《The Three Kingdoms》Fell Into Trap


Guan Hai desperately killed through the siege, and Pei Yuan Shao escorted Liu Yan fled, followed by a group of defeated soldiers, and do not know how many people left, only know that all the way south.

Under the cold moonlight, I don't know how long I ran, but I suddenly saw a large desolate river bank next to me, with a haunting silence, a shadow swept over Guan Hai's heart, and asked the soldiers around him, "Where is it so desolate over there?"

A yellow turban bandit of local origin boldly replied, "General, that is the old river ditch."

"Old River Ditch?"

Guan Hai mused, suddenly feeling a hint of danger.


Guan Hai's voice fell, the old river ditch suddenly sounded a deep horn, then the fire light rushed to the sky, I do not know how many official troops from the river bank ghost-like burst out, shouting to kill the yellow turban remnants, the fire light shines, the official army's blades flashing cold cold awning, the yellow turban thieves heart and guts cold.

"Not good, the official army ambush!" Guan Hai was shocked and said in a stern voice, "Quick, retreat southward, get rid of them!"

In the darkness, I do not know how many official troops there are, plus the yellow turban bandits have lost courage, Guan Hai naturally do not dare to meet the battle, the first horse to flee, the main general has left, terrified of the yellow turban bandits remnants of fear that their parents have two legs less, scrambling to follow Guan Hai to the south to escape.

Fleeing south less than 20 miles, I saw a lonely mountain range blocking the way, Guan Hai was about to go around and pass, left and right at the same time, shouting and killing sounds, can be seen left and right each have an official army with torches, covering the mountains, like two flying fire dragon, will Guan Hai and Pei Yuan Shao's Yellow Turban remnants stuck in the middle of dead.

Guan Hai was horrified, and Pei Yuan Shao couldn't help but lament, "How many ambushers did the damned government troops lay? If only Bo Qi were here, sigh."

Guan Hai said, "What's the use of talking such nonsense now, there are government troops on the left, right and behind, but not on the hill in front of us, it's urgent to get over the hill and escape."

Pei Yuan Shao said, "Now, this is the only way."

At that time the two abandoned their mounts, each led the remnants of the troops up the mountain, ready to escape over the mountain, will be climbing to the half of the mountain, not far away from another mountain top suddenly lit up a sky-rocketing fire, the fire is fierce, the terrain is high, for dozens of miles can be clearly seen. When Guan Hai and Pei Yuan Shao were wondering, a shouting sound suddenly came from the other side of the mountain beam, the sound was very strong and resounded through the clouds.


In the darkness, Guan Hai and Pei Yuan Shao exchanged a look, both saw panic and fear in each other's eyes, the two scrambled to climb the beam first, and looked down the mountain immediately dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded. Only to see the south of the foot of the mountain, *** bright, as bright as day, dancing and leaping fire, a huge official army is coming from the south like a tidal wave, can block the Yellow Turban remnants of the way down the mountain to escape.

Looking back north, from the old river ditch has been chased down the official army has broken the back road, from the left and right sides of the ambush troops to kill over and cut off the east and west of the road, so far, the whole mountain range has been surrounded by the official army, in addition to waiting for death, the Yellow Turban remnants have no other choice.

"Damn bear, fell into the official army's treacherous plan!" Guan Hai pounded his chest, remorseful, "I should have known better than to fight with the official army at the bottom of the mountain."

Pei Yuan Shao sighed and said helplessly, "The mountain road is difficult to travel in the dark, forgiving the official army also dare not rashly attack the mountain, everything or wait until after dawn."


When Cai Mao led the 1,500 official troops to kill and run over, Guan Hai and Pei Yuan Shao were standing on the top of the mountain and making a fool of themselves, Ma Yue was carrying Zou Yu Niang and climbing hard to the halfway point of the south slope. Ma Yue did not know that the sudden appearance of the official army is rushing to Guan Hai and them, but also when it comes to him Ma Yue, the heart of that shock, like being splashed with a large jar of cold water, cold wow wow wow.

***, is not to catch a fugitive, there is a need for such a big battle? This is not a cannon hitting mosquitoes it?

But this way, Ma Yue is more reluctant to leave Zou Yu Niang, as the saying goes, the strange goods can live, this little girl can move so many official troops to chase him, obviously the identity is not trivial, is it a big official in Jingzhou territory honey or daughter? Anyway, no matter what, whether or not to live, can all depend on her.

