry for it.
"You're easily bested by your emotions, aren't you? And here I thought you'd be the most calculating one."
The Kaiser forcibly struck up a conversation as he pitted our blades against each other.
"However, your face does seem familiar. Have we met before?"
That smile as he said that he had forgotten, it irritated me to no end.
"You told me to meet you. Remember the festival near the village of Asielle? I doubt you'd remember clearly considering the number of villages you did the same thing to."
"Hmm, let me think."
He leaned over with his eyes, bearing down on me with his weight. It was hard to resist since it felt like he weighed more than the eyes perceive him to be. But despite that, I stood my ground as best as I could.
"Do you happen to have a scar on your back? I think I remember leaving a reminder there."
He grinned, remembering my face. It felt like that pain I felt from the wound on my back began to react and seethe.
"You have grown. I'm impressed. I thought you would have died along the way, but you're rather persistent. I admire that kind of tenacity. You have done well to finally reach me. I remember your words best out of all the others that swore they'd take my head. I wonder though, is that all there is in your power? I would greatly appreciate it if you could be honest. I despise wasting time."
"Don't worry. I have a lot more to show you. But I don't think I'll need to use all of them. I can finish you off using one special card I have under my sleeve."
"Oh, is that so? I'm getting curious. Would you do me the honor of presenting that card?"
Gathering an amount of energy, I pushed away from him and created enough of a distance that'll let me cover Parkus and Lazarus.
I worried about Lazarus' state after he had been pierced, but I relied on Parkus to do something about it. He always had a way for some things when you least expect it. If I were to speak honestly, I felt anxious about fighting him alone. When Lazarus had been done in like that, I tried to think of a way to fill in that empty slot. But I had already used my summoned spirit and exhausted his strength. Well, one of my summoned spirits, at least. I still had a few of them, but I can't reveal the fact that I can summon more than one.
The thing is that a person is only allowed to make a contract with one summoned spirit. But I had somehow broken the bounds after saving some summoned spirits during a mission in the past. The one handling all the contracts, the beholden one, allowed me to make as many as I could as long as I vowed to protect them as well and to treat them with respect and care, as the usual contract goes. It seemed that I was just lucky to come by that opportunity.
The sound outside was beginning to become louder. It sounded more like a roar that signaled the favor of battle turning. And being in the center of the capital city, you're going to have to be optimistic to think and say that the roar was meant for our cause. Our time was finally up, and we had yet to do anything to leverage the field. But that doesn't matter. I came here for the Kaiser. Coming back alive isn't something I'm betting on, and in fact, I predicted the things would eventually end up like this. I mulled it over and over in my sleep, countless of outcomes. Piecing together the things that had come to bring to opportunity, it was too good to be true, but nonetheless, it was an opportunity provided for us, a golden one.
But despite all that, we weren't ready. It was presented, that was for sure. But there was the option to ignore it and bear the Kaiser's wrath until the next one presented itself. Every situation I had dreamt up led to us losing in many ways. Then I started thinking a bit more selfishly. If everything else didn't matter for me, then maybe, just maybe something might change.
I began to see results to where I allow myself to be left alone as the others retreat while there's still time. The end that I began to see stopped with me and the Kaiser facing off with me at the peak of my strength. I don't know for sure if the peak of my abilities will mean anything, but that's where it ended up. I couldn't think past that, and the uncertainty made me hesitate. But remembering who this was for removed all the doubt within me.
The time Parkus and I spoke of in the past minutes or so were different. I had been going to my plan and disregarded the one laid out for us. When I thought of our time running out, it was the clock I had made up in my plan. My time would have just enough for them to get back as I fight the Kaiser. Parkus' timer still hadn't gone off, meaning that it'll take the defending army outside more time and manpower to hold the line.
It was time anyway.
"Parkus, could you take Lazarus out of here? If you can, try to signal the retreat. I'll take it from here."
"What the hell are you talking about, Isles? You must be deranged if you think I'll allow what you're saying."
"How about you be honest with yourself for once, Lazarus. You're about to die, and if you think you can still fight, then save that energy for next time. We've failed this one, but there's no saying that we won't succeed in the next. I'll cover the retreat and hold the Kaiser here as long as I can. Maybe I can even do something better than that, but I don't want to get too ahead of myself."
Lazarus didn't say another word and allowed himself to be taken by Parkus, who gently slung his shoulders over him.
