《The Three Kingdoms》Defeating Guanhai


"Break the camp door, the chicken and dogs will not be left!"

Guan Hai raised his arms and whistled, and the soldiers behind him responded with three calls, the sound wave was like a sharp sword stabbing the air, rushing up the night, and all the yellow scarves in the camp were as pale as dirt, their bodies were like sieve chaff.

Ma Yue's gaze fell on Guan Hai like a knife, only to see that this guy is as strong as a pagoda, the height of two meters, in the cold winter months only wear a thin linen clothes, thick neck is full of explosive strength, as if with a knife can not be cut.

Guan Hai's crotch mount is also considered a healthy horse, but carrying such a heavyweight man as Guan Hai is a bit of a strain.

Ma Yue looked around and found that the Liu Pei yellow turban thieves in the camp had lost their courage, if you let Guan Hai's men and horses into the camp, it is undoubtedly a tiger into a flock of sheep, Liu Pei yellow turban will have no power to fight, the final fate can only be slaughtered. To save the fate of the Liu Pei Yellow Turbans, there is only one chance, and that is to defeat Guan Hai!

This is almost an impossible task, but Ma Yue wants to gamble! Born in a chaotic world, in addition to being ruthless, but also bold enough!

Ma Yue took a deep breath of cold air and said to the yellow turban bandits who were shivering behind the yamen, "Open the door, I will fight Guan Hai."

The yellow scarves guarding the door cast a shocked look at Ma Yue, seemingly some can't believe their ears, and asked in a eating voice: "What did you ...... say?"

Ma Yue tightened the steel sword in his hand and said blandly, "Open the door, I'll go to war with Guan Hai."

The yellow turban guarding the door shook his head with incomparable fear and said, "No, you can't go, you will die, no one is a match for that devil Guan Hai!"


With a flash of cold light, the sharp steel sword was already on the neck of the yellow gatekeeper, and Ma Yue said word for word: "Open the - door - open the - door! "

The yellow scarves guarding the door were instantly silenced.

"What's going on? What are you arguing about?"

At this time, a low and majestic voice sounded not far away, and the yellow doorkeeper gasped with relief, "General Pei, this brother wants me to open the door, he wants to challenge Guan Hai!"

"What! Who wants to challenge Guan Hai?"

The man exclaimed, obviously surprised.


Ma Yue turned around and said indifferently, "I, I want to challenge Guan Hai."

The eyes met, Ma Yue and the person came to see each other clearly at the same time, the coming general is no other than the Yellow Turban general Pei Yuan Shao who almost died under Ma Yue's sword.

"Ma Yue is you!?" Pei Yuan Shao's eyes abruptly shrank and said in a gruff voice, "I can't let you go, you're no match for Guan Hai."

The corner of Ma Yue's mouth floated a cold smile and said blandly, "This is our last chance to live, if we can't defeat Guan Hai, no one here will live to see the sun tomorrow!"

The air around seemed to freeze, all the yellow turban bandits who heard these words hung their heads in despair, including Pei Yuan Shao, Ma Yue was right, this was indeed the last chance to live, if they could not defeat Guan Hai, none of the yellow turban in the camp would escape the fate of being slaughtered.

Guan Hai is a devil, killing is a pleasure for him.

"Open the camp gate."

Ma Yue once again said nonchalantly.

The yellow scarves guarding the gate looked at Pei Yuan Shao with a helping hand, and Pei Yuan Shao nodded stolidly.

The heavy yamen finally opened slowly, Ma Yue put his steel sword on his shoulder and stepped out of the camp door with heavy steps, behind him came Pei Yuan Shao's anxiety-filled question: "Ma Yue, what are your chances of winning?"

Ma Yue did not turn around, but his cold reply came from the cold wind: "Less than ten percent."


On the yuan gate, the Yellow Turban general Du Yuan suddenly changed his complexion and said respectfully to Liu Yi beside him, "Commander, someone has come out of the camp to fight!"

Liu Pei's complexion suddenly changed and he eagerly asked, "Who? Who is it?"

"I don't know." Du Yuan shook his head and replied, "It's a sword and shield player."

"What! A sword and shield player?" Liu Pei immediately deflated like a deflated ball and sighed, "What use can a sword and shield player be, alas ......"

Pei Yuan Shao had already stomped up to the yamen, striding up to the marching drum, and shouted sternly at the yellow turban bandits beating the drum, "Get out of the way!"

The yellow turban beating the drum froze for a moment, as early as Pei Yuan Shao kicked away, Pei Yuan Shao grabbed the drum flogger again, viciously smashed on the drum surface, issued a loud thud, this thunderous drum sound, so that all the yellow turban bandits in the camp's heart suddenly jumped a little, followed by the dense as rain drums sounded in succession, shattered the silent and solemn battlefield.



