《Echoes》Chapter 10: Unlikely Allies
"Hey, Carce, how much farther? It feels like we've been going to hours now. Plus, your friends are getting a bit too rowdy for my liking," said Parkus, evading an arrow meant for his back with narrowly.
"There's nothing we can do," Carce replied. "If we stop, then we have no choice but to fight them. If we keep moving, we won't get cornered. Even if they have been corrupted, they still move and think the same way they used to. The patterns are obvious enough for us not to be outclassed if we manage to match them every step of the way."
"But if we are dealing with this many of our people this deep into the Grove, that must mean that we're close. It should be just beyond those trees," said Carima.
Parkus, Carima, Carce had been running from their Kayrus brethren, those who have been corrupted by the miasma and have completely lost their minds. They carried with them markings and inscriptions all across their bodies, a sign of the curse. Their eyes were clear and purple, devoid of any comprehension. Their skin was as pale as a ghost's, yet much more than that. They chased the party while firing arrows at them with deadly accuracy.
"I hope that you're right about leaving Johann alone. I've been hearing some strong noises from where we came from, and it doesn't sound like it bodes well for him," said Carima.
"Don't worry. If you've known him for as long as I have, you'll know that he'll do everything he can to stay alive. He's stubborn, too stubborn even. He's done a lot of things that would've killed any normal person, but he's still alive and kicking.Even if it is a high-ranking general from the Kaiser's army, I know he'll be able to pull something off somehow... I think."
"Not sounding too convincing yourself, Parkus," she retorted.
"Ah, no, it's just that, I'm not too sure about this myself. I've been feeling a sort of bad omen because of what Johann said he saw at Arum."
"That ghost fiasco again?"
"Yeah. Remember he said that the ghost told him he'll die soon enough. If that's not a bad omen, then I don't know what is."
"... Nothing's set in stone. If you have faith that he'll overcome whatever it is, then you must keep at that faith and stay firm. We might not be fully-fledged humans, but we know a few things about the qualities that set you apart from us."
"You two, over there, look. It's the outer sanctum," pointed out Carce at the sight of two stone pillars wrapped by withered vines. In between was the entrance to the sanctum where the sight of torn down homes, burnt buildings, and broken statues revealed itself. There were craters scattered about, and in them were corrosive puddles that reeked a horrid stench akin to a rotting corpse. The bodies of Kayrusians also lay strewn about. Some had bodies that were completely withered and drained of life, leaving a thin husk of what was once leaving breathing.
Parkus went and examined the scope of the damage as he looked around for any sort of imminent danger that might come undetected. Walking over to one corpse of a depleted Kayrus, his face suddenly contorted and he backed away, coughing and swatting the air away, grasping at the air as he fell to the ground close to where Carce and Carima were looking around.
"Parkus! What's wrong? Pull yourself together!" said Carima as she grasped Parkus by his shoulders, restraining him. She focused her eyes on him and produced a slight glow in her eyes that allowed her to see the problem.
Carce walked over and looked down on Parkus without concern, holding his chin as he also produced a faint glow in his eyes. "It can easily affect a human, can't it? This miasma is even more terrible than I thought, especially if they've mixed with decay. I assume treating it is the same with what we've been doing?"
"Yes, it's the same, but a bit easier to manage than cleansing a larger area." Carima placed her hands on Parkus' forehead and chest as Carce knelt and took a tight grasp of the ailing Parkus so that he wouldn't disrupt the process.
In a moment's notice, Parkus returned to normal, breathing heavily as he tried to regain the strength he had lost. Beads of sweat covered his body, and the beating of his heart wouldn't settle.
"What... happened to me?" he asked, out of breath.
"Calm down, Parkus. Just sit still and let things come back naturally. Any unneeded movement will most likely strain your body since you're not used to some things you've been exposed to. The last thing you need now is to be impaired in any way."
