《Holders》001: Rine Ishida


Ring, Ring! The school bell rings throughout the campus, and so their class session concluded

"Okay class, make sure to submit your homework tomorrow, or I'll mark it down, understood?" reminded Ms. Kirino then abandoned the classroom.

Rine was still there, packing up his belongings, when he realized that his wallet wasn't on his possession anymore.

"Its not here..."

He checked every pocket, existing from his clothes, even his bag had no trace of the wallet inside.

Suddenly, he got surprised, when someone tapped on his shoulder.

"Uh... This wallet... Is this yours?"

The blonde girl sitting next to him, handed another lost wallet. Its designs were similar to Rine's. Much exactly, it appears that it was really his purse.

"Oh, it was mine. Thanks." Said him while receiving the wallet in delight.

Their hands slowly met, but as soon as Time noticed, she was someone he had known before.

"Oh wait. Did we already met somewhere? Those eyes... You're familiar." Rine blurted.

"Err... Of course, you knew me. I'm the second place at the exams after all." She replied in a timid expression.

That is actually his jest. How could he forget this young lady with such high remarks on their class. Though, Rine was the first and foremost, this girl named Reika Shimada followed his rankings to the leaderboards.

"O-Oh... I see... You're Reika Shimada aren't you? I'm quite lucky I'm talking to you right now. But anyway, let's go to the canteen, I'll treat you some lunch." Rine offered.

"Really...? I-I'm thankful." Replied her, still a bit shy.

Hence the two walk themselves to the canteen, which is busy at the meantime, dealing an enormous number of students dining in. When they arrived, all of the tables are almost occupied by clusters.


"Oh there, there. Hurry!"

Reika pointed at a vacant seat, near the edge of the building. She immediately took the open space, while Rine went to but their meal.

"Phew~" She sighed in relief.

On the other hand, the lines made a blockade that almost filled the pathways in and out. Because of their late arrival, Rine got left on the last line and waited for a long time. It was moving, yet sluggish.

"Ugh. I should've went earlier if I knew the lines were this long..."

But at the middle of his idling, he noticed some guys behind a pillar, far from the counter. As he glanced from the line, the familiar face of Matsuo and his acquaintances were there, with an underclassman, probably a Second year.

"This isn't enough for today. Gimme all of it." said Matsuo while counting the money bills resting on his palm.

"But! This was for our date with my girlfriend! I can't let you have it!" the boy yelled, opposing him

Suddenly, because of displeasure, Matsuo gave a signal to those two, restraining the guy and put him down in public. Despite being seen, no one confronted them, no one bothered, because Matsuo was a beast himself, who makes all silent, all motionless around his presence. As if he was invisible.

[ Is that so...? Then get your guts ready to be smacked! ]

And thus...

[ Stop! ]

Amongst all of them, for the first time, someone intervened...

From the first time in the history of Matsuo's corrupt sovereign, Rine was the only one who spoke a word against him. He stopped Matsuo's arms before blowing up the guy's face, and pulled it back using a hand.

"Tsk. You again? You're ruining my business right now!" Shouted Matsuo.

From the exact spot, Rine let the bullied underclassman, ran away from the scene.a commotion began brewing up. The students formed groups of clusters and started mumbling their own thoughts. Some of them got intruiged, some of them was surprised as they had mixed emotions. Though, they're silent, the feeling of being watched still lingers.


"Hey, Hey, Take a look at here. Someone stood up from Matsuo! But, isn't it Rine?"

"Woah wait. Seriously!? I can't believe he had the courage to confront him that boldly."

"I wonder if he could stand a chance..."

Their voices enveloped the atmosphere that Matsuo silenced them with a loud slam from a table.

"Shut the fuck up, losers! Do you all really think that this chimp could throw a punch at me? Don't fucking kidding me!"

Then the crowd became mute and bawled themselves, cowering.

"Stop this at once. You're scaring them!" Exclaimed Rine.

"Don't order me around, Mister Know-it-All! You should be the one who needs to stop interfering my business right now!" Matsuo replied angrily.

"Tch! This toxicity... I'll report this at the teachers later."

Rine was about to go out the scene, walking away, when a sudden swing of fist nearly hit his face. He was lucky that he reacted right away, but it seems Matsuo will not let him do what he wants.

Crackling his knuckles, one of his allies charged a punch at Rine. Then the other one also proceeded to blow off his stomach with a kick. Though, it was unexpected, their attacks missed, Rine's reflexes is extraordinary, which helped him evade their offense while parrying both of it at once, then throwing at back without violence.

"I told you all. I won't waste my time for these pointless fighting."

Hence, he took the way out and let the things unsettled for them. Meanwhile the crowd was still hung from the astonishing events

"What are you all looking at!? The show is finished, so scram!" bellowed Matsuo, as they also went off the cafeteria.

On the other hand, The disappointed genius threw the eating time and went his way to the teachers' faculty instead. Behind him was Reika, catching up from his steps, unnoticed.

"Wait up." Reika called.

"Are you really planning to report this from the teachers? Do you know what could happen if brother knows this?"

"Brother? Are you Matsuo's relative or something?" Rine replied with a query.

"Yes. I was actually his little sister."

"So now, do you want me to stop reporting this issue from the teachers, because you're his sister?"

"N-No. Its not the case! But brother...He wasn't like this before. I know him, I'm sure he won't let you go with this. " warned her.

"But what he did isn't even a good thing. Harassment and bullying is what I hate most!"

His bad mood became fueled and lead him, leaving Reika on the hallway. But the girl didn't gave up and pulled him back before he reach the faculty.

"I can't let you do that!"

Pulling from the other side, Rine forced himself to go while Reika stops his steps.

"I won't... let yourself go in danger!" She


"He wasn't a normal human at all! He's a Holder!"


"Holder... You say..."

The words he heard can't be mistaken. Holders... That word rung a bell into his mind. The bizzare thoughts that should've lost long ago, the knowledge that is forgotten, the Holders existence... struck Rine's mind in a flash.

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