《The Three Kingdoms》storm nears


The story goes that Liu Pei ordered all the 500 swordsmen and shields, and went out of the camp in anger to chase after Ma Yue, but just before he reached the yamen, he met his general Du Yuan, who asked, "General, I don't know where you are going, but you are taking advantage of the night to order troops?"

Liu Pei said, "Ma Yue is insensitive, so I will go after him and bring him back."

Du Yuan was stunned and said, "Bo Qi was invited by Guan Hai to Zhao Hong's camp west of the city, don't you know?"

Liu Pei became more and more angry and said, "What! Ma Yue has gone to Zhao Hong? I swear to kill him."

Liu Yan's eyebrows knitted in disbelief and said, "Has Brother Du seen it with his own eyes?"

Du Yuan replied, "How can this be false?"

Liu Pei said, "Du Yuan, you quickly go to contact Marshal Gong and Marshal Sun to ask them to join forces with me and attack Zhao Hong's camp in the west of the city at night, so that we can kill Zhao Hong and Ma Yue's son."

In his anger, the old grudge with Zhao Hong, plus the new hatred of Ma Yue's defection all came up, and Liu Pei, who was already reckless, immediately lost his mind, not remembering that he had sworn to Zhang Mancheng at the banquet in Wancheng not long ago that he would discard his former grudge with Zhao Hong.

Du Yuan said, "The last general will take orders."

Liu Yan looked at the dark night sky and said to Liu Pei, "Brother, I don't believe that Ma Yue will go to Zhao Hong, is Brother Du Yuan wrong?"

Liu Pei said impatiently, "Don't talk too much, you will see if you are wrong or not when you break Zhao Hong's camp."

Liu Yan sighed softly and said nothing more.

Liu Yi did not wait for Gong Du and Sun Xia's troops to come together, and led the army to kill Zhao Hong's camp to the west of the city.


The hall of the Wancheng Imperial Guard House, Liu Pei has not returned for a long time, Zhang Mancheng is waiting impatiently, from outside the hall hurriedly into a yellow turban general, went to Zhao Hong's side and came up to his ear and said a few words.

Zhao Hong's face changed dramatically when he heard it, and he got up from his seat and said to Zhang Mancheng with a sobbing face, "Marshal, Liu Pei's heart is not good, he promised to reconcile on the surface, but secretly he has mobilized Gong Du and Sun Xia's men to attack my camp in the west of the city."


Zhang Mancheng lost his voice and said, "What? So Liu Pei's visit to Ma Yue was a lie, but the sneak attack on the west camp was real?"

Zhao Hong said urgently, "Marshal must do something for Hong!"

Zhang Mancheng said in anger, "How dare Liu Pei's son do that? Come on, order all the 2,000 elite soldiers, all the generals follow me to the west camp, I want to see what this Liu Pei really wants."

Gong Du and Sun Xia stood up from their seats dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their ears, what time is it now, Liu Pei is still so brainless? What's worse, this guy even mobilized his own subordinates, this is now is afraid to jump into the yellow river can not be washed.

In the corner, only Han Zhong's eyes abruptly swept a trace of strange grimness.


North of the city camp, Zhang Mancheng cousin Zhang Xian led 100,000 yellow scarves stationed here.

This Zhang Mancheng still has a little military acumen, know the army will all cantonment in Wancheng, not only will not help to defend the city, will also give the official army to leave the opportunity to surround on all sides, so the main force stationed in the north of the city, and Wancheng each other as a horns of the situation, but also quite the essence of the art of war.

Before Zhang Mancheng rose, Zhang Xian was just an ordinary mountain hunter, in addition to the strength, the biggest world he had seen in his life was only to spend 200 yuan to the county town to screw the kilns. But in Zhang Mancheng after the army, Zhang Xian by virtue of the blood relationship with his cousin, in just a few months time the status of the rapid rise, and now under the command of 100,000 troops.

Zhang Mancheng nepotism, but committed the great taboo of the military.

Zhang Xian is not only a straw man but also greedy and lustful, and tonight the wife of a general under his command was forcibly taken into the camp to drink and have fun, and was having fun when a general suddenly broke into the camp. Zhang Xian was furious and was about to reprimand when he realized that this person looked familiar, and on closer inspection he turned out to be the beloved general of his party brother Zhang Mancheng.