"Fine, I'll sit still. So tell me. The last thing I remember was looking at that Kayrus over there, then suddenly it felt like my eyes were clouding over, and before I knew it, I was struggling for air that never came."
"It's the miasma. You have been going without the cleansed barrier for a while now, and that must have weakened you substantially, affecting you when you're vulnerable. But no need to worry, I've cleansed a small area around us. Try recovering your strength, then we can move again."
"I'm alright. I can keep going." Parkus grabbed his sword and closed his eyes, clearing the confines of his mind. Suddenly, the sword started glowing with a gold aura that enveloped Parkus. He then got up as the aura disappeared. Stretching his body, he looked better than ever.
Carima kept her curious eyes to the sword Parkus sheathed. He noticed both of their gazes and knew that they were perplexed as everyone else was the first time.
"This sword is called Cadence. I don't exactly know a lot about it except that it's somehow attached to me and only works when I'm using it. It's surprising how convenient that is, not having to worry about anyone else having it since it won't work. My old man didn't explain how it works either, so everything I've done with it is purely made up sometimes. When I ask it to give me strength, it glows just like you saw earlier. But aside from that, I still need to figure out how to make this thing work for me. It's not all the time that it cooperates."
"How did you acquire it in the first place? I've never heard of a sword like that but seeing that it can give off that kind of power as long as you ask for it, I assume that the one who made it is of the ancient races, or maybe someone even more."
"My old man was a traveling merchant. He never stayed in one place too long since he was always in search of something. He's been to a lot of places, and even he's not sure of how exactly he was able to get the sword, but it wasn't by force or anything like that. He said he just picked it up in a forest somewhere far out to the west. He didn't think it was just a normal sword like the rest. He always said that every item has its charm and that it'll take the judgment of the gods themselves before something can be called junk... That was his philosophy at least. He thought that he had a discerning eye when it came to the things he found."
"He certainly sounds like an interesting man. I don't mean to pry, but you said that was his philosophy. Does that mean he's not among us anymore?" asked Carima rather hesitantly.
"Yeah... He was traveling, but then he got suspected as a spy by the Kaiser's people and got arrested and interrogated until he couldn't take it anymore... They never went easy on him, those ones. They never were lenient on anyone they suspected, whether be it a child or an old man." Parkus sighed heavily, glancing to the side, trying to think of something else.
"I'm sorry for asking such a sensitive question. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories from your past," said Carima, hugging her arms bashfully.
"Ah, don't worry, I don't mind!" he said, waving his hands at her, clearing the air after seeing Carima with a change of personality. "He never brought me with him since he knew how dangerous things would get, so I barely got to see him. Of course, I felt angry when I found out he died and how he died, but for some reason, I didn't cry. I didn't blame him for it. Heck, even until now, years after I found out I can't stop being restless about it."
"So your reason for fighting is vengeance?" asked Carce in confirmation.
"Basically. I know it won't bring him back, but at least it'll ease my mind, hopefully."
"Does Johann know of this?" asked Carima.
"Yeah, he does. For some reason, being with the guy, you grow to like him even though he's like that. When you're with him, you tend to just spill your worries and he's just there listening. But in our group, seldom know the reason why they join. Most of them just want to avenge family or friend. But Johann's reason is far worse than mine. It wasn't as fast as the other's, rather they dragged it on until he couldn't take it. I felt angry for him rather than him for himself. I don't think it's a good idea to tell you without his permission, so I suggest that you ask him yourself if you're really curious."
"I don't think it would be wise to ask such a topic out of pure curiosity, I've learned my lesson. I don't want to over-familiarize myself either."
"You don't have to worry about it too much. He's not too uptight if you want to get to know him. He's nice on the inside," said Parkus, patting her on the back encouragingly.
"Thank you, I guess," she replied, still feeling a tinge of regret for having brought up Parkus' past.
They kept moving through the outer sanctum, scouring the area for any remnants of any Kayrus that might have been spared from the chaos brought about.