"Good luck, Johann. It was great knowing you. If I'm really unlucky, you'll probably see me right away."
Parkus grinned and left, leaving the two of us alone.
"Conceding defeat? How valiant of an effort. You believe that your allies will be able to make a difference at another time? You all barely got here, and that itself was a suicidal plan that brought about more death, something you all came here to stop. Ironic, isn't it?"
I couldn't answer back. There wasn't anything I could say to ease the reasons of why people came and died here. They fought, and maybe some of them even knew what they were bargaining for and died knowing that. Some didn't, most likely. To say it was a waste of an opportunity after having lost so many. How easy is it to say that it was for a just cause?
"But enough about them. Of course, you all risked it to come here and take my head. That was the goal all along. Many planned a suicidal battle, and here is where it stands now. You and I. So if I had to narrow things down, you're everyone's last beacon of hope, the one destined to make the greatest change and impact in the world. Those are such endearing titles if I ever heard one. Still, I expect a lot from you. This is where it all depends. Abandoned, with no one to turn to. One must be like a cornered animal that will attack without respite. I shall corner you until your instincts kick in. Now come, let us fight at the climax of this day!"
He opened his arms out wide and basked in his own grandeur. I was in for the fight of my literal life. And I was going to bring out everything without holding back. I couldn't harm anyone except him. This was all that I could wish for. All those days of dreaming and thinking, finally I was here.
Everyone, I hope you're ready. I'll need all of your help.
Meanwhile, outside the palace, a fierce battle of attrition was taking place. The eyes of one named Leonardo Talst overlooked the scene, a Captain of the third army, now made general after his leader lost his life in the war early on. Granting him the reins, Leonardo continued to make his way to the palace to defend his friend, Johannes.
(Leonardo Talst, Captain of the Third Army of the United Cirros coalition.)
Hours had passed, and body after body piled up at the palace square, both ours and the enemy's. But with that given, they still continued to push against us, pressuring us with all kinds of tactics and siege stratagems.
Our army was beginning to wane with its resolution. Time and time again we had tried to restore their fervor so that they may again fight, but it is just not enough. The armies that were starting to converge on our position brought numbers exceeding that of thousands. Given that this is their capital, they would be rather enraged and filled with frenzy at taking their homes back. However, I wondered about something.
It all seemed to fall into place but I did not truly want to believe that it could be true.
As our armies marched through the towns, we did not notice any civilians present, nor was there any sound of them. I thought to myself. Maybe this is a ploy. Lead us into a trap using the city itself as a cage. It is all too good to be true, but then again, it is not impossible entirely.
"Hey, Talst, this isn't looking good. Even with our armies combined, it's not going to be enough to block these armies from overrunning us. I say we retreat while there's still an opening left out for us. Our heroes are exhausted as well. It'll only be a matter of time before they give out."
A stout and wide general with a loud, thick beard came up to me in a riled state. He was shielded by his men as arrows continuously rained down on us. It had been this way for quite a while now, and I had started to doubt whether they had a source of unlimited resources to supply them.
But it was true what he was saying. In my army were the heroes Lucielle Revenoir and Asher Ghestal. Accompanying the Sixth army, that was with me, was Dietrich Ellwin and Mors, a Kayrus. it was only the two of us who were holding the line. The others left were securing the passage out of the city. The others, I predict, have most likely been wiped out long ago. I have not heard a lot of noise of fighting in the direction we came from so that I can only assume.
"But we have to hold this line whatever the cost! If we lose this, then the ones fighting the Kaiser will be overrun. We are at our wit's end as well, general, but I believe in the ones that are in there. They will succeed. We will have to believe in them as they believe in us."
"Fine. I'll hold the damned line for a bit longer, but I still don't feel safe with the Kaiser just right behind me. Just keep this in mind, Talst. This is a gamble you're stirring through. I never liked gambling, but that's because you're always bound to lose whenever you want to win. It never turns out great for us."
"I do not mind the gamble, general. You have not retreated yet as well. I believe that with our luck combined, we will be able to manage."
The general laughed loudly as I showed him the optimism I had mustered from nowhere.
"You've got the galls for this, Talst, I'll give you that!"
And he then left to command his troops, relaying the grave message all the way to his people blocking the way at the north-western side of the square. I was in charge of the north-eastern side and did the same with my captains, changing the arrangements and regrouping the ones closest to being routed accordingly.
