《Orion》Chapter 11: A New Home


Chapter 11

Thrusting his hand out Orion fired off his second fireball at the bird creature. It small wings fluttered barely raising its large body off the ground. Its powerful legs on the other hand had been giving Orion on and his party a great deal of trouble each time one appeared. This was such an issue it had forced him to invest all seventy two soul points in order to make the journey and survive.

Critical Hit 200 health lost, dazed for 3 seconds

Unable to stand from the surprise attack from his side Orion fell to the ground. He cursed his luck and held his shield up to block the nest attack then remember that no attack would be coming.

Just like it’s always been, if I can survive the first attack then the battle is as good as won

The daze wore off giving him the chance to look around and finding the bird in front of him he rushed forward and used his new skill [Double Hit]. Two attacked stuck it, hitting its head and upper body. After the attack finished he hit it once more making it his victory.

“150 health is sure a lot to go through for me right now but it’s done you both can come out”

Oliver and Aus emerged from the trees nearby and only slightly worried. For the past two days since they had crossed the camp and entered the Y rank area of the forest it had become mostly hiding due to the fact that Orion was the only one who could fight and had to protect them.

“You have done good work let me heal you, Oliver look closely”

Aus knelled beside Orion as he sat panting on the group while Oliver watched as closely as he could. It had become a pattern after each fight that Aus would help Orion recover. The spell he used was [Helping Hand] rank Beginner, it gives the chance to boost health recovery rate for one minute each time its cast based on a low chance which improves each rank up.

“So are we as close as you say? These fights are too risky protecting two people without me either gaining levels or new skills”

Oliver gave him a dirty look and Orion returned it to Aus dismay. Since Aus had never been to the location he wanted to go to but rather plotted out the best place based on his earlier work in mapping the location of the dragon veins.

“Yes we are quite close in fact it should be just beyond those trees”

Aus pointed over Orion’s bent knee while he casted [Helping Hand] with the other. The Urge to immensely see the fated location swelled up in Orion but he suppressed it. They already had this much trouble getting here so wherever the last leg of his journey landed if it became the hardest out not be out of the question.

“Let’s see how my stats look now, open menu”

Name: Orion Class: None

Level: 15 Race: Human

Title: None Organization: None

Health: 330 Mana: 420

Strength: 24 Magic Resistance: 0%

Agility: 12 Mana Regeneration: 44/m

Intelligence: 19(+2)

Wisdom: 19(+2)

Luck: 4(+2)

Endurance: 12

Vitality: 22

Unspent Soul Points: 8

Easier (Variant): experience gained increased, 3+ soul points per level, much greater chance of increased rarity of skills and abilities

Clam Mind (Rare): +2 Wisdom and Intelligence

Inspire +2 Luck

When Orion invested all of his Soul points at the time he felt like a new man, his strength nearly four times what it was before and first not being about to summon one weak fireball to almost three.


My level may be 15 but I have the point of a level 24 which puts me near the upper ranks of Y rank there’s just one problem…

The levels and even ranks of his lacking skill list was still Z rank so even if his body was up to the challenge his abilities were not. [Double Hit] was created in order to defeat the fast moving bird creatures in the small window he had before the recovered. Now Orion worked to gain an ability to increase his speed like they did so he watched carefully each battle there movements.

With his unspent soul points invested in agility they crossed over the ridge for their first full view of what would be the threes new home for an unknown length of time. Orion’s first

impression of the site reminded him of a cove he saw a picture of in a book. There was a small mountain with a wide open area flanked on either side by high earth walls.

“That cave at the base of the mountain is where we must go in, the location of my map is inside”

“Of course it is, and in that case we have a problem”

Aus and Orion both looked the cave opening and realized nearly the same time that not all of them would be able to go into the cave only one.

“You and Oliver need to hide nearby the outside of the cave since if I make it out of this I will need help”

“If that’s what you think is best, we will stay here since you have just cleared it of any trouble”

Oliver started to protest at not fighting once again but was quickly put down by Aus. Orion felt bad for him out of the three he was the most defenseless so he could wait until he had the chance to get stronger. He decided to only take the mold sword as to reduce weight leaving the rest of his things where they were.

As he walked to the opening of the cave it reminded him of some monster. It felt like an offering was being made and he was it. Taking his first steps in Orion could already feel himself watched by eyes unseen.

Safe to assume that whatever in here is more deadly then what’s outside if it was the one to force everything else out

The cave was much longer then Orion had originally thought, a number of times there multiple paths offered to him. Spiked rocks hanged above him with fungus that glowed slightly only allowing for the littlest of details. Twice Orion descended until he heard echoes after that it became the job of finding the right area on the current floor.

A sudden sound was all the warning Orion got before he was attacked by a legged lizard creature, swiping its tail under his feet causing him to fall. Orion practically threw his sword out of its scabbard to block its next attack. Its claw arm striking at him, one hand was blocked while the other dug itself into his shoulder.

Screaming Orion turned his sword causing the sharp end to dig into the snake’s hand. It only lasted for a moment but due to the enormous force of the hand pushing down it was cut in up to the wrist.