"Everything's destroyed. I don't think this place can recover from such a blow."
"You'll be amazed at what we can do as Kayrus. This land can be cleansed and purified, no matter how long it takes. But the problem is, for that to happen, we need to make sure that the one corrupting it is defeated."
"Anyone, help... please," a voice called out in a desolate and destroyed village.
"Do you hear that?" asked Carce, holding up his hand to them for silence. They all heard the call for help once more and rushed towards the area, leading them to a solitary tree on what seemed to be the sanctum's plaza. There, a wounded man sat, riddled with arrows. He looked distraught and on the brink of death as he sweated profusely, keeping himself awake.
"Captain... it's really you. Thank goodness. I thought I was done for," the man said weakly.
Carce knelt by the man's side and cradled him, examining the wound. He immediately recognized the uniform and the man's face as one of his own.
"I'll look around and keep watch," said Parkus, heading off a few ways from the two.
"Carima, can you help me with this?" he asked as he continued to keep the man's attention off of Carima as she treated the Kayrus' wounds. "You were able to get here before us... Who did this to you? Where are the others? I don't see them anywhere."
The man shook his head. "They're gone. I'm the only one left of the group. There were two others in the grove that we encountered. They completely defeated us. We couldn't even fight back let alone scratch them... They were too much for us..." The man groaned and ground his teeth as the arrows were dislodged.
"It's going to be alright, just keep your eyes open. Talk to me, what did they look like?" said Carima as she started to relieve the Kayrus of his pain with a faint glowing green light that was applied to his wounds.
"They wore black uniforms. One was a child. The strength of his spells was, overwhelming. I couldn't even believe that the child was capable of such power. The other was a man that carried a scythe with him. That one tore my group apart. it didn't even take them a minute."
"A scythe... Then one of the so-called lackey's of the Kaiser, the one I fought before. I see. how did you manage to get away then?"
"The others held them off for me so that I could find you and tell you this. But then, I was ambushed by our brothers and sisters. I thought that was the end for me, not until a man came by and defeated them, carrying me here. He went back out there when I told him that the ones in my group helped me escape, and I think he went back for them."
"A mysterious man? Another one of them... This is the first I've heard of him. What does he look like?"
"He held a spear and wore a green, tattered cape. I'm sorry, that's all I could *cough* *cough* make of him." The Kayrus spat out blood but bound his mouth shut until the pain started to wane.
"That's good enough. Now rest. You'll live, don't worry. You have my word," said Carce, looking at his fallen comrade with a sullen expression.
"Thank you, Captain. I'm in your debt," said the Kayrus, easing his muscles and relaxing his body.
Just as things started to calm down, Parkus returned, running with panic in his eyes.
"Hey, Carce, Carima, we've got company! It's your people. They look like they're raring to put an arrow between my eyes. There's a lot of them, too!"
Carce looked in the direction that Parkus came from and saw a group of Kayrus gathered together. They wore armor that was torn and broken, wielding various weapons that made up the Kayrusian military. The ones wielding bows nocked arrows and took aim at Parkus and Carce.
"... Parkus and I will handle them. Carima, find someplace to hide for a while. We have someone who's wounded with us, so moving will only make us an easier target. We'll stand our ground here and then move once it's clear. There's no other way."
"Captain, you don't have to stay," said the wounded Kayrus. "You can leave me and go. Someone needs to get rid of this plague. I don't want to see our home die out. My death will be well worth it as long as the Grove is liberated."
"I already gave you my word. All you have to do is trust me. Let's move, Parkus. Give it everything you've got and don't let a single one through, understand? Show me that a human isn't worth less than one would judge."
"I guess that's one way of motivating someone. Alright, can't disappoint everyone at home and have us being called worthless. I'll show you what we can do," Parkus smirked, running for the nearest torn down house for cover as the group of corrupted Kayrusians started firing their arrows at him. He spoke words into his sword and awoke a golden gleam of light that enveloped him and his sword.