I looked back at the palace where the sound of battle had died down. Every time that it did that, my heart sank. I worried about the results, but I worried about Johann most of all. He had the tendency to take things into his own hands, and I fear that he would do the same for the sake of others. He was surely himself when he is like that.
Earlier, there were many loose attacks that shook the palace. Blazes and fire and strikes of thunder stormed the roof while the pulses of strong impacts and blasts shattered the windows. I wondered how many more blows it would take before the entire building would collapse.
Johann, I know you can do this, I know it! This kind of thing wouldn't be enough to bring you down, right?
Just then, two figures started emerging from the palace doors. I recognized the faces to be Parkus Heim and Lazarus Cadefort, who was gravely injured with blood staining the area around his chest. He wore a brazen expression and did his best in grinding his teeth to calm the excruciating pain he was feeling.
I quickly came to their aid and requested for a stretcher to be brought immediately for Sir Lazarus. Without delay, Sir Parkus placed a hand on my shoulder and started speaking with a serious tone.
"Are you in charge here? What's your name?"
"L-Leonardo Talst, general of the Third Army!"
"Good. You'll do. Order a full retreat. There's nothing that can be done here. We need to get out as fast as we can."
"Wait, what do you mean, Sir Parkus? What about the others still inside?"
And Johann...
"Just listen to me! If we stay here for a bit longer, it's going to end up costing us everything. We need to move while there's still a chance! The others will hold the Kaiser off while we escape. They won't be as coordinated without the Kaiser and his sly tactics, but they're still competent."
Without thinking, I had ordered all my captains to signal a retreat for the army while the Sixth army covers our rear.
I was lost in thought, thinking about what was going on inside. Johann, he had not come out. Sir Parkus was one of the closest to Johann. Seeing him leave with scars enough to make any seasoned veteran faint, I started thinking of the worst. As my army started marching while fighting to escape, my feet wouldn't move. In my hesitation, I overheard a conversation between the heroes.
Asher started.
"I fear that this would happen. Then it is all in his hands now, Parkus?"
"Afraid so. There's not much we can do. Despite all the planning put into this one operation, it just wasn't enough. We can still plan things through. Knowing Johann, he can probably pull something off. By some strange happening, he might even kill the Kaiser himself. He's the most competent one out of us all right now. Only those who've thrown away everything can be strong no matter the odds. But no matter what happens, we're all indebted to him. So let's get out of here and make sure he didn't waste his gamble on us."
Replied Parkus with a sense of guilt tearing at him. Even with his smile, I sensed something off.
Suddenly, Lucielle started walking back into the palace. Dietrich stopped him and shook his head. Mors added by saying, "What you're about to do is stupid. Let the moron die by himself. He chose this outcome."
"I do not care whether my actions are considered moronic. I will go by my own volition, hero or not. So please, Ser Dietrich. Will you kindly let me go? I shall not let Ser Johannes fight alone."
"You're being unreasonable. Let him be the hero. He'll only yell at you if you get in his way. You should know that the best, right? Now let's go. We've got no more time to lose."
With Parkus' final persuasion, Lucielle backed off begrudgingly and looked back with longing at the palace. But then every single eye present did the same and looked at the palace one a bright, blue pillar of light rose and broke the roof, emanating a strange feeling of warmth. For some reason, I felt Johannes' power. It was undoubtedly him.
"Please retreat without me!"
I ordered my captains that and ran off into the palace. No matter what I do, I can't abandon Johann, no matter what. I will stick with him till our last breaths. We shared the same fate, the same suffering. It is only right that I share the same death if need be. But I know that he's still alive. That's all that matters now.
As the sound of people calling my name for behind, I came across the countless bodies of soldiers strewn across the halls. My footsteps echoed through fooling me to think that I was alone. The blue light that was piercing the sky entered the halls and guided me to the room where they fought. What came to sight was Johann and the Kaiser facing each other in a torn palace hall. The pillars were torn, the throne itself had been decimated. It couldn't be recognized anymore for that fact. Debris fell on the bodies of the deceased, but they still went on fighting.
In Johann's bloodied hand was a glowing, blue sword that resonated a strange gleam and feeling. It was as if there were thousands upon thousands of voices clinging to the blade. It kept my attention glued to it, and it was only Johann's loud breathing that brought me back.
