《The Three Kingdoms》A Narrow Escape


The tidal wave of Xiliang cavalry line with strong inertia ruthlessly crashed into the yellow turban bandit line, and suddenly blossomed into a bright wave, human bodies were thrown flying, war horses were saddened, the cold glow of the blades confused the dark sky, the red blood stained the cold beach, at this moment, life is humble and even worse than wild dogs.


Ma Yue's cold steel sword swept through the neck of the Xilian cavalryman, blood splashed and his head flew up. The pain like tearing came from the left shoulder, Ma Yue immediately felt that the left half of his body has been numb, this hard hit actually cracked the sword wound that has not yet fully healed.

One slash killed the Xilian cavalryman, Ma Yue could not catch his breath before another Xilian iron cavalryman came whistling, and his heavy horse-slashing sword cut across his throat.


Ma Yue's steel sword and the Xilian cavalryman's saber once again came to a deadly blow, the Xilian cavalryman's saber was swung away, and Ma Yue was also shaken off his horse by the huge recoil force, anyway, it was the first time in Ma Yue's life that he rode a horse, and under such a violent impact, he could no longer hold the horse's belly with his legs.

In those days, stirrups did not exist at all, and cavalrymen could only rely on their legs to clench the belly of the horse in battle.

Ma Yue rolled over and fell off his horse as another Xilian cavalryman galloped up, his huge hoof was already stomping down on his face, Ma Yue let out a wolf's howl and leaped forward to avoid the fatal stomp, the huge hoof was only a stone's throw away from his body, if he had moved a little slower, his chest would have been stepped on with a bowl-sized bloody hole.

Ma Yue rolled over and climbed up, and saw no more Xilian cavalry in front of him, only the rising yellow dust that covered the feeble sun, and looked back in amazement, the yellow scarves behind him were tumbling and killing, and the fierce Xilian iron cavalry was like a thousand tough hornets breaking into the nest of hundreds of millions of marching ants, and had been drowned in the sea of yellow scarves... ...

The Xilian Iron Riders showed amazing killing power, a large number of Yellow Turban bandits were pierced by sharp spears, cut in two by sharp sabers, their heads were crushed by the iron hooves of running hooves, their blood stained the whole White Dragon Beach, but the Xilian Iron Riders were never able to break the Yellow Turban bandits' soldiers' formation, because the Yellow Turban bandits' formation was too dense.

Countless yellow turban bandits fell to the ground and died, but more yellow turban bandits howled and pounced, not because they were brave, not because they ignored the fear of death, but because they had no way to retreat, either way they were going to die, why not fight with the official army to break the net? At this moment, they are no longer the peasants who took up arms, but a desperate man who is still fighting for his life.


The cold wind is blowing more and more sharply, the remaining sun has been covered by dark clouds, the sky does not know when the cold snowflakes, the earth is dull.

The fierce Xiliang iron cavalry brought dozens of times more casualties to the Yellow Turban Bandits, but they themselves were eventually bitten by the endless Yellow Turban Bandits like ants.

Dong Zhuo, under the protection of the Xilian primus Huaxiong and Xu Rong, killed a bloody path from the ant swarm and withdrew from the battlefield in the dust, with less than 500 riders still following, and most of them were sleepy and seriously wounded.


On the White Dragon Beach, the Yellow Turban bandits were in formation.

Ma Yue wiped away the blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, inhaled a deep breath of cold air, and once again raised his arms and roared: "Ow~~"


Thousands of yellow turban bandits madly responded, forgetting to howl, this time, the yellow turban bandits still able to get up from the pile of the dead reduced by nearly half, but these people who survived have become different from before, the killing intent in their eyes more intense, the iron-clad fact in front of them, as long as they dare to play with their lives, the official army of the Han Dynasty - not unbeatable! Defeat!

Ma Yue stood proudly in front of the line with his sword pillar, the inexplicable breath rolled in his chest, the morale of the official army has been deflated, the Yellow Turban morale is in full swing, if Zhu Jun chooses to fight a duel at this time, even if he can eventually win, I'm afraid that the 5,000 elite northern troops under his command will be left with few.

He is the last famous general of the Han Dynasty, will he choose to die with the Yellow Turban bandits?


The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market. All of you, remember this man, if you don't get rid of him, he will one day become a big problem for the Han court."

Dong Zhuo looked chagrined and his eyes showed both jealousy and hatred, while Sun Jian and Liu Bei looked astonished and stared deeply at the majestic figure in front of the enemy line in the distance, it was not easy to get such an evaluation from Zhu Jun, even if he was an enemy.