Carce went the other way and stood silently, clearing his mind. He breathed rhythmically, then opened his eyes, revealing a single ring around his pupils. A thin mist gathered around him, and on his left hand appeared a bow created from thin air, creating an arrow from the gathering mist. The expression his face showed determination and ferocity that reflected the power he was in possession of.
Carce took a peek from his cover and formulated his path, this time revealing himself with his bow fully drawn.
He fired an arrow that blew a pulse of wind as it passed through, piercing everything that it came in contact with. He drew back and created another arrow from nothing and this time fired an arrow at the air directly above the crowd of Kayrus, creating a white glowing circle that rained down a hail of arrows, decimating them.
He then glanced at Parkus. "Your turn," he said, inciting a challenge.
"Show off," Parkus chuckled, emerging from his cover and charging at the crowd, tearing down the arrows they sent flying at him. He met the ones wielding melee weapons and bashed the ground, knocking away those close to him. He looked for his next target and accepted Carce's challenge.
I was sent flying back, hitting a tree far off where we started from. I managed to hold my defense, but I don't think I'll last any longer if I keep on holding back too much. Still, even if I had been holding back, I don't think it'll make that much of a difference now that I've been weakened too much. What a pain.
"Technique of the Wanderer, Revelation!" Tyr cried out and leaped into the air and spun forward with one leg, falling with a rolling intensity.
I countered him with a higher level of magic, removing the scales binding my powers one by one as the difficulty rose.
"Cast class-C spell, Pyro Plume!" From my hand, an array of fire resembling the plumes of a bird was hurled forth quickly, riddling Tyr who was enamored by the flames as he descended.
I moved away and avoided the landing impact, reactivating the spell to implode the plumes that had attached themselves to Tyr, resulting in a mild blast strong enough to bring any man down if given enough strength behind it.
But, that was just wishful thinking against the one I was fighting. He stood up and dusted himself off, standing up straight as if it didn't even faze him.
"So the powers you possess, though mediocre, vary in the strength you decide upon them. It's quite similar to someone who naturally possesses the blood affinity to cast spells and maintain mana within them, it's almost uncanny the way I see it. But your case is unique. You can abuse the strength of your spells even if it means destroying your body. Comparing it to the normal case, they can only use magic that is allowed to them in their capacity."
"I didn't come here for a lesson about what I already know. And for someone who's supposed to be dealing a blow to the revolution, you sure are taking your time."
"Paltry insults are your trump cards? Pitiable. I expected more. You need not worry about my objective. I simply wish to not exert myself with this menial task. If I wished, I could have finished this a long while ago. But then I would risk the success of the mission... But you needn't know why for I think this is finally the end of the line for you. Your strategic thinking to wear me off only had the effect returned to you, and now, it is my chance to finish things."
I tried to take a defensive stance, but my legs gave up. I was standing barely with the help of my own weapon, but if I take any blows like this, I'm done for.
He took a single step and reappeared right in front of me, not giving me any time to react. It was anticlimactic, but time seemed to freeze as his fist stood there in front of my face, inches away. His eyes were directed to his side where I turned to. It was just a split second, but I hadn’t realized it as well.
A spear flew past my face and stuck itself onto the ground. Try backed away, looking around him to find the source of the jet-black spear. But instead of giving him suspense, the owner showed up.
A man with a green cape flew down from the trees at an amazing speed towards the spear. He took it and charged at Tyr at a speed that might have even equaled his own.
Tyr was forced on the defensive as the man outmaneuvered him with his dexterity, using his spear and his body to avoid the attacks that came right at him and to find an opening.
The man struck the ground with his spear and flicked the soil at Tyr, blurring his sight. The man spun his spear, hitting Tyr’s chin with the end of it, forcing him to look up. He then struck his spear on the ground again and lifted him up, kicking Tyr away with a massive shock. The trees and soil behind Tyr were blown aside, and him along with it.