The right arm of Guan Hai was raised above the top, and the shouting of the Yellow Turban soldiers behind him stopped like a knife cutting.

The sound of the magnificent drums, a big man shouldering a steel sword from the slowly opening of the yamen wanly appeared, Guan Hai's eyes knife-like fall on this big man, eyes killing machine flourished, like a beast that smelled blood, opened the blood plate mouth, revealing a blood-dripping fangs.

"The coming general name, Guan Hai's sword does not kill nameless people!"

Guan Hai with a long knife pointing to the man, this stern shout, surprisingly overshadowed the golden gorilla iron horse's exciting drums, clearly sent into the eardrums of the soldiers on both sides of the battlefield.

Ma Yue took a hundred steps forward to the center of the two armies' front, and answered indifferently: "A certain ...... Xiliang Ma Yue is also!

Guan Hai's legs clamped the belly of the horse, the war horse hissed and raised its hooves like flying, rushing towards Ma Yue, Guan Hai's angry eyes like crack, the long knife in his hand has been raised high.


That loud cry, tore the air, sharp as a knife pierced into Ma Yue's eardrums, vaguely painful.


A thousand yellow turban soldiers behind Guan Hai responded with a mountainous cry, the sound of which shook the sky, and on the yamen, the drums stopped, a tiger skin drum had been broken by Pei Yuan Shao.

Ma Yue slung steel sword, like a cold steel sculpture standing in the sand, not moving like a mountain, the cold wind swept up his ears a few strands of long black hair, fluttering, bleak and handsome, as his black eyes, sad and cold.

At the back gate of Liu Pei's camp, Liu Yan spurred his horse like a fly, galloping towards Wancheng in the distance, sprinkling a crystal teardrop in the air, Ma Yue, you must win! You can not die, must not die ah ......


Guan Hai shouted, hands struggling to swing, high raised long knife in the air a bizarre arc, flying to cut Ma Yue neck, Ma Yue is still, sharp eyes dead on the sharp blade of Guan Hai, when there is no time to lose, his body incredibly suddenly collapsed downward.

Guan Hai's knife slashed empty, has been rushed forward dozens of steps Guan Hai before the war horse dead, Guan Hai struggled to strangle the reins of the horse, crotch war horse hissed a man stood up, the hind legs even stirred two stirrups finally turned around in the air.

Ma Yue took a deep breath of cold air and tried his best to calm his frenzied heart, the round just now seemed to be a thrill, but it was a close one! Only Ma Yue himself knew that he was so close to death at that moment.

Ma Yue stared at the hoof of Guan Hai's warhorse, that ...... was Ma Yue's only chance to survive in death!

"Ho ho~"

Guan Hai head to the sky, left fist madly pounding his chest, issued a bang bang bang gritty loud sound, head of messy hair like steel needles root up, look like mad. Guan Hai brought a thousand yellow turban soldiers see the situation also crazy hands weapons raised to the sky, the mouth issued a continuous howling unlike human.

"Go to hell, roar~"

Guan Hai roared, his war horse once again stood up, and when the front hooves landed, the war horse had already completed the acceleration, and charged towards Ma Yue with the speed of lightning, this time finally straight to Ma Yue. Obviously, Guan Hai has been enraged, this combination, even if you can not cut off Ma Yue's head, but also to horse hooves to crush Ma Yue's body.

Ma Yue, with his hands on his sword, his black eyes swept through a wild beast-like light, the opportunity has finally come! As long as you can cut off the legs of Guan Hai's horse, Guan Hai will fall off his horse and lose his fighting ability for a short time, and that is the only chance for Ma Yue to win in a narrow escape!

Guan Hai's legs were held tightly to the belly of the horse, constantly urging the war horse to accelerate, and then accelerate again, the frenzied killing machine in Guan Hai's eyes was unprecedentedly hot.


The poor war horse finally could not withstand such destruction by Guan Hai, suddenly the front hooves a soft knee dust, the unsuspecting Guan Hai even with the whole horse overturned, fell with a bang on the sand, the dust rose up confused Ma Yue's eyes, victory ...... came so suddenly.

Guan Hai shook his head hard, opened his eyes in the dust, the first thing that came into view was a dazzling cold mane, it was a sharp steel knife, the tip of the knife had been tightly against his throat, he could clearly feel the cold chill coming from the tip of the knife, death ...... was only a stone's throw away from him.

The sun finally broke free from the confinement of the dark clouds, spilling a cold ray of light onto the battlefield, Ma Yue's shadow was stretched long and long on the ground, the whole world seemed to have frozen, everyone, all the yellow turban thieves looked at the fighting field in shock, the amazing turn of events made them unable to adapt.

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