《The Three Kingdoms》Stand out from the crowd


In addition to leaving the necessary people on sentry duty, the rest of the yellow turban bandits have entered the dreamland on the eerie campfire, a little more rest to recover a point of physical strength, break out of the siege on a hope. Although Ma Yue said easy, but he knows, really want to highlight the siege only afraid not so optimistic.

Even if you can break out of the siege, you still have to have enough physical strength to run away from the official army's siege.

Guan Hai and Pei Yuan Shao is also sleepless, followed by Ma Yue stood on a projecting cliff, overlooking the movement of the official army below the mountain, although the three nostrils smell each other, but almost open eyes, it is the darkest time before dawn. On the opposite side of the hill, the light of the fire is still not extinguished, Ma Yue's eyes have a ghostly awning swept through, said in a deep voice: "There is a change of plan, we can not wait until dawn to break out again, immediately wake up the brothers, immediately down the mountain!

Guan Hai was stunned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ma Yue reached out and pointed to the fire on the opposite hill and said in a deep voice: "The official commander is a very powerful character, you see, there are official eyes on the opposite hill, once the sky is bright, the official eyes on the hill will be able to see our every move, once we make a move, we can immediately report our movement to the official army below the hill, the official army below the hill can concentrate their troops The official army at the bottom of the mountain will be able to concentrate their forces and prepare for the attack in advance."

Pei Yuan Shao lost his voice and said, "This is bad."

Ma Yue said in a gloomy voice: "Now is the darkest time, also is the most fatigue of the official army, we can not play torch, while it is still dark to break out of the mountain!"

Pei Yuan Shao said, "The mountain road is rugged and dangerous, if we don't beat the torch we will easily fall down the mountain stream and get injured."

Ma Yue said, "We can't care about that, tell our brothers to go down the mountain hand in hand to avoid losing their footing."

Guan Hai said, "Bo Qi, this group of official army is not ordinary cunning, we fled all the way from Wancheng to the south, we have suffered a lot from them, will there be an ambush at the bottom of the mountain? Once we fail to break out and fall into a heavy siege, it will be all over."


"No!" Ma Yue said categorically, "The official army must think that we will not break out of the mountain until after dawn!"

Guan Hai said with awe, "Is Bo Qi so sure?"



Ma Yue's eyes showed a wolf-like look, "Because the official army does not know my power yet!"

Ma Yue's unquestionable tone was full of powerful self-confidence, which made Guan Hai and Pei Yuan Shao's hearts and minds stirred, and any difficulties seemed to be solved by Ma Yue, and any dangerous situation, as long as Ma Yue was there, there was still hope for survival. It is from this moment that Ma Yue has established absolute prestige in the hearts of Guan Hai and Pei Yuan Shao.

Is Ma Yue really so confident? Of course not! This guy is just taking a risk, he is gambling. Ma Yue always believes in a truth, born in a chaotic world, life is gambling, gambling lost, anyway, a cheap life, does not matter, gambling won, won everything, that's all.


The official army camp at the bottom of the mountain, the leaders of the volunteer soldiers and Qin Jie also did not sleep all night.

Although the Jing Mountain is a precipitous mountain, but the circle is only a few dozen miles, is a lonely peak. The total number of volunteer soldiers under Qin Jie's command was only 3,000, so there were not enough soldiers to surround the mountain, but it was more than enough to guard the various junctions. What's more, Qin Jie was sure that the Yellow Turban on the mountain had become a bird of prey and would not dare to break out of the mountain before dawn.

The first time Zhu Jun's army arrived after dawn, it was only a matter of time before the remnants of this group of yellow turban soldiers were eliminated.

In the tent, Zou Jing arched his hand to Qin Jie and proposed, "Sir, should we send a few sentries to sneak up the mountain to spy on the bandits?"

"There is no need to do this, I expect the bandits have become a bird of prey, they will not dare to make any rash moves. You can arrange your troops and horses to guard the intersections carefully, so that not a single bandit gets away.

The company's main business is to promote the development of the company's products and services.

