《8.29mm》Bang/Wrong Side


Pistolet was walking to her hotel when she saw Hun. She just got in a car casually with two older looking people. But now she had prosthetic arms. She looked around for the nearest car, and jumped in front of it. The autopilot forced a clean stop, and Pistolet approached the side of the car menacingly. The person inside immediately opened the door and got out. Pistolet whipped out her machine pistol from nowhere and got in the car. "I need this car. Give me your transfer number and I will buy you a Ferrari." The person gave her a number. "Good. Check your driveway right now." The person began to yell "Hey!" But then turned to see a Ferrari being parked in her driveway with drones. "Woah! Why didn't you just drive that in the first place!" Pistolet yelled as she drove away. "I LIKE TO MAKE A RANDOM PERSONS DAY WONDERFUL!" Hun's car was extremely far ahead. Pistolet tried to go faster, but Hun's car stopped on its own. Pistolet stopped with it, slowly exited the car and put her hand on the handle of the car door. BANG. a shot could be heard through the car, but muffled by soundproofing almost to the point of being non existant. "Heeheeehee…" Is all Pistolet could hear. For the first time in her life, she was genuinely terrified. She was there for what felt like forever, listening to Hun giggle like a schoolgirl. When the door handle rustled under her hand, "AAAGGGHH!" Pistolet screamed and ran back to her car, speeding off. There was no way she would have lived if she stayed. Hun is losing it! Hun is really losing it! She began to call the police on the car's built in phone when a bullet went straight through the headrest of the right seat. Liuxing was laughing even harder now, but was far away, yet her laughter fading in the wind.


Wrong side

Liuxing laughed. My dumb luck. I forgot in America the driver is on the left side. A lesson I should have learned just a few seconds ago. Hun turned around and got her YIFAMR from the bag. Those aren't my parents. The hospital would have searched my bags if they obtained them, meaning they would have known my name because they would have needed it to find my room, meaning I would have been prosecuted. That means the people that picked up my bags weren't the hospital's. That it would have to be Guido. And there is no way Guido is just conveniently on the ship waiting to get my bags before the hospital. I never even told them I was going to go on that ship. Finally, that means there were Guido spies following me the whole time. That guy who tried to kill me was too experienced to be a random guy, and a random guy would have gone to the police after the situation at the bank. Meaning, he was dropped as a spy at the bank and followed me this entire time to kill me. I bet there were other spies because of my destructive capability, meaning they should always have a trump card in case I run wild. That card was probably two actors pretending to be my parents. Well played Guido, you made me say the word 'Meaning' too much and waste two perfectly good .50s. She walked over to her "parents" and checked their belongings. Yup, two Guido ID cards. Worst part is, they almost had me beg them to go back to Romania after I completed my mission. Hun could now hear sirens approaching from the distance. Always wear ear protection when using a weapon. You need your hearing quite a bit. She loaded her one mag of AP rounds she brought for an occasion just like this. Police windows weren't going to break that easily. Numerous cars approached, and she chose the closest one. 4 bullets from her weapon created as a marksman rifle capable of close quarters erupted from her shoulder, right into the head of a poor officer just trying to do his job. Hun was sure she shot in the correct side now. The car sped at Hun, but there was no way the owners foot was pushing on the gas hard enough to accelerate or maintain speed at all. The other cars saw this unfold and slid perpendicular to Hun. She was in a circle of cop cars besides the one that she shot. That one now leisurely rolled to her like a dog wanting a treat. The police all in full armor got out of their cars and took cover behind them. One of them used a speaker: "If you do not put down your weapon in 2 seconds you will be shot immediately!" Hun leaped in the car that was rolling to her. The circle of cars fired, but handguns without FMJ to minimize property damage and shotguns weren't gonna cut it. Not enough penetration power. Hun threw out the dead man. He was not shot at, meaning the police were not scared one bit and weren't flinching. A brave death was an honourable death, and she could respect if she or them died. Her first 4 shots were not very honourable, as was showing up with the entire police force. Might be a decent trade in my eyes. Keeping her entire body below the windows, she smashed the gas pedal. The high power of the police designed car's engine pushed right through the circle of cars and back onto the highway. How am I supposed to make it out of this one… Another car, a civilian car, was coming from the right. What? Why is there a bullethole in the windshield? Then she realized. It was Pistolet. Hun tried to slow down before she reached the intersection but Pistolet turned to compensate. Lolita, she thought I was crazy. The car formed a nice little T with Hun's as she rammed it. Both spun. Liuxing looked at her forearms. Her brand new prosthetics were broken, and the fingers barely responded to her commands. Lolita has a great sense of humour, huh. Hun pulled just as she did at the Formidable, and was able to get her arms free without them coming off. The metal shined in her eyes as her "fingers" twitched. Hun was pissed. She grabbed her CV19 and dashed into the fast food restaurant next to her. I won't take a hostage. It will be simply me VS Pistolet. Let the better woman win. If I die, At least I rest. She looked up at the sun before she entered the building, just noticing the two wounds in her abdomen. Maybe she did get hit by an officer as she was entering the car. Wait, this is all too familiar. Crushed arms, two gunshots in my abdomen, effed up knee, no rifle. this is just like the dream that started it all. And just like in it, I am tired. I just want to go to bed. She saw a glimpse of an Angel in the sky as she finally entered.

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