《The Vasilias:A LITRPG》arrow


Zack tried, again and again, trying to put the blood qi and the ice mana into the weapon but each time one of the energy into the blade it would spread all of its energy into the blade making it so no other energy could make its way through and I was not helping that he was running at 27 mph.

it had been 30 minutes since he tried to fuse the blood qi and ice mana into his new weapon and he still couldn't find a way to combine the two and he kind of needed to do that because if he didn't he would just have two energy that he could only use one at a time making him lose a lot of attack power but he couldn't think anymore on that topic because a pang of danger hit his Enchanted senses jumping to the right he felt an arrow graze his hip they have to be fair away if eyes of flesh

can't see them he thought as he dodged another arrow. Zack knew that he had to do something or was going to die he was dodging arrows for almost 30 minutes now

and he was starting to get some cuts and he was exhausted plus he was starting to slow down fuck I can't even find them he thought as he tried to dodge another arrow, Zack thought to himself I need to see where my attacker is but how can I see them if eyes of flesh can't even pondering to himself suddenly had an idea what if he expanded the version of eyes of flesh to find the archer but the real question was how, how was he going to expand his version. maybe....

he looked into his soul, but this time he went up looking into his head and then he saw it some runes guessing that's my skill he thought as he went back down a made steam of energy and placed it on the skill rune then suddenly he could see, and he saw the archer about 4 miles away nocking another arrow ''found you'' he said with a grin on his face as he boosted himself at the beast kin.


running he saw that the beast kin running most of figured out I knew where he was the thoughts he appeared next to the beast kin then cutting it in half with his huge cleaver. Looking at the beast kin he saw that it was a part dog this time guess I can call you a bitch he thought as he laughed at his joke, but then something

caught his eye a gem pecking out of the beast kins vest crouching down zack picked up the gem it seemed to glow blue but after 5 seconds of touching it suddenly it just stopped now it was just a grey rock weird he thought as he looked at the mountain the beast kin was running too guess that's where I'm going he thought as he once again started to run.

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