《Orion》Chapter 5: Chain Questing


Chapter 5

Orion and Brandon were now in the city, the sight of Keira had already escaped them, they now got there first good look inside the town they would be calling home over the next few weeks. Even in the morning there was quite a movement of people: they were opening shops, moving material or going out for the day.

“Humans, Elf’s, Dwarfs, Beastmen, there are even some I don’t know, it’s incredible” Brandon exclaimed

Orion completely agreed but felt annoyed at himself for the lack of knowledge that was basic.

“Is it really that incredible?” Orion questioned

Before Brandon was going to respond Orion added to his statement so that he would understand

“What I mean is how do we know that this situation is not some common thing throughout the empire” he explained

Such a basic thing: is this normal? and I can’t answer it… I need normal right now

Orion lightly touched his neck again remembering the events of last night. Brandon noticed what Orion what he was doing and redoubled his efforts to find something to do

“Hey there’s already a line over there how about we check out what’s going on?” Brandon proposed

Orion just nodded and followed him. They came up to a line of men around there ages standing in front of a blacksmith waiting for something. Brandon was interested because of the long line and the fact that none of them looked nothing but uneasy. With his questions he decided to go up to the nearest person in line to them and ask what this was about but a quest scroll appeared before him

A Blacksmiths helper

The Blacksmith Rodo is in need of a helper for his daily work. Convince him either through your skills or abilities or words to take you on

Difficulty: Y

“Did that come out for you to? Brandon pointed to the quest scroll

“Yes, I declined it but she should take it up” Orion said as it was already a done deal

Brandon knew between the two of them he had the experience of watching over his father work at their own blacksmiths shop. It would be impossible for Orion to be better so he had the best chance. The issue was that he wanted to watch over Orion due to what happened last night. Brandon felt tried but he looked worse.

“Are you sure? I can refuse and the room-“

“It would be good if you got it and I will get a room over there for the both of us, it will be under my name so just ask the manger what room good luck” Orion pointed to the building nearby and walked any before Brandon could respond

I hope you’re alright and is time to focus on me now, I can see how he’s doing after

Brandon accepted the quest and stood in the black of the line and started to wait. He assumed that it would take quite some time in for him to try out and by then someone else could be picked, he was wrong

“Next… Next”

Blacksmith Rodo called out that same word over and over, in fact it was either going faster or he sounded more annoyed. In less than an hour it was his turn in a line that numbered almost three dozen men. Not all failed instantly but they ended up failing. A wide range of emotions where on their faces, from anger, sadness and expecting it was going to happen in the first place. Now it was Brandon’s turn to see if he could pass.

Now I know why it’s a Y rank quest


“Hello my name is-“

“Don’t care you won’t be around long enough for it to be worth remembering” Rodo said without picking up his head to look at him

Brandon’s mental picture of self-worth crumbled in his mind. He had never met a man who could instantly destroy a person’s sprit so utterly before. The reasons Rodo words affected him so much escaped him.

I need this quest so to give it your all is the only way

Brandon opened up his skills menu are instead all the 20 points he had from Keira’s escort class into Strength. Power swelled into him as his strength doubled from before. Rodo pointed to the place next to the place next to him so he quickly went over and sat down. It had taken less than a minute for Rodo to make up his mind.

“You don’t focus and your bad get out”

Brandon was so shocked he could not even answer. In the time he started working everything we did was said to be wrong. He got up from the desk and walked out slowly. The Quest scroll appeared again in front of him

A Blacksmiths helper

The Blacksmith Rodo is in need of a helper for his daily work. Convince him either through your skills or abilities or words to take you on

Difficulty: Y Progress: Failed

“Next” Rodo called out to begin the cycle once more

Rodo waited for a moment and called out again with still no answer. Finally he picked his head up to look out to the front of his shop to see it empty besides Brandon looking around.

“Hey you.. ya you, where was the line of boys waiting to try next”

This guy! Brandon’s shock was disappearing and replaced with anger

“I was the last one you idiotic man, if you were not so full of yourself you would have noticed it” he said without emotion

Brandon needed a few seconds to realize what he just said and effect it could have. His eyes grew wide at the real chance those were the last words he would ever say. The two townsmen and boy that liked to watch this daily event of failing attempts also seemed to be in the same mind.

“My god did he really just say that”

“Boy get the guards, tell them if they don’t come quick someone’s going to be killed!”

The boy ran and Brandon fell as all power was lost in his legs as he saw Rodo coming over to him

I can only blame myself

Brandon told himself as he was now towered over, knowing he had no chance when it came to a fight with him. Rodo just looked at him for a moment, his face blank then spoke

“I am sorry” Rodo’s hand reached down seemly to help Brandon up

Brandon hesitated but grabbed his hand and was pulled up, he did not know what to say so he just waited

“You know how annoying it is to want things done one way and people want to do it their way, it’s like every day for me” Rodo explained

Brandon just kept looking at him, unsure about how to act for fear of making the wrong move

“Anyway I think I may have been too hard on you, how about you work under me? It would be nice to have one person longer than a day” Rodo offered

At this point Brandon saw his offer as one he should not refuse and accepted it

A Blacksmiths helper

you manage to complete the quest not by your skills but honestly where others feared to say what was on their minds. By completing the quest in such a way has yielded more experience than it would have normally would have


Difficulty: Y Progress: Completed

Level up

I leveled up by just standing up to him, what kind of monster is he?