Zhu Jun extremely reluctantly to the direction of the White Dragon Beach took a last look, said in a deep voice: "the momentum of the thieves has become plus the sky is late, it is not appropriate to fight again today, pass the order ...... to withdraw!"


In the sound of the trumpet, the official army began to slowly retreat, when a cherry red fringe disappeared on the horizon, Ma Yue could not hold on any longer, legs a soft to the ground kneeling dust, a huge celebration in his heart reverberated, what is called nine lives of death? This is called nine lives of death!


Did not die under the official army's bow and arrow, nor under the iron hoof of the Xilang iron cavalry, he survived!

Pei Yuan Shao pounced like a wolf ready to give Ma Yue a bear hug, but unexpectedly stepped on his feet and fell down like a dog in front of Ma Yue, this steel-like man could not help but cry with joy, roared: "The official army retreated! He **** the official army retreated, we won, won!"

"We won!"


First a few hundred yellow turban bandits followed and cheered, then more and more yellow turban bandits joined in the cheering, in the end the entire White Dragon Beach, all the yellow turban bandits began to cheer, the great joy of rebirth after the robbery made these peasants tearful and forgetful, embracing together and cheering.

Among the frenzied yellow turban bandits, Liu Pei looked complicated and said to Du Yuan beside him, "Bo Qi is worthy of being a famous family, quite like the legacy of Ma Fubo."

Du Yuan's eyes have a ghostly awning flickered, coldly and quietly said: "After this battle, Ma Boqi in the army's prestige will probably overshadow your marshal ah, in time, I am afraid that the three army soldiers only follow Ma Yue's orders, but not to serve the marshal's command which."

Liu Pei look gloomy, two thick eyebrows have been knitted, look to Ma Yue's gaze became more and more complex.


The two groups of yellow turban bandits Zhao Hong and Liu Pei suffered heavy casualties, when they first started to infight, the two armies together had nearly 100,000 people, but when they came to Wancheng to join Zhang Mancheng, all of them together were less than 30,000, which had escaped, were killed, surrendered by the official army lord, also died in infighting, more died in the battle of White Dragon Beach, just Dong Zhuo's Xiliang iron cavalry. The Yellow Turban bandits were killed and wounded at least 10,000.

On the other hand, in addition to Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Iron Cavalry, there were almost no casualties in other units.


The night is late, Wancheng Taishoufu *** bright, Nanyang Yellow Turban leader Zhang Mancheng is hosting a banquet to entertain all the big and small leaders, both to celebrate the repulse of the official army, but also for Zhao Hong and Liu Pei two reconciliation, the banquet is already a harmonious, prosperous flowers, but secretly but still hooked up, the tide is raging.

Hearing about Ma Yue's brave performance at the White Dragon Beach, Zhang Mancheng shrugged and said, "I didn't think there would be such a heroic figure in my Nanyang Yellow Turban Army, come and meet him!

Liu Pei got up from his seat and said to Zhang Mancheng, "Commander, I will go and call him."


South of Wancheng City, Liu Pei's army camp, Ma Yue was packing his clothes.

In the battle of White Dragon Beach, he saved Liu Pei's life and saved almost the entire Nanyang Yellow Turbans! Now, he no longer owes Liu Pei a favor, and can finally leave with a clear conscience. Now is indeed the time to leave, follow Liu Pei this straw man, only with the yellow turban bandits to perish.

To survive in the chaotic world of the late Han Dynasty, you better not have too much to do with the Yellow Turban Bandits, which belong to the era of the landlords and powerful, the families and gatekeepers, when the rebels are no way to live! The best choice is, of course, like Cao Cao as a powerful warlord, or at least, to find a rather strong warlord to follow.

So, when the opportunity to clear the relationship with the Yellow Turban was presented to Ma Yue, he did not hesitate to choose to leave!

"Big brother, do we really have to leave?" Chen dared to look at Ma Yue suspiciously, "What about sister Yan? Don't we take her with us?"

Although Chen Dang was underage, he already knew about the ambiguous feelings between Liu Yan and Ma Yue.

"That's not what you should care about, take your brother and don't get lost on the way!"

Ma Yue gaze indifferent, he is not the King of Western Chu, so he is not qualified to children's love! What's more, he couldn't talk about any feelings for Liu Yan. Now his only concern is to hurry up and leave Liu Pei's camp, clear all relations with the Yellow Turban bandits, and then find a safe place to settle Chen Dang's brothers and complete Chen Xue's last orders.

After doing these two things, Ma Yue has time and mood to think of ways to make himself comfortable and nourished, he is not used to owe people favors, it is like not paying back a debt.

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