《The Three Kingdoms》Xiliang Iron Riders


The wind is blowing, the earth is reckless.

A snowflake fell from the air and landed on Ma Yue's face, turning into a cold. Ma Yue tightened the steel knife in his hand, the cold texture from the fingertips, so that he was a clear mind.

Ma Yue looked at the end of the wilderness, where there was a faint black line writhing.

Is it finally coming? The corners of Ma Yue's mouth floated a faint subdued, finally tightened his belt and unloaded the wooden round shield with a corner missing on his back on the small arm of his right hand.

The sound of weapons being sheathed, gasps, and metal clanging sounded into one, as countless people like Ma Yue began their final preparations before the battle, and the cold wind blew up their turbans, forming a tumbling yellow wave of fury.

Yes, they are the Yellow Turban! Ma Yue was one of them, and was only an ordinary sword and shield player.

Ma Yue didn't know how he got here.

A month ago, I think it was November 2007 AD, on his way to travel to Tibet by train, he woke up in the sleeper after a sleep in this damn completely strange world. Only later did Ma Yue learn that he had traveled back in time and returned to the most chaotic and turbulent era in ancient Chinese history - the era of the Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty!

The year was the first year of Zhongping, 184 AD.

It was the prelude to the uprising of the hordes and the beginning of the cataclysm.

After a few days of desperate life, Ma Yue found out sadly that it was impossible to survive in this chaotic era by personal power alone, and that a group of roving thieves was enough to kill you! This is the era of man-eating man, your only chance to live is to pick up a weapon and kill, only by doing so can you survive.

Ma Yue wanted to join the official army, after all, the Yellow Turban Uprising would soon fail, and he didn't want to be a martyr for that old man Zhang Jiao.

But when he joined the army, he was almost killed by the greedy and brutal official generals as a Yellow Turban bandit to collect the reward, but fortunately a guy named Liu Pei led a standard Yellow Turban bandit and coincidentally saved him, so Ma Yue became Liu Pei's subordinate as a miscellaneous soldier, and then changed from a miscellaneous soldier to a sword and shield player because of his battle merits.

This month, Ma Yue has lost track of the total number of battles he has participated in, and he has quickly grown into a cold-blooded butcher during the successive vicious battles, and over the past month, at least a dozen officers and soldiers have died under Ma Yue's sword.

The faint black line on the horizon became thicker, the long and loud horn sounded in front, far away as if from another world.

The yellow turban thief soldier line is a quiet, whistling cold wind, Ma Yue heard a slight teeth chattering sound.


Ma Yue turned his head, gaze softly at the young man next to him, the boy is only sixteen years old, his face is still childish, he is holding a tightly sharpened wooden stick at both ends, the hands holding the stick is trembling gently.

Ma Yue reached out and patted the teenager's shoulder and said blandly, "Don't be afraid, it will soon pass."

The young man's surname is Chen Dang, because less than 20 years old, so there is no word, he is one of the reasons why Ma Yue still remains in Liu Pei's army, if there is no Chen Dang, if Liu Pei had not saved his life, Ma Yue would have found another way out. The yellow turban uprising will definitely fail in the end, Liu Pei is a grass bag, follow him to mix can only be a dead end.

But for the sake of Chen Dang, and to repay Liu Pei, Ma Yue stayed, because Chen Dang's father, Chen Xue, had saved his life on the battlefield, just like Liu Pei!

It was Ma Yue's first time on the battlefield. Faced with the tiger-like army rushing to kill him, Ma Yue's mind was blank and he didn't know what to do. A fierce official soldier caught his eye and rushed to him like a ghost, his steel sword raised in mid-air, a glimpse of the sun shone on the snowy blade, the dazzling reflection confused Ma Yue's eyes.

Ma Yue watched the dazzling snow from the air chopped down, the whole person like petrified general, can neither hide nor block.

At the critical moment, a heavy machete was erected on Ma Yue's shoulder, and the violent sound of iron and gold shattered Ma Yue's eardrums and awakened the primitive wildness in his heart.

Ma Yue will never forget the feeling of that sword stabbing in, just like when he pierced a turnip with a bamboo stick as a child.

The one who saved Ma Yue's life was Chen Xue, who paid a heavy price to save Ma Yue, and that was his life! As he struggled to swing his sword to free Ma Yue, a sinister lance pierced through his chest cavity, and when the blood-dripping tip of the lance pierced through Chen Xue's chest, he had completed the final ascension of a warrior.

"Take care of my son, Chen Dang and ...... Chen Le."

Before he died of breath, Chen Xue left only one sentence.

Ma Yue, a man of righteousness, took up Chen Xue's steel sword and also shouldered the last order he had given. For the sake of Chen Dang and Chen Le, he decided to stay and remain in the Yellow Turban Army.

One cannot stand without faith. What is the harm of losing one's life for the sake of one's friends? At that moment, Ma Yue felt that he had truly become an ancient warrior, because he had done so by treating his life like grass.

Ma Yue looked ahead and saw a ragged flag with a rider standing at attention.