As Brandon thought over his choices so he would do different things in the future Rodo went to speak to the guards to convince them he was not going to kill Brandon

Orion walked away from Brandon as he decided to try the blacksmiths quest and started to walk to the inn for a room. He saw two men and a child watching the group of people taking turns trying to complete the quest. Orion decided to ask about it since they would seem to know the most

“Excuse me, how often does he accept help”

The boy looked confused at his question but the man Orion guess was his father answered

“It’s not a question about how long until he finds someone, we bet how long it takes for

everyone to fail” the man laughed and the one beside him agreed

Good luck Brandon

He thanked them for answering his question and proceed to the inn to drop off his things. Orion rented out a double for the entire two weeks. The money given to them alone covered it without touching Keira’s reward for escorting her. Then he proceed to ask the innkeeper about any quest he could do

“All the hunting quest were taken by the recruits of the military so I think inside the town is all I have” He said with a frown

“That’s fine, can you show me the list”

Most of them were basic: clear rats out, help clean. Orion decided upon two

Help Remove Ruined House

The town is in need of laborers to remove blocks of stone of a recently burned down house. It will take the entire rest of the week and experience is given based on how much work is done.

Difficulty: Z Progress: Accepted

Pick up Shipment of Wood from Loggers

One of the local wood workers needs his order of planks picked up and it needs to be delivered by the end of the day

Difficulty: Z Progress: Accepted

Neither quest would give him much but he could at least gain some experience until the recruits left the hunting ground and left for a high level one. Today Orion decided he would just deliver the shipment since it was already a long day. Looking around now gave him a good change to admire the different view of both people and the buildings. After receiving directions he headed out of the inn. When he passed the first block he noticed a homeless man, elderly with not much more in the way of wearing anything. The man noticed him and stuck out his hand without saying anything, his eyes already seemed to have lost hope

Give Change

The homeless man asking for change is in desperate need. There is no penalty to refuse since he will most likely waste the money

Difficulty: Z Progress: Available

Jeez look at him, in rags and looking hopeless

Orion felt like he understand his feeling if only by the slighting amount. Remembering how hopeless Claire made him feel Orion wanted a different outcome this time

“Here it’s one sliver, since I just got it from a quest and already have a place to live I don’t need it so this money would better in your hands”

Using one hand to press the coin to the man’s hand and the other to support the man’s hand Orion smiled to him. He started to try in Orion’s arms

“This is where it gets better, from here you can be happy again”

He could feel the man nodding, for a few minutes they just sat like that. They both stood up, the man’s eyes red from crying then he started to speak slowly

“You have saved my life” a huge smile on his face as he grabbed Orion’s hand

“I just wanted to make a different choice, get going and buy some food and cloths and start your new life” dismissing him

The man thank him again and feebly ran down the alley, Orion just stood there watching his back until he disappeared

Give Change

You have given the Homeless man a relatively large sum of money to help him get back his life on track it is unknown how he will actually use the money. (Hidden) More than just giving him money you have renewed his want to live and because of that discovers just how powerful words can be

Difficulty: Z Progress: Completed

Inspire (Active) basic 1/150 (rare)

The ablity to give people a sense of hope can connive them to try harder than they would normally would have. By giving hope to a man who had given up on life and now looks forward to each day has unlocked the rare variant of this skill. Future ranks of his skill will produce the effect in a larger area and greater effect

+2 Luck

“Yes!” Orion yelled in victory

Just like the man now Orion felt better about his life, he had gained a new skill in just the first day. The feeling of lack of energy was fading and instead he was eager for his next job of the day. Orion walked out of the alley and started to walk down the street to continue where he had left off

A short while later he arrived to the front of the Mill. It was next to the forest but a large indent of the forest showed the progress of the workers as hey cut down the trees. Groups of men were around guarding the mill from bandits and wolfs. They smirked at him since Orion was stuck with this quest since they had taken it

Today’s been a good day and I won’t let them ruin it

Even while thinking that he could not help watching them battle. In the field in front of the town fighting’s with wolfs broke out. Orion envied the experience they were gaining and the skills that were growing. It would take time before he got the chance but when it came he would use it to the fullest. Orion helped load the Wagon and guided it through the gates to the wood workers shop. The shopkeeper greeted him when Orion got there.

“Thank you for delivering the wood this will be a big help but you don’t have to unload them”

“It’s not a problem, today's a good day so I want to help”

With that the two of them unloaded the food in the back of the store where the workshop was. Orion invested a dozen points between endurance and strength to help himself. When they were done the two of them sat in the workshop with a bag of water to cool them down.

“This went much better because you were here so it looks like it was my good day to” smiled the Shopkeeper

Intimacy Increased

The Shopkeeper seemed to think to himself for a moment then spoke up

“Once I make what I am supposed to from this wood there needs to be someone to deliver it and that person should be you, your pay would be increased also so what do you think?”

“I agree it seems like a great opportunity” Orion answered back, glad have the chance to make his money that he gave away

A chain Quest has started

Pick up Shipment of Wood from Loggers

One of the local wood workers needs his order of planks picked up and it needs to be delivered by the end of the day

Difficulty: Z Progress: Completed

Level Up

Wood to the Blacksmith

Tomorrow the work will be down and the shopkeeper has asked you to drop off the completed good to Rodo, the towns Blacksmith. It must be down by the end of that day

Difficulty: Z Progress: Accepted

With a grin Orion happily started his first chain quest. With the promise of a larger then average reward he was ready

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