《Master of All Trades》Hunger Part 1


What used to be white was replaced by the violet flames that consumed everything that it touched. However, soon the manic purple turned into the hungry red that Raphael had unleashed into the world. Soon the infinite white was slowly replaced by the colors of the world, from the most intense hues that painted the sky, to the opaqueness of the ground.

The purple inferno that had consumed all life was no more and all that remained was the scorched earth and the blazing heat that confirmed the existence of the flame. Standing within the blazing winds were two figures that looked nothing alike. One had a body covered with midnight fur that contrasted the vibrant midday sky, and across from the large figure was a smaller one that stood only on the legs. There were no discerning features that came to mind other than the presence that made itself known and was easily comparable to that of the large wolf.

A new sensation that had never once appeared before had manifested itself in the body of the child. An unbearable presence that made even the most astute of people kneel in apprehension and submission. From the bottom pit of his stomach, an endless hunger encroached on Raphael, leaving him to the bidding of his instincts. Similar to the flame he unleashed, now he was suffering the same ordeal, and as the flame, there was plenty of food to be eaten.

The purple eyes of the midnight wolf wanted as the new feeling of danger had seeped out from the harmless boy. What the wolf had considered another meal that presented itself, had presented him with a pleasurable game, but now it seemed the scripts had been switched. The undefeated wolf felt as if he was a predator no more, but just another slab of meat that was in the process of being evaluated for its quality.


He did not like that feeling at all, and so he voiced his concerns with his full force. "Grrrrrr. AHHH OOOO!!" A low growl filled with a loud howl resonated through the forest. The weakest of creatures became paralyzed at the howl that carried fluctuations of mana hidden in it, while the rest ran, swam, or flew away at their top speeds. All that did not react was either dead from the flames or plants rooted to the ground.

However, the intended target did not even flinch, as he stood quietly and eerily still. This hurt the wolf's pride as his invitation to battle was denied to its face. In rage, the flames of the wolf set ablaze as it charged towards the young boy with full force. The already scorched land darkened with each passing step the wolf made, leaving a trail full of cinder.

Once close enough the wolf opened its maw once more, but instead of a fearsome wave of fire, it was prepared to bite full force. However, as soon as the jaw was about to close on its prey the flames on its back withered into smoke clouds that had no more flame to flow from. The large was both surprised and unprepared, but before it could react appropriately a large force pushed the wolf back with tremendous strength. Crash! The wolf landed atop the remains of the barn that was now only a pile of ash and burnt wood that bothered the wolf's keen sense of smell.

The boy that was nearly bitten in half woke from his trance, without knowledge of what had just occurred. He stood wondering if all had been a dream until he saw the scorched land beneath him. When he looked in front of him, he saw the angry snarl of the beast that he was almost killed by moments ago, and his mind became soft and dull. Panic would have set in if not for the hunger that made him forget of the fear that troubled his heart.

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