

There have been enough chapters now to ask what people like about the series and what you don't like. One of things I am trying to do is avoid the issue the the series The Gamer has: unable to keep count of skill points earned. Also trying to balance between powerful enough to be fun but also not to strong as to make must fights pointless. Making sure the MC thinks through problems and come up with solutions not just always saved by the plot. For me marking how how a quest is by a letter made it easier to understand how hard it was.

Healing will be hard to balance but I came up with the idea that when people get to a point in terms of how powerful they are there bodies change. Kind of like inside they create super muscle fibers that lower ranked healing is very ineffective. This way theirs a greater reason for primary healers in major armies. There will be no items that store mana or multi it like in wheel of time book series leading to broken MC's and dumb plot reasons they don't just go out and win.

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