《Looking for My Future》First Main NPC


Its already been a week or 15 days in game time playing this game and I think I have the money to buy some copper ore so I will buy it than I will crafting my dagger for throwing training. Before my training just running dodging around tree in my front and swinging my blade in 3 combo direction (horizontal, vertical and X slash), well if you want to laugh just laugh because I have never been taught about martial art before so yeah this what I can train by myself.

After crafting my dagger, Now I will throw my dagger until I get the gist about where the trick for this dagger so it can fly in the direction I want and check what the batter shape my dagger so it can fly in the direction I want it. Why I pick copper ore because I don’t have the furnace for my crafting and copper ore is an iron that can be easily to melt and to give it some shape. For starter I will just throwing it with standing in my place have it travel 5 mater to my target, after that I will increase the distance. After it reach 10 mater and I can still hit my target I will try jumping throwing and that continuing with running throwing, and running jump throwing.

Day 21 in this game I got the event that will come out if you already successfully selling your harvest 3 time. When I am on the farm to check the condition of my farm, there I hear some beautiful sound calling me. So when I take look the direction of the sound, there I see some beautiful lady standing in path to my house. She is dressing with top kebaya blue and in the bottom using skirt batik, her straight layer hair that a bit touching her shoulder, and she have a white skin. She has charming smile that like a mature woman with her left hand waving at my direction and in her right hand there is something look like a box wrapped with some cloth.


Well if you new players you will got confuse, this beautiful girl waving her hand at you but don’t know who she is. As for me I know she is the village head daughter that you will see often in this village, because if you have good relationship with her you will often get food she bring to you.

While I am still admiring about the beauty of this npc I make, she already got closer to me and then striking a conversation.

“Hello, good morning, sorry taking your time a bit.”

It startle me a bit, what a polite way of speaking. To tell you the truth this is like some choice in conversation if you speak polite with her it will rise her impression on you.

“Morning. not a problem. Then why this beautiful daughter of the village head coming to see me?”

“oh how did you know who am i?”

she didn’t answer my question. Well it is to be expected because this is her first time come out and I make her come out if the main event from a certain condition occur. Even if you stay a night at the village head you will not know or see her too.

“Well there is many info I got that the daughter of the village head is beautiful. Then what is the beautiful lady here for?”

For your information this game is not line of conversation based on script to come out, they have an AI conversation with having access many information about conversation line from the game administrator.

“heee…, its look like I been a bother to you. I just got to deliver this box to you from my father to you saying he appreciate your hard work looking your farm.”

After answering my question.


She then give me the box and already want to leave. I think I have been making some mistake in this conversation, the truth is I just want to improve her impression in this conversation using many praise to her.

“Wait, sorry you are not a bother to me. Impact sorry about my way of speaking it just I got nervous around a beautiful girl.”

That is the best word I think to say my sorry and to have her some better opinion on me.

“hehehe, thanks for your praise, you look better if you speak like that.”

She laughing when she look at me that gotten a bit panic.

“yes, what about this”

I then lift that box and asking her again

“how do I return it?”

“oh, no problem you can return it to my house or I will come again tomorrow to get it”

“oh, okay. thank you” I say my gratitude.

Then with a smile she say

“no, problem. See you”

She left. And I just give her a waving hand.


When she already not in my field of vision, I take a long breath and making a long, no a very long sigh because I forgot about she has a personality like that, well just figure it your self. Every main npc I make them have some personality AI as base conversation and to conduct their action.

The truth is I didn’t really afraid of my relationship with her leading to where, because I think if my fame got so high my relationship with her will get better. But having a conversation with her make me want to have a better relationship with her from the beginning game. But thinking there is still 2-4 of them again making me a bit cower, so I made up my mind I don’t want to unlock all the event I will just stick with the must come out 2 event more.

I then open the box she bringing to me, I know it’s a handmade food well there is no taste in every food in this game but they will have rating from poison, bad, normal, good, and healthy. The rating in this food is about how much it will restore our bar hp. The food she make is It have good decoration and it in good rating, so yeah we can praise her if we see her again. Because my bar hp is full and my char still not hungry I will store it to my house then continuing my farm activity.

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