《The Three Kingdoms》Save The Storm


The official army pressed in, and the yellow turban bandits fled without even decent resistance. Zhao Hong's men and Liu Pei's men were crowded together, running towards Wancheng in the south, and the enemies who were just fighting to the death were now brothers in distress fighting for their lives.

Thirty miles south of Xi'e, Dong Zhuo's Xiliang iron cavalry had already defeated Zhou Cang's 5,000 Yellow Turbans. After defeating Zhou Cang, Dong Zhuo, who had always been a murderous man, did not chase after them this time, but quickly gathered his troops and re-formed them, and the army was once again arranged in a neat riding formation to the north.

To the east and west of Xi'e, there was an elite official army advancing southward, forming an angle with Zhu Jun's army in the center, firmly locking up the gap between the Yellow Turban bandits fleeing eastward and westward. The battle-hardened Zhu Jun has opened his pockets, like a lion with blood-dripping fangs, waiting for the ignorant Yellow Turban bandits to burrow into the trap.

The yellow turban bandits, like a headless fly, dug into the trap set by the official army.

From Xi'e to the south more than 10 miles, the White River turns a bay here, the locals call it the White Dragon Beach, when the Yellow Turban routed soldiers fled to the White Dragon Beach, the official army finally completed the siege.

The Xilian Primus Dong Zhuo's iron cavalry blocked the road to the south, Zhu Jun's army chased them from the north, and the paramilitary lieutenant Cao Cao led 500 elite soldiers to the west, making soldiers drag dry firewood back and forth on the ground, raising floating dust as a suspicious formation, the Yellow Turban routed soldiers who were already cold-hearted did not know the reality and did not dare to break out to the west.

The eastern side of the official soldiers seem to be the weakest and the easiest to break out, but there is a white river in between, the folded lieutenant Yuan Shao rate 500 elite soldiers in the opposite bank of the white river lined up, waiting in strict formation. Hundreds of yellow turban bandits howled and jumped into the White River, trying to swim across the opposite bank to escape, but they were either frozen to death or shot by the official army on the opposite bank in the river.

Countless yellow turban bandits crowded on the narrow White Dragon Beach, terrified of what to do, it seems, they have no other way out but to wait to be slaughtered by the official soldiers.

Seeing that the Yellow Turban Bandits were already in a desperate situation and there was no way to escape, Zhu Jun ordered the government troops to stop the pursuit and take up positions at a distance of 1,000 paces from the White Dragon Beach (in ancient times, the distance between the left and right foot is one step, about 1.5 meters), and ordered to rest on the spot.


The full force of the chase just now caused great casualties to the Yellow Turban bandits at the same time, but also greatly depleted the physical strength and vigor of the official army, this time a drum to kill into the enemy line, may be able to wipe out the Yellow Turban bandits, but after the decline in physical strength, the casualties of the official army will greatly increase, as the commander-in-chief, Zhu Jun does not want such a thing to happen.

The soldiers are his life, he has to be responsible for every soldier who follows him in battle, this is Zhu Jun's usual style of leading soldiers.


The yellow turban bandits are in formation.

The government's suspension of the attack was not for the best of intentions, the temporary rest was just to regain strength to better slaughter the Yellow Turban Bandits later.

The poor yellow turban bandits are still in a mess on the river bank, you squeeze me, I squeeze you, from time to time the unlucky weak are squeezed off the White River, suffering from the disaster, no commander out to boost morale, nor military generals out to reorganize the team, everything has been disordered, no rules to speak of, in essence, these yellow turban bandits are just a group of peasants who took up arms.

In less than half an hour, when the official army has recovered its strength, the end of these poor yellow turban bandits will come, they will witness the rise of a chaotic lord with their own heads and blood.

Look up at the gloomy sky, the heavy dark clouds weighing down people can not breathe, Ma Yue's mouth corner of a faint bitter smile, this is the chaotic world ah, the yellow turban bandits defeat came faster than he imagined, he did not even have time to change his fate with two thousand years of wisdom, the yellow turban bandits have collapsed.