He was on the edge of falling, barely holding himself up.
To my surprise, the Kaiser had been injured, not just lightly, but severely looking. His body had scratches all over, and his said composed-looking face was staring at Johann like daggers. His disheveled hair covered his right eye. Breathing as the smoke started fading, he combed back his hair and swung his blade, getting rid of the bloodstains.
"What? Too broken to say anything else? I told you. I'm not going down without a fight! Now come on, let's finish this!"
Johann roared fiercely, empowering the sword he held. A strange mist-like veil came from Johann and into the sword, and as a result, it started glowing immensely, nearly blinding. The vibrations affected me, and I found myself falling to my knees due to my legs giving up so suddenly.
Is this your newfound power, Johann?
(Johannes Isles, A Hero of the Coalition)
My life for power, that is this spell's price. Its immeasurable power in return is able to grant its user the ability to overcome any obstacle. I haven't really used it since I've been saving it for this very moment, so I don't have a reason to hold back any longer. Marlena had told me with skepticism and hesitation in her voice that you could offer as much as you wanted, but once you give too much, say your entire lifespan, then it will all go to waste, and you'll end up in a massive explosion. But you'll become ash before that happens. After all, you've nothing to offer.
But I don't have much left either. I'm dying, and in this state, complete with the situation outside, I'm not going to make it. I can make the most of it and blow the Kaiser to oblivion, maybe this place, or even the entire town if I'm being optimistic. Yeah, that's just about right. Alright, let's do this, then.
"Julia, Tricia, everyone, be my witnesses. Finally, I'll be able to ease all of your worries in the afterlife."
I looked at the sword in front of me. It was made of nothing but my life. After having been taught this forbidden spell, I tried to study it without using it since it'd be wasted, and insurance is always something that I like to keep just in case. Right now, I'm just going by the book. But I don't think it said that I'd feel like I want to tear my very flesh off of my body because of the pain. It's unbearable, and yelling is the only thing I can do to remedy this. If I pour all of what I have at once, I might lose my mind and be unable to track how much strength I have left. Or I might go crazy and just faint with nothing accomplished. Either way, I have to keep things constant while the Kaiser's still wary of me.
I've beaten him a considerable amount. I was surprised by the first hit I landed on him, coordinating it with the three summon's I used. Then he lost his composure, and I used that to my advantage. I was even forced to use some S-Class spells that required too much power to use. And for that, I broke every sigil in my body, the ones used to gather and contain the energy around me for mana into magic. It helped me bring the Kaiser to his knees a couple of times, but because of that, I can't use magic anymore. Not that I need to. My situation just says that I'm on my last card. This is everything I can offer.
This sword. The sword made of light, a sword forged using one's soul. It was long forgotten, and now I have it in my possession.
Ah, I can feel the warm light. It's finally time.
I managed to take one last breath as the pain began to lessen. The sword was complete. I had poured as much as I can into it. No one's really sure of how long they'll be able to live for, so I settled on an estimate by giving the thirty remaining years of my life into this sword. With the things I've been through, injuries and fatalities and all, I can safely bet that I only have around that much.
I began running, dragging and forcing my legs to move. The Kaiser seemed to awaken from his daze and his eyes opened wide at the sight of me. He roared in astonishment.
"Bastard! You still had the energy to move?!"
He tried to move and conjure a glow on his left hand but staggered and failed. He looked up as I leaped and brought down the last bit of power I had gathered into this sword. I yelled loud enough to deafen my ears. I couldn't bring up my right arm as I got a cut that nearly severed it from my body, so my left arm was all I had. The moment my feet left the ground was when they lost the energy to function.
Then a brief moment of impact. A message was sent from my sword to my hand. I had hit something.
I couldn't see what exactly happened because of a large cloud of smoke, but the sword I held had touched the ground and started to disappear, fading into thin air. The smoke started to clear right after. It felt longer than any result I had to wait for. My heart and body was anxious to know what had happened, though I was confident in what I had done.
"A little bit more, and I would have been killed."
A voice through the clearing smoke made a chill run down my spine. I saw the Kaiser sitting on where his throne used to be. He was coated with a strange, dark glow. His eyes were red, and dark wings that were reminiscent of a massive bat appeared on both sides of him. A surge of dark lightning ran to and fro of his torso, which was cut from the shoulder down. It started regenerating, to my surprise, returning him to his healthy state in no time.