In the absence of completely get rid of the official army, before escaping to the safety of the territory, must not let her go.


Ma Yue looked at Zou Yu Niang, under the hazy night, found her eyebrows lightly knitted, seems to be very hard to endure what, but the delicate and shy look is very cute, especially because her hands and feet are tied together, is now lying on the snow in a humiliating position, high pouting buttocks curve full, very provocative.

Seems to have felt Ma Yue's hot eyes, Zou Yu Niang pink face that hard expression became more and more obvious.

Poor Zou Yuniang, is desperately trying to endure the increasingly strong desire to urinate, the small abdomen rose unbearably, but she did not dare to ask for help from the "villain" in front of her.

Let him let go of her restraints, which is obviously not possible.

The actual fact is that you'll be able to get a lot more than just a few of these. Zou Yu Niang neither willing nor dare, she is not willing to own a pure and innocent body by this "villain" to see, and if this guy again, then her innocence is very difficult to keep. Although the two Han dynasties, the three countries of the period of enlightenment, the concept of chastity is far from formed, but Zou Yu Niang also do not want to become a broken flower to marry again.

The rest of the moment, Ma Yue's strength to recover some, is about to carry Zou Yu Niang continue to climb the mountain, a subtle sound suddenly came into his ears. Ma Yue suddenly turned his head, steel sword has come to hand, gaze grimly glared not far from the pile of rocks in the bushes, a deep voice shouted: "Who? Come out!"

The grass behind the pile of rocks shook a little, and a big man stood up like a ghost and asked tentatively, "Is it Ma Yue Ma Boqi in front?"

This big man is no other than Pei Yuan Shao who came down to the mountainside to spy on the official army.

Ma Yue's heart trembled, suddenly felt that the voice sounded familiar, under the hazy night, a careful defense, then found that the big man who came out of the pile of rocks was Pei Yuan Shao, could not help but happy: "Yuan Shao is you!

"Bo Qi, is it really you!?" Hearing Ma Yue's answer, Pei Yuan Shao took three steps and two strides and excitedly walked to Ma Yue, stared straight at him for a few seconds and suddenly cried with joy, "It's really you! Great, we are saved, our brothers are finally saved, ho ho ho ......"

The battle of White Dragon Beach, not only the official army has a deep impression of Ma Yue, the surviving Yellow Turban bandits have a great respect for Ma Yue, plus the aura of "after the famous general" cloaked in Ma Yue, reckless heroes like Pei Yuan Shao is naturally admired, cited as the savior of the Yellow Turban Army.

Ma Yue asked, "What's wrong, Yuan Shao?"

Pei Yuan Shao said, "It's over, it's all over! The Yellow Turban Army in Nanyang, more than 200,000 men, all finished! Han Zhong betrayed us, and all of them were killed in battle, only less than 1,000 of us escaped, and now we are besieged by the official army in the wilderness. ......"

Ma Yue's heart jumped, gloomy and sad. Although the failure of the Yellow Turban uprising was expected, but suddenly heard the news, or inevitably some sadness, after all, he stayed in the Yellow Turban bandits for more than a month, people are not grass can not be desperate and sexless?

Seeing Pei Yuan Shao this eight-foot tall man crying like a child, Ma Yue can only pat his shoulders, a word of comfort can not be said.

Pei Yuan Shao quickly stopped his sorrow and asked Ma Yue, "Bo Qi, how come you are here again? Where are Chen Dang and Chen Le?"

Ma Yue spread his hands and sighed, "Forget about it, the Chen brothers fell in Yuyang County, I'm afraid they are in grave danger, I almost buried my life there too."

Pei Yuan Shao was shocked, "You were recognized by the official army?"

Ma Yue said with a bitter smile, "Not only is it detected, but I am now a wanted criminal in the world, and all the counties in the thirteen states and one part of the Han Dynasty are afraid that my wanted list has been posted."

"Uh ...... this." Pei Yuan Shao froze for half a day, suddenly blinked and said carefully, "In that case, Bo Qi you might as well simply stay, the brothers need you."

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