Critical Hit Double Damage

Blood poured onto Orion as it back away desperately trying to hold its hand together. Seeing this as a rare chance he got off the ground and ran over. Using the same pattern he used versus the bird creatures outside Orion used [Double Hit] on each side of its neck causing two more critical hits. With a thud its body feel to the ground while he stood over it


“And to think that was just the guard of whatever owns this cave”

Orion grimly laughed to himself trying to figure out a way to fight such a thing wounded. Touching his neck then his shoulder he noticed that his shoulder was healing at a fast rate. Looking around for what may have gotten on him to cause this there was only one thing he had come into contact with.

It had to be the blood that healed me, that means it can be as if this never happened

Within five minutes his wounds had closed and he started to make his way once again through the cave. There were no turn anywhere but one path, at one point eyeing an open cavern through an open hole in the wall. The sounds Orion heard were unlike anything he heard before and quickly walked past it. A stronger light slowly appeared until it became its brightest when he walked into the opening of the last chamber.

It was a more spacious area with an uneven ground at the far end opposite of him laid an Elder Snakeman half again taller than the last Orion had encountered. Its scales were a darker brown and its tail wider.

With no point he saw in waiting Orion ran straight to it. The Elder Snakeman did the same then when they were just a body lengths apart it suddenly stopped and swiped with its tail. Luckily since Orion had already experience with this move he barely made it in time even with the extra soul points invested.

Jumping over the Elder Snakeman’s tail surprised it long enough for Orion to drag his sword across its chest. It jerked back in time for most of the cut not to go deep, in response it wiped its tail even faster than before. Using his shield Orion blocked the attack but due to previous battle fell apart causing secondary damage

Hit for 100 Damage

The Elder Snakeman noticing a change in the battle continued to attack with its tail. Orion for a time traded blows with its tail using sword but with his arm already hurt the damage received was far less then inflicted. It attacked one last time causing his sword to be throw from his hand. Now at fifty health desperation over what to do filled his mind.

At least I bought the Mold Sword, even if it does less damage if I tried to turn my back on this thing and went for my usual sword that would be it

Using his left hand Orion pulled out the mold sword from his back and starts running at his top speed.

No if I only go this fast there no way to make it out of this alive

With his legs screaming he pushes himself even harder, sweat and blood rolling down his chin. Wanting to do even more Orion slams his back foot into the ground and launches himself into a sudden increase of speed

[Rush Activated]

With the newfound and unexpected speed at the creation of a new ability Orion closed the gap and activated his second new skill [Double Hit]. The Elder Snakemans’s speed was not enough for it to dodge the quick attack and suffered the full force. It began to bleed enormous amounts and started to wildly attack.

Rush did its work but with how little health I have left there no time to trade blows

Running backwards Orion began to channel a weak fireball, due to how unexperienced he was and moving he would need a minute before he could cast it. Needing to stall for time quickly turned around and using the Mold Sword like a spear threw it into the Elder Snakeman.

Critical hit, leg immobilized

Stopping dead in its run the Elder Snakeman fell over, slamming its body into the ground and the causing the Mold Sword to pierce through the other side of its leg. Seizing the chance Orion stood his ground and began to channel, when he was done he made his way over to where it was now bleeding out. Standing over its head Orion let loose the weak Fireball, the last hit killing it.

Level Up

Now dead but blood still coming out Orion laid the top off of his body on the Elder Snakeman’s chest in order to be healed from its blood which he suspected had an even stronger effect.

Rush (Active) basic 1/100 (uncommon)

With the need to go faster for even a moment you can now do. For a few seconds your top speed with greatly increase. You can only go forward, future ranks, evolution or sub skills related to this one may change that that.

“Thanks for the help, guess I owe you one” Orion joked as he patted the body

It was more than an hour before he was rested and healed and was admiring how the Mold sword had become bent

At least it helped when it mattered Orion smiled

Stabbing the Mold Sword into the Elder Snakeman he started to make his way out of the cave. Leaving went without trouble and soon the sunlight blinded him letting Orion know he was finally out. Shortly after Aus and Oliver appeared and made their way from there spot before heading down to greet him.

“All this blood is the cave clear, do you require [Helping Hand]?” Aus said as if he was afraid to hope

Oliver just looked at him in surprise and wonder

“The cave is clear, now it’s time to see what your research can do”

“Of course, lead the way”

There group lead by Orion went back inside to start building their new home. When they entered the Elder Snakeman’s chamber its body had disappeared and the Mold Sword where its body use to be. Aus walked to the back of the cave and set down one of the disk.

Aus started to feed mana into it causing it to glow, once that happened he set the sphere on top it. When the inner diamonds started to rise the sphere started to float Aus placed the second disk over it. A tunnel of light appeared from the top disk through the sphere and into the bottom disk, then the light seemed brighten and travel up.

A blue small enough to be barely visible collected in the sphere

“It work I knew it! And now I will prove it to the both of you”

Reaching his hand forward Aus opened a menu and light came down like liquid from the sphere and stretched over the floor where Orion was standing and started to rumble.

“Don’t worry just watch the floor” reassured Aus

Orion decided to trust him and steady himself and for a few minutes they stood there unable to see what was happening under their feet due to the light. When the light receded into the sphere the sight shocked him. The floor had been completely leveled and Aus was just grinning

“For now that’s all I can do, but as the sphere expands and draws more in far greater things will start to happen just watch”

Watching, Orion realized, was all he could do while the man in front of him shaped the world around him.

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