I fell to the ground, unable to catch myself. It seemed that the shock of what I was seeing was all too much for me to handle. For a moment I had thought that I hadn't done enough, and would need to do that again. That alone made me weak. All I could do was look at the Kaiser in disbelief as he stood from his throne and approached me with a mixture of relief and melancholy.
"And if it weren't for this power, I would not have been able to survive that. It will be a shame, although, that no one will ever know of your story. The one who almost came close to killing the Kaiser. It has a quite nice ring to it."
He knelt in front of me. The sound of his deafening footsteps ceased.
"I wonder, how did you ever get your hands on that kind of power? It is enough to force this power out of me, one which I have been keeping secret. Johannes Isles, is it? I shall remember you. No one else will, but I will. But to calm this rage I am feeling within me, I will put you out of your misery myself."
From his hand appeared a sharp, lean, longsword, one that wasn't similar to mine. It didn't feel like it anyway.
He took my chin and forced me to look at him with his blade raised, the tip pointing at my eye.
A voice interrupted the Kaiser, and it was a familiar one. No doubt it was Leo. But why? What is he still doing here? Parkus should have given the order to retreat, so why?
"Don't you lay a hand on him! I will be your opponent!"
The Kaiser stood and disappeared from my sights. The only thing I could see was the range at which my attack had reached. It tore down the Kaiser's palace from the back, destroying everything in its path with a huge ripple in the ground. It spanned from where we fought until the hill outside the city's walls, which had been torn down by my attack as well.
Where is he going? Is he going to do something to Leo?! Damn it, I can't move my body at all. It might even be a miracle that I can still think and see. Come on, move, Johann. I can't let anything happen to Leo.
The sound of someone hacking their voice as if being choked filled the room.
"Listen, Johannes. I wouldn't want another nuisance like you to run free and eventually ruin my plans. I will be relentless in my pursuit and abandon this passive lifestyle which I have graced you all with. These heroes which you are all called in illusion, I will pluck like weeds from a dried up soil. I will crush the remaining rebellious ones like so. Do be honored, young man. You will be the start of my purge."
After that, the only sound that I could hear then was the muffled, gargling noise of Leo struggling, and his bones being crushed. Then his body fell to the ground with a thud. He didn't say anything after.
"K, Kaiser, you bastard!"
I struggled with my words but mustered them out of rage. I couldn't even begin to describe what I was feeling. Sadness, anger, worry, rage, I couldn't even tell anymore.
"I'm going to kill you... No matter what."
"Oh, I doubt your words. No die like a dog already. I can't wait to begin scouring the land with fire and an iron fist. Die a slow and painful death, will you?"
He stood in front of me and smiled. Forcibly pulling on my hair, he slit my throat and left me to my death.
With the few seconds I had left, I spat out blood and tasted its raw, metallic content. I couldn't breathe as much as the blood blocked my passage of air, then made its way to my nose. I held my breath and hung on.
I knew I was going to die, I even pledged it and gave everything I had. But why now of all times do I have to be like this and hang on to something that's not there?
I couldn't save Leo, I couldn't kill the Kaiser. What's going to happen to everyone else now?
After a while longer, I couldn't hold my breath any longer, and the blood simply made its way into my lungs. No matter how much I vomited, that was it for me. And all that humiliation as the Kaiser watched, sitting on the steps leading to his nonexistent throne.
Damn it all.
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Viscount's Rise
With his father dead and his brother inheriting the earldom, Braydon sets out to inherit the family’s neglected title, Viscount of Cliforge, the only land of the Kingdom on the other side of the Brimstone Mountains. His new lands are on the border that is held peaceful by an uneasy truce and the same lands that claimed his father’s life on the battlefield. With no reputation in noble society and no military might to speak of he will be a long way from challenging his brother whose land is some of the most prosperous in the empire, and has the backing of their younger brother, who has the smarts to raise their position even further. Will he become another casualty to the lands that have already claimed his father, or become something more as he climbs his way to prominence? At least he can be sure that his brother would never see him rise peacefully, and the neighbouring Grand Duke desires the last territory of the kingdom on the eastern side of the mountains. His position is anything but stable, he will do anything to change that and build his realm. Chapters are posted every other day at 11am and pm (gmt).Basically just selecting Gore and Traumatising Content to cover myself, profanity is guaranteed though.
