《The Vasilias:A LITRPG》the inheritage


Zack used {Frost bite} while running into the bloody hounds killing a few of them, summoning his Enchanted ice shrapnel which now had little spikes on the ice and more ice, the ice completely through the shredded through the hounds like they were butter

LEVEL UP 1x Name-Zack Age-12

level 21 Class-Ice Dominus/The Butcher


strength -93





Stat points-15

Race-[F] human quest-ice kindom-frost burn-Butchers minions 5,500 Cosmic Coins-2280 Titles-Cold void-first step-lucky or unlucky?-Elite-the hunter-lucky guy-skillfull-classes-kind of rare- Skills-[E] Frost arm^early [F] Frost bite [F]Butchers weapon [F] eyes of flesh

Zack looked at his stats and coins what do I even do those coins, but quickly took that idea out of his head, I don't need more distractions as he looked but at his stats where should I put my points he didn't need more dexterity or strength may be, endurance would help me, but I'm using a lot of skills so I should put them in wisdom and intelligence. His mind made up he put 5 puts into wisdom and 10 points into intelligence.

Name-Zack Age-12

level 21 Class-Ice Dominus/The Butcher


strength -93





Stat points-

Race-[F] human quest-ice kindom-frost burn-Butchers minions 5,500 Cosmic Coins-2280 Titles-Cold void-first step-lucky or unlucky?-Elite-the hunter-lucky guy-skillfull-classes-kind of rare-

where is the end to his dungeon, I've been in this caused place for almost 5 days now Zack thought there has to be an end right? He found it or he thought he found it '' YESSS THE END'' Zack said as he looked at the door, he looked at the door mmmmmmh is this the door, it looks a little eviler than that, maybe its the boss room and when I kill the boss I can get out of this goddam place he thought as he opened the door to the room


you have entered tekhnopark inheritage


'wait what'' was the last thing zack said before a bight light ate him

''where the hell am I'' zack said as he looked around as he thought about the blue box who the hell is tekhopark, probably something in Russia or greek, wait why the fuck am I thinking about this, what I should be thinking is where the fuck am I and the fuck do I do he thought as he looked around wow looks like some type of shrine and of course there is blood, everything is this place has some type of blood Zack thought but before he could do anything else he head a voice, a voice that sounded like an apex predator ''who dares enter my inheritage'' the voice said he looked to where the voice was and saw it a 7 feet humanoid figure with pink skin pig-like ears and red eyes. The thing stared at him ''so a human interesting'' the thing said, ''well then I should introduce myself

you can call me the slayer of gods or the blood king also the blood god'' but all Zack could think of I feel like I know this guy but I can't put my finger on it ''..or the arch blood but what you should call me is tekhnopark'' tekhnopark said he was still in shock at just him hearing so he just stood there when he finally got his sense back to getter and processed all of the information he looked back at tekhnopark and saw that he was patiently standing there ''so you're a god?'' Zack asked ''YES I AM THE BLOOD GOD'' tekhnopark said

''But the real question is are you worthy of my inheritage?'' it said ''wait what zack said ''didn't you come here for it?'' tekhnopark said ''no not really I just came here because I thought it would that me out of this dungeon''


Zack said shrugging ''yes the dungeon was to see if you are powerful to have my inheritage and I can see that you did so tell me young human what is your level'' tekhnopark said ''I'm un level 21'' Zack said nervously, tekhnopark just stared at him then started to laugh then stopped laugh when he noticed that I wasn't joking ''say what'' tekhnopark said with a gleam in his eyes oh shit

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