When Zhang Xian was embarrassed, the general had already said in a feverish manner: "Second governor, it's not good, when the grand governor went to the west camp to mediate the dispute between Liu Pei and Zhao Hong, he was suddenly attacked by Liu Pei's rebel army, now the grand governor is trapped in Zhao Hong's camp, the situation is very critical, General Zhou Cang is leading his army to fight to the death, I hope the second governor will quickly send troops to rescue. "


Zhang Xian was shocked to hear that Zhang Mancheng was attacked by someone in danger, this is still possible? This shock soft jade fragrance of the woman's body instantly lost its appeal, immediately popped up, stern voice roared: "Someone, quickly with me to order all the troops."


The first thing to mention is that Zhang Xian only left a small number of old and weak remnants to guard the camp, and he himself ordered 100,000 troops to kill the west of the city to rescue Zhang Mancheng, turn back to the west of the city Zhao Hong camp, at this moment has been a fire, the sound of killing, all the yellow scarves attack each other, frantically attacking the possible enemies around, has become a pot of porridge.

Liu Pei, who was in the bureau, did not know what was going on.

At about midnight, he led the Yellow Turbans to the west of the city under the cover of the night, and Gong Du and Sun Xia, who had contacted him in advance, had not yet arrived, and at this time, the west gate of Wancheng suddenly opened wide, and a group of yellow turbans with distinctive armor appeared from the city, and came towards the west camp in a big way.

Because all the yellow scarves including Liu Pei himself have people stationed in the city and outside the city, not from the city must be Zhang Mancheng's army.

Liu Pei was surprised, the team has approached the west camp, close, Liu Pei found that it is really Zhang Mancheng's army, the first ride is Zhang Mancheng himself. At this time, the sound of killing suddenly rose in all directions, countless people killed from the darkness, Zhang Mancheng's army surrounded in the center of the darkness to kill up.

In the darkness, there was a crazy shout: "By the order of General Liu Pei, the Grand Viceroy, whoever kills the traitor Zhang Mancheng and Zhao Hong will be rewarded with a thousand gold!"

Liu Pei almost fell off his horse with this shock, what the hell is going on here? It looked like Gong Du and Sun Xia's men and horses were the ones who started the attack, but who taught them to shout like this? Du Yuan, this idiot, how on earth did he contact? This time, he really got us killed.

The besieged Zhang Mancheng was thunderstruck, this Liu Pei is really bold, what is he trying to do? He wants to usurp the position of the chief of the Yellow Turban in Nanyang? He is not dead yet, and can't wait to appoint himself as the great viceroy, can't stand it! In the darkness, there was no way to know how many men Liu Pei had contacted Gong Du and Sun Xia, but only that the attack of Liu Pei's men was very fierce.

General Zhou Cang said urgently, "Commander, the situation is very unfavorable, the way back to Wancheng has been completely blocked, why don't we go to the camp west of the city for a while?"

Zhang Mancheng roared, "Since we can't enter the city, then we should retreat to the camp north of the city?"

Zhou Cang frowned and said, "It's a long way around the north of the city, and the darkness is not good for marching, so I'm afraid there will be accidents."

Zhang Mancheng said, "Then ...... send someone to the camp north of the city for help at once!"

Zhou Cang answered: "The last general has already sent someone to go."

Zhang Mancheng said, "Then good, first to the west of the city Zhao Hong camp for the time being, but first Zhao Hong, Han Zhong, Gong Du and Sun Xia are arrested, at this juncture, no one can be trusted!"


The forest road from Wancheng to Yuyang, Ma Yue is leading the Chen brothers hurriedly, although some suspicious formations were set up along the way, but whether it will work, Ma Yue heart is not bottom. But what is certain is that once Liu Pei knows he is leaving, he will definitely lead the crowd to chase after him, and if he catches up with him, I am afraid it will be bad luck.

The young Chen Le sat down on his buttocks and gasped, "Brother, big brother, I really can't walk anymore, how about exhaustion?"

Ma Yue said in a deep voice: "We can't be exhausted, we must get to Yuyang before dawn! Come, big brother will carry you."

Ma Yue had just squatted down when Chen Dang suddenly pointed to the sky in the north and shouted, "Brother, look, fire!"

Ma Yue's heart sank, Liu Pei has caught up so soon! He turned around and was relieved to see that the northeast corner was on fire, reflecting half of the sky in red, which obviously could not be the torches of the pursuers. Look at the direction that should be Wancheng, it is estimated that something happened, most likely encountered the official army sneak attack.

But now, the Yellow Turban has nothing to do with him Ma Yue, right?

Ma Yue carried Chen Le, patted Chen dare's shoulder again, and said in a deep voice: "Don't look, go."

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