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Hunter x Hunter - The Unknown Fate
Hunter x Hunter - Fanfiction - - This book is a fanfiction of original series called "Hunter x Hunter" - - I have no rights to sell the chapters as a whole, but if you would like to support my writing, please check for patreon for advanced and early chapters. - - Thank you - - Marcus was a man in his twenties, one day he opened his eyes on a house at first he did not knew where he was But after some time later with a ding sound in his head he understand that he was in the world of Hunter X Hunter and he had a system on his side for making things easier for himself. - For Early Chapters & Advanced Chapters, please support my writing here,
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Trials of Ortus (A DxD fanfiction)
In a world where the myths still lives. Dragons, Gods, Buddhas, and Satans are all real. In such a world, a hybrid was given the power to potentially threaten the balance of all Supernatural factions. He learns about his own origin, which is more complicated and tragic than he ever thought. What will he do with the power? Try to help others by fulfilling his responsibilities? Witness his journey from bottom to the top. Release schedule - 5-7 chapter every week. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from High School DxD plus the cover.
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Unique Fusion Magic Hex
World Essence. The mysterious energy coursing throughout the entire land of Vor'ten, and very possibly the entire world. This energy has allowed humanity to flourish, building great empires and vast kingdoms, conquering nature itself with just a sweep of their hand. Humans were the strongest existence, and with the help of channeling this World Essence, many were able to turn into Magic Knights, gaining magical abilities to combat the various fierce beasts throughout the lands.Alas... those glory days of old were long gone. Humanity has now been pushed to the brink of destruction, and now the remaining members of the human race are encased within giant domes known as 'Alkkras', made with the last remaining bits of the World Essence. It was said that those giant domes were the last gifts left by the remnants of the ancient human race, as a means to protect the future generation from the attacks of the many wild beasts roaming outside. Five Spiritualist Invokers, all combined together, used the last bit of the World Essence and sacrificed their lives to lay a gigantic, 1028-seal formation magic array to form these barriers, forever saving humanity, but also trapping humanity within these barriers.However, the humans were never completely helpless. No matter how little World Essence was left, the humans still had some remaining. Realizing the incoming crisis, the humans found a way to seal World Essence inside a special type of crystal. Soon, these crystals began to become implanted into weapons, turning them into World Essence Weapons, and they began to display properties of their own. Extreme heat. Bone chilling cold. Absurd sharpness. These normal weapons, after being imbued with the energy of the World Essence Crystals, began to form natural affinities to elements. Fire. Water. Earth. Wind. Darkness. Light. Using these weapons, one could become a Chevalier that wielded the power of the elements.However, if one wanted to reach a higher level of enlightenment and understanding, one could become an Invoker. Via the study of magic array formations, one could directly use the power of the World Essence to cast devastating magics upon the enemy. These people were Invokers, highly valued for their combat potential by the Army. These weapons and magical arrays were used in the great fight between the humans and the beasts long ago. They had long since been put away in storage, almost long forgotten...However, after ten-thousand years of suppression, the human race is beginning its counterattack against the Beasts... Synth was an Invoker in the Magecroft Academy. However, his talent was terrible, being only at the Spark Stage. This led to him being looked down upon and bullied. He was unable to cast any Calamity-rank or even Destruction rank spells, and was only able to cast Coalescing rank spells at the age of 17, a record low in the academy for cultivating these rare Invokers. Even though he put in more effort than anyone else, he was still unable to advance his Channeling Energy. But due to his constant research and study, Synth ended up creating a power that would go against the heavens - he had found how to Fuse spells together. After trying it out once, merging the magical array for the Small Fireball and the Mortal Judgement skills, he was able to create a mid-rank Destruction tier spell, Holy Judgement Flame. However, after this, no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to fuse more spells together or even cast them, and noticed a weird, pentagram shaped formation on his left arm. He would later call this mark the Fusion Magic Hex, a curse that prevented the wielder from casting magic that wasn't their own...This meant that with the exception of Synth's newly created skill, , he was going to have to create unique magic arrays if he ever wanted to step on the path of becoming an Invoker! This power that destroyed the laws of the Invoking System, and his unyielding persistence in testing and creating new spells, would later gain Synth the nickname the Unique Fusion Hex, and lead him to become one of the strongest beings in the entire World!
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My Forever Confidant
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