The company of these ignorant yellow turban bandits into a cup of yellow earth? Ma Yue is not willing, although it is said that human life is as cheap as ants in the chaotic world, but he does not want to die in such a mess! After taking a deep breath of cold air, Ma Yue put his heavy steel sword on his shoulder and walked out of the crowd to the front of the White Dragon Beach, then looked back and saw that the narrow White Dragon Beach was crowded with people, and there were at least 50,000 people.

Ma Yue picked up an unowned steel knife from the ground, and chopped on the back of his own steel knife, and the two knives met with a clear sound of gold and iron, which instantly attracted the attention of hundreds of yellow turban bandits who wanted to resist, and these yellow turban bandits turned their heads to Ma Yue, and their eyes were not only frightened, but also puzzled.


When he met the fearful eyes of hundreds of yellow turban bandits, Ma Yue's expression was astonishing and he said aloud: "From your helpless and desperate eyes, I can see the fear of death! Like you, I am also afraid of death. Maybe one day we will fall into the arms of death, into that cold endless darkness, but I want to tell you that it will never be today!"

Hundreds of yellow turban thieves showed a listening look, since joining the Yellow Turban, no one had ever spoken to them like this, their calm performance attracted the attention of the yellow turban thieves around them, so more of them joined the ranks of the listeners.

"Maybe one day we will be forced to jump into the cold river and be shot as hedgehogs by the official troops on the shore as arrows, but I want to tell you that it will never be today!"

"Maybe one day we will be beheaded by the ferocious official army and hanged high on the city walls for public display, but I want to tell you, that will never be today!"


More Yellow Turbans noticed the abnormality over here, they gradually stopped clamoring, stopped crowding, quieted down, calmed down, and began to listen to Ma Yue's speech in silence. In less than ten minutes, Ma Yue managed to attract the attention of all the Yellow Turban thieves, and the commotion on the White Dragon Beach finally subsided, at least at this moment, all the Yellow Turban thieves were listening attentively to Ma Yue's speech.

In front of the official army, Zhu Jun, with a look of astonishment, looked around and asked, "What's going on? The commotion of the bandit soldiers seems to have subsided."

Liu Bei spurred his horse forward and said to Zhu Jun, "General, it seems that someone is shouting in front of the line to boost the morale of the bandits."

Zhu Jun's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth had already spread a cold smile, saying in a deep voice: "Interesting, let's see what else he can do."

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.


Seeing that it has attracted the attention of all the yellow turban bandits, Ma Yue turned over and rode onto a masterless war horse, raised his arms and shouted: "The White River is ahead, we have no way back! Surrendering is death, throwing ourselves into the river is also death, both are a death, why don't we fight with the official army to the end!

Pei Yuan Shao walked away from the crowd to the front of the team, his face was as red as the evening sun, and his eyes showed a heart-palpitating killing machine, and when Ma Yue's words fell this guy had already raised his arms and shouted: "Fight to the end!

"Blood battle to the end!"

The big black-faced man, Guan Hai, who did not know when he also came to the front of the team, followed Pei Yuan Shao and shouted.

"Blood battle to the end!"

More and more yellow turban bandits followed, then more and more yellow turban bandits began to join the ranks of shouting, to the end almost all the yellow turban bandits began to shout wildly, desperate, frustrated emotions once found a venting breakthrough, the collapse of the energy is undoubtedly quite amazing.


Ma Yue turned his horse and waved his steel sword towards the official army's home front to the north, shouting at the top of his voice.


Pei Yuan Shao, Guan Hai, more yellow scarves follow suit, following Ma Yue's example will hold their weapons high to the sky, waving madly, madly na, arrogantly ...... tens of thousands of people gathered together shouting and roaring, its potential like the sky and the earth, far away from a thousand paces of the official army were shocked eardrums vaguely painful.


The official army in front of the formation, Sun Jian slightly changed, the yellow turban bandits sudden change some out of his expectation, this is still he is familiar with the yellow turban bandits? The yellow turban bandits may not perform better than the yellow turban bandits when they are facing such a desperate situation.

Zhu Jun's eyes also swept a trace of color, the corner of the mouth of the icy smile is even more thick, said: "really more and more interesting, there are such characters among the bandit soldiers, this is the opponent can be a battle ah! If they are all just some dogs, then this battle is too boring, hum."

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