《The introduction of magic》Good olde Knowledge


[British Library, UK, Earth] - After hours

"Yay, Sir Fluffy take out those evil books!"

Silvey riding Sir fluffy round a corner and came face to face with her grandfather who seems maybe just a little pissed off.

*tap tap*

"Young lady what the hell do you think your doing?!" Shouted old grandpa who seemed to have become 20 years younger than last time we've seen him

"Uhm, well grandpa these books were boring so, I thought they were monsters that ate people's minds." Silvey whispered in response.

"Ugh, no Silvey these books are evil. Maybe a littke boring but definitely not evil." Replied gramps well pinching his nose

"Silvey what level are you now?" Asked the old man

"I dont know grandpa teehee~" answered Silvey trying to act cute so she wouldnt get in more trouble

"Then check" Snapped gramps not buying her bullshit


{Name - Silvey}

{Race - Human}

{Age - 9}

{Level- 79}

{Cuteness ~ 9001}

{Physical strength - 100}

{Mental strength - 195}

{Health - 500/500}

{Mana - 1950/1950}

[Open skill tab?]

[Open title tab?]

[Open magic tab?]

[Open quest tab?]

"It says im level 79 now" answered Silvey

"Hmm, it seems we are needing more and more exp to level up now" contemplated gramps

"Doesn't that mean we just have to hunt bigger ceartures?" Questioned Silvey

"Well, yes normally that would be the case. However the goverment has a very strict regulation on those kinds of dungeons now adays." Answered you know who

"Grandpa you never did explain what a dungeon was did you?"

"Well sweetie, I might not be the best to ask. However I do know a thing or two about them."

"Really?! Like what, afterall the nice audience thats stuck with this terrible story thus far needs to know!"


"Now now Silvey dont insult the author and fix that wall over there."

"Which one?"

"Why the fourth wall."

"Oh! Ok grandpa."

"Well then where were we, ah thats right. Dungeons, a mysterious entitie that spawns randomly and can create monsters but only relative to the area they spawned in. Such as if a Dungeon opened in a forest then by such only forest related monsters will spawn."

"Really grandpa? Then what happens if a dungeon spawns in a forest and the b-i-o-m-e around it changes?"

"Hahaha, I see you did read those books before you destroyed them, well to answer your question, the dungeon then changes to accommodate the new energy."

"Energy? Dungeons use energy?"

"Yes love, but that a topic for another day"

"Are you sure?"

"Im sure, afterall when we're on the road again what else will we talk about?"

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