The yellow turban bandits on the mountain do not know the reality of the official army, how dare they take advantage of the night to break out of the mountain? In a step back, even if the official army to break out of the mountain, can not blind blind horse roll down the mountain, right? As long as they hit the torch, bang on the mountain of the Wen Ren will be able to find movement, naturally reported to the camp know, the army will be able to set up from the preparation, is, Jing mountain yellow turban thieves can be said to be in a desperate situation, wings can not fly.



On the top of Jing Mountain, several bonfires were lit. Ma Yue asked some Yellow Turban bandits to cut dry grass and tie them into straw men, then put on the clothes of the Yellow Turban bandits, sitting or lying around the fire.

Jing Mountain mountainside, the night is like ink. Ma Yue took the lead, Pei Yuan Shao cut off the rear, Guan Hai in the middle escorting Zou Yu Niang, more than 1000 yellow turban bandits hand in hand like a string of grasshoppers, difficult to feel the rocks down the mountain, during the occasional yellow turban lost their footing, also be pulled around, not to fall into the mountain stream.

Will and down to the foot of the mountain, there is a group of official soldiers sitting around the campfire in front of the intersection, blocking the way. This group of soldiers leaning together, around the fire for warmth, seems to have fallen asleep, but the clothes do not untie, the sword does not leave the hand, once the slightest movement of the wind, can immediately get up to fight.

It seems to be a well-trained elite soldier, Ma Yue's eyebrows knitted in a moment, it seems to bet bad luck.

This group of official army only five people, easy to eliminate, but it is difficult not to alarm another group of official army a hundred paces away, once alarmed the group of official army, about die thousand paces away is the official army camp, if the official army in the camp is also as alert as these guys, a large group of official army in a very short time can kill, then the yellow turban bandits will be in a bitter battle.

Ma Yue does not dare to lead this group of sheep to fight hard with the official army, that is basically no different from suicide.

Ma Yue chose to break out in the direction of the northern foot of Jing Mountain, where is Huang Zhong's defense area. Huang Zhong's martial arts is strong, archery is superb, and familiar with military books, proficient in military law, quite a great general potential! The only drawback may be that he has not led many soldiers, and his experience in the battlefield is a bit insufficient, but the deployment of troops around the mountain is still impeccable, so Ma Yue, a small rookie, is at a loss.

What to do? Once the east is white, the yellow turban bandits who have already descended to the foot of the mountain will be difficult to hide their traces, they must immediately break out of the encirclement, and can no longer Utah.

Damn, just die, let's fight!

Deeply inhaled the cold air, Ma Yue gritted his teeth and stood up, the darkness abruptly sounded his harsh yell: "Brothers, do not entangle with the official soldiers, spread your legs, follow me to the north ...... run wow!"

The words fell, Ma Yue was the first to scamper out, more than a thousand yellow scarves like a shadow, followed closely by the tidal wave of roaming through the five official soldiers guarded the mountain pass, the poor five official soldiers even did not have time to resist, has been shot by Guan Hai three arrows, including an arrow even through three people!

However, the group of government troops a hundred paces away was inevitably startled, and they shouted out in a piteous manner. Soon, the government camp a thousand paces away started to move, and the long and distant bullhorn began to sound, followed by the rousing drumming.

At this time, the first rays of dawn happened to break through the shroud of darkness, sprinkled on the northern foot of Jing Mountain, the snow-capped surface, a wave of yellow fury is raging towards the back.


Qin Jie's camp.

The sound of drums was heard, everyone was astonished, Qin Jie even sternly shouted: "Where is the sound of drums?"

Huang Zhong listened sideways for a moment, his face changed greatly and said, "Your Excellency, the Yellow Turban bandits are breaking out from the last general's defense area!"

"This can't be!" Qin Jie was shocked and said, "If the Yellow Turban bandits break out, there must be news from Wen Hui on Banyan Mountain."

Cai Mao's expression moved and said, "Could it be that the soldiers are drunk and causing trouble?"

Huang Zhong's face was cold, and he responded, "The camp is so miserable that there is no wine, so why is it drunk?"

Cai Mao looked stiff and sarcastically turned his face away.

Huang Zhong arched his hand to Qin Jie and said in a deep voice, "Lord Qin, the last general will return to the camp to find out what happened."

Qin Jie waved his hand and said, "Go quickly, if it is the Yellow Turban bandits who broke out of the siege, I will personally come with my army."

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