Liu Pei was standing at the front of the formation, his chest was burning with great pride, one month, only one month, his army has grown from the initial 100 people to the current 5000 people! According to the establishment of the Han army, this is a whole battalion of troops.


At this rate, in less than a year, he would be able to raise a million-strong army that would sweep the world!

The black line on the horizon became thicker and thicker, and the speed of creeping forward became faster and faster.

Breathless waiting, Ma Yue felt that time and space in this moment long into eternity, there is a faint sound of thunder from the sky, and the earth beneath his feet is also trembling gently.

Ma Yue's face changed, Liu Pei's face changed, and the faces of all the veterans of the Yellow Turban Bandits changed.

It was a cavalry, a huge cavalry!

When Ma Yue saw the blazing banner waving in the wind, his heart, which had become indifferent because of the many bad battles, beat indefensibly because the banner was embroidered with the word "Dong" in a big bucket. Dong Zhuo of Xiliang, that is a devil, a jackal.


Dong Zhuo raised his sword, galloped his horse, a thousand Xiliang iron cavalry followed him like a shadow, a huge array of riders as if from the ghostly waves of hell, wrapped with the power to crush everything, such as the sky and the earth, such as the waves lapping at the shore, towards the Yellow Turban bandits in front of them.

The earth beneath his feet receded like a tidal wave, and there was only the roar of thousands of horses hitting the earth at the same time, the whole world was trembling, trembling, and the world was only me! The world was trembling and trembling.


Dong Zhuo shouted, his sword in his hand fiercely chopped down, and at the same time, he pivoted his horse's head and sailed diagonally to the side of the cavalry formation.


Thousands of iron hooves stirred up the snow, like a rolling stream of iron, instantly crossing Dong Zhuo and continuing to charge forward. The front row of cavalrymen pressed down their spears pointing straight into the void, hundreds of sharp spears shattering the cold wind, forming a suffocating forest of death.

The latter rows of cavalrymen raised the chopping swords in their hands high above the top, and the sharp cold glow caused the grayness of the sky to fade.


The yellow turban bandits' military formation began to stir, the soldiers standing in the front row began to look around in fear, the timid ones already began to retreat, Liu Pei galloped his horse back and forth in front of the formation, bellowing to try to control the declining trend, but his efforts were in vain, more people began to retreat backwards, the soldiers who could stay in place were becoming fewer and fewer.

Ma Yue sighed in despair, the yellow turban bandits are yellow turban bandits, even if they fight a hundred battles and ten thousand battles, they will still be yellow turban bandits, and will never become an official army! In the open plains, when infantry encounter cavalry, the only way to have a chance of survival is to line up in a dense array and fight to the death, turning and running can only be self-defeating, two legs can never be faster than four legs.

Under the strong pressure of the official cavalry formation, the Yellow Turban Army's high morale because of the continuous elimination of several small units of official troops quickly faded, Liu Pei in succession killed a few retreating soldiers to no avail, finally also gave up and turned to join the fleeing army. In the end, Liu Pei is not a very courageous person.

A defeated army is like a mountain.

Ma Yue knew that one person's stubbornness was not enough to turn the situation on the battlefield, so he had no choice but to follow the rout. Although he knew that the fate of the slaughter was inevitable even if he fled, but if he stayed in place, he could only die faster. The only blessing is that this time, the sword and shield soldiers and miscellaneous soldiers were ranked last, so now, he escaped the fastest.

The Xiliang iron cavalry rode into the fleeing Yellow Turban army like a tiger into a flock of sheep, the sharp spears pierced through the bodies of the Yellow Turban bandits like straw, and the bloody slaughter - began!

Ma Yue tightly pulled Chen Dang's hand, and ran forward wildly, he didn't dare to stop or turn around, the continuous screams came from behind him, and he knew without turning around that his former "robes" were being brutally slaughtered. Ma Yue sympathized with them and was willing to save them, but he couldn't do anything about it because he was only a sword and shield player.

"Uhhh ......"

A long, miserable cry rang out abruptly behind them, and it was actually close at hand. Obviously, the official army has caught up! Ma Yue sighed, knowing that the possibility of escape is no longer very likely, reached out behind Chen Dang and pushed hard, and then turned around with his sword, and as far as the eye could see, a cold light had shone on his neck and cut over.


Ma Yue let out a wolf howl, swinging his sword to block. The two swords clashed together without any finesse, and with the violent sound of iron and gold, Ma Yue opened his mouth and spurted out a stream of blood and arrows, and his bulky body floated up like a kite, tumbling and rolling backwards in the air. Ma Yue felt that the entire chest cavity had been squeezed into a thin layer, and it was difficult to breathe.

What a powerful force, even with all your strength, you still can't block a knife?

The Xilian cavalryman knocked Ma Yue away with his sword, and his horse then stood up and let out a long neigh with its head held high, two front hooves kicked in the air twice, and then stomped down hard on Ma Yue's face. Ma Yue's soul is scared, if this is stepped on, his head will be like a watermelon cracked open.

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