"Can you stand?" he asked, walking up to me, extending his hand. His face had blood running down from his head to his cheek, and so were his hands, legs, and the rest of his body. With his clothes in tatters, I had wondered what did this to him. Moreover, his ears weren’t pointed.
I took his hand without question, nodding my head. He slung my arm around his shoulder and proceeded towards a direction away from where he sent Tyr flying.
After walking for a while, he brought me to a cave that descended underground. There was a passage illuminated with candles, and at the end of it was a door that seemed to give off a certain glimmer.
"We'll be safe here. You can get your strength back for now," he said, opening the door.
The room was spacious and lit up amply. It was different from what it looked like outside for what was past the door had been made decent to be occupied, giving off a sort of palace-like feel. The furnishings were for a study for shelves filled with books of all sorts of titles covered an entire wall off the left of me, and to my right was a table littered with many equipments such as a mortar and pestle, reagents, books, and withered pages with intricate writings, only made clear due to a candle close by.
Another person emerged from the dark corner of the room. He wore a dirtied robe and had gray hair with pointed ears. He carried with him a sharp, purple gaze as he looked up at me. He was shorter. A child.
"Who's this?" he asked irritatingly.
"I don't know. But the sound that we heard came from him and someone else," replied the man with the spear. He led me to the back of the room past a green, festive curtain where two beds lay, one being occupied by someone fast asleep. "Here, use this bed for a while. Get some rest and then we'll talk."
I did as he told, but just because I had no reason to argue and ask.But before that, there was a slight pause before he let go of my arm. He had a sullen look on his face, and it wasn't pointed at me, rather it was towards the sleeping figure on the bed next to me. I wondered who it was but the darkness behind the curtains didn't let me see.
As if realizing that he had spaced out, he shook his head and helped me to bed.
The feeling of a comfortable bed at such a bad time wasn't a bad thing. In fact, it eased the fatigue that was building up inside me. The heavy weight of the miasma that burdened us during the start of our time in the Grove didn't seem to affect me that much. Maybe it was just me, but I didn't sense it at all.
I closed my eyes and started dozing off, hearing a conversation between the two before I lost my ears to sleep.
"There's no telling which one of them is the dangerous one. I wouldn't be surprised if you picked up the wrong person, human. Besides, what did you think, wasting your energy with more unnecessary things? Use the rest of it for the demon, idiot," said the child condescendingly.
"I still have enough to deal with that one. But as for him... maybe I could just tell by instinct. I don't really need a reason to help anyone. If they're on the losing end, then I'll help them. If they're someone who's a threat, then I'll take responsibility and do something about it. Besides, I have to take up the slack for every one of the selfish Kayrus who put their safety above all others."
"I don't have time to understand how you humans function. You take responsibility for him, then. If he dies, it's on you. I don't really care. just leave me alone while I figure this out. With this, we'll have a chance at weakening the demon. That's the only way we'll be able to revive Calicel."
"This is going to be difficult. The demon is resting inside Calicel's chambers at the inner sanctum, eating at the source. There's not going to be a lot of space for us to move around."
"That's your problem, not mine. You offered to take that task. Just don't be too useless and just stand there like last time."
"I don't remember getting struck just once and just sitting there like a child, waiting for someone to help... how ironic, you are one. I only hope that you'll be able to compensate for the lack of maturity to accomplish something at least."
The last thing I heard before drifting away fully was someone getting smacked across the room, then the sound of someone getting electrocuted fiercely.
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Oh, hi. Uhm, can I ask you something? Great. So, let's say that you died but then you reincarnated. Pretty cool, yeah? And what if you reincarnated into a different world? Even cooler. But what if you reincarnated into something... non-human? What would you do? And what if you then realized that you are not the protagonist of the story? Yeah, it's kinda weird. But hey, at least I'm one of the good guys. Right? //This is my first story. Please leave a comment what you think so that I can make it better. Will also contain some gore later on. Enjoy ;) //
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