《Orion》Chapter 15 Part 2: Advice


The volume of the Great Hall leveled off then dropped to a whisper as the Wolf Leader paced slowly as he started to recount there history.

“We were a fractured people unable to work with others outside of our clans, our conflicts rare due the large distances we kept”

“But then the Elves!”

Someone from the back yelled out to which the Wolf Leader pointed to in response.

“Yes he is right, then one day a large force of eleven people came into our lands and started to kill us off”

Orion could tell that he was no outsider to these conflicts by how the story was recounted.

“It was you who saved us”

“All hail our Leader!”

Cheers went out once but this time quickly ended so the story could continue.

“I could not stand by while our race was being wiped out by these cursed creatures so traveling lead me to allies who gave his armor and weapons to fight back. Tricking them was easy after all the only thing that rivals there unhanded ways is there arrogance”

Everyone was laughing, the bulls hit their heads together and even the Wolf Leader gave a chuckle at what he said.

“We lured them into a trap with our now unified people under our singular goal and killed many of them. Since then we pushed them back and now we search for their purifying plants and weaken there control of the forest even more”

Purifying plants? They might be the same ones as the quest for the Labyrinth that’s dissipating the miasma, I could never get close before because the elves would find out somehow

“I think this is where you could use my help”

The Wolf Leader stopped himself from speaking more and started to walk down the steps to be within arm distance of Orion. In was bad enough being around people who were stronger then you in every way but now the strongest of them all was directly in front of him.


“Could you truly help us?”

Both of the Wolfs hands were on his shoulder wrapping Orion up in a nonexistent field where all he could do is answer.

“I am sure you know as well as I do how much elves like to brag, show me a map of the area and I can point to exactly where they are. You could even leave there tomorrow”

Now this would be the tricky part at this stage of the plan: making sure that it was not found out that it was him that told the Untied Beastribes that revealed the location of the plants.

“Everyone that knows to could do so now, Orion you will tell the rest of those details of yours”

About half a dozen people made their way past the throne to a door that opened to a chamber with a large circle stone table. Making up this group of people was Orion, his Guardian, the Wolf Leader, an elderly rat that was quite short with little armor while next to him stood the tallest person in the room. There stood a Tauren that also looked the most unstable of the current group. Its scars numbers even more then the Wolf Leader. There were many open slots that would normally be carrying some form of weapon but it seemed no one but the guards could carry that sort of thing in the Great Hall. They were now in a room where no guards were even allowed but it did not matter.

No way I risk inspecting one of them to see the difference but they all have to be past 50 at least

That would put most of the people on par with the Captain who led the failed defense of Trien but it was most likely the Wolf Leader and that Hulk.


“I think it’s only fair Orion that you know our names since we know yours. Mine is Berther, our distance leader Hinnk and our Attack Commander Togqor”

Berther pointed first to the small Rat creature then to the Tauren. While Hinnk seemed wary Togqor wanted nothing to do with him. Since his Guardian was not given a name Orion would not ask it but focused on relaying what he knew.

“Do you have a map I that could be laid across the table?”

The personal map that floated next to Orion could not be seen by other people so he would have to physically point to where the location was. Orion’s guardian was the one to move and opened a tall standing cabinet and grabbing a medium sized map. Spread out it showed the forest along with questions marks deep within the middle part of it.

“What are the question marks for?”

“They are the possible locations of the Wood Elf Village which we have been unable to find”

Berther answered without taking his eyes off the map while more papers were place by his side.

“As I have heard the location of the plants is within this area if I could write on the map?”

Berther nodded and his Guardian handed him a black chalk to which Orion circled only the plant area

I see no need to tell them about where the village is

“We can’t just trust what he says as fact”

Togqor countered his trunk sized arm out across the table.

“We will of course send scouts to first make sure what Orion is saying is the truth and second to find the exact location so we can send a small party to cut them down”

“Only sending a small party will not work, between the guards due to your previous attacks and the growth of the plants that now have their own defenses you need to send as many warrior’s as you can”

“If that’s the case… Hinnk”

Hinnk looked away from Orion to Berther.

“I want you to be the one to send the scouts, you people are smallest and will be harder to notice. Also the both of you need to start bring back our warrior’s, hunters, everyone in case we do attack”

Togqor walked over to stand in front of Orion which ended up Orion looking at the middle of Togqor chest and picked him up with one hand.

“This thing needs to be locked up while we lead the attack and that’s if what he’s saying is true”

There was only a short pause before Berther nodded and answered back.

“What you said Orion is most likely true but until that confirmed you will be held under guard”

“I understa-“

“In other words locked away and for that honor I will see to personally”

Guardian followed the two of them as they made their way to a separate building where Togqor threw him into with Guardian following inside shorty after.